When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

New Year, never fear...or something along those lines :)

New Year's Eve 2013 has come and gone...Thanksgiving and Christmas 2013 but a memory now.  Am I the only one who is happy and sad all at the same time?  Life is so strange when you think about it.  As kids we feel like life and holiday's take forever to get here, and it is for the most part by far the easiest part of our lives, but of course we don't know that at the time and refuse to listen when adults try to tell us so as kids. As adults, life goes so fast, holiday's come and go with such a hurry you feel like a run away train with the brakes snapped in half.  And of course, as adults we don't want it to hurry, but rather stopping time or at least slow motion would be our preference!

So you may be wondering where I went to again? Even as I told my mom I was writing a blog today, and she said, "WHAT?"...I went on to explain why I think I am an on and off again blogger. First let me say, I don't make money at this, and I write because of the love of writing...plain and simple.  I am not someone who just likes to hear herself speak, and I don't necessarily desire to be in the spotlight.  I came to a realization today, I am like a well when it comes to writing...you know like a water well.  When I haven't written in a while the water builds up within the well, and once it begins to overflow so does my desire to write to the point where I almost can't stop it from spilling over.  Kind of like a burst pipe which can lay quiet for a while functioning to perfection and all of the sudden for no apparent reason there is a crack with a little leak, then a spurt sprays out...and before you know it, a full blown flood of water is released.  I know, it is weird, and I don't necessary think it is writers block because I can always force something out, but it is never my best work.  My best work is always a part of that overflow that can't be stopped because it comes from deep within me.  It is raw, transparent, uninhibited, and often writes itself if truth be told.  My fingers can't keep up with my mind, and this is probably the fastest my mind ever works...only to pause long enough to reword things which don't make sense or could be said better a different way.  Like I said, I know it sounds strange, and well, it is even to me, but this is the truth!

With all that said, in a nutshell I write because I can't stop it, and I can't control when it comes and goes.  It has a mind of it's own, just like my naturally curly hair does on humid days :) I don't want to be like the school teacher from Charlie Brown that drones on WAA wa wa waaa waaaaaaaaaa and no one listens.  I don't want to write just to hear myself speak.  I want to make sure what I do write has a little value, could maybe make a difference to someone, can fulfill my need to be creative by using the old noggin, and maybe, just maybe entertain a friend or two with my often crazy life so they don't feel alone!!

But hey, it's a new year, 2014, whether we like it or not, so bring on the new wrinkles, the fight to at least NOT gain any more weight this year, and hope for the best in the way of finances, overall health, the things that mean the most to us.   So, never fear people, as fear only holds us back from what we often do best but are afraid to fail at the most.  Cheers to 2014! We might as well since we can't stop time, so smile and just move on :)


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