When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mall in the Rain with Two Kids in tow

First let me say clearly, I am so NOT a mall person anyway; but I had a $40.00 off certificate at Dick's and free undies at VS, and both were running out of time. This propelled us to take a trip to the mall in the pouring rain today. It was raining so hard it wasn't even worth trying to get out the stroller, or CCU (child containment unit) as I fondly call it :) So needless to say, chasing Luke around the store, hiding under clothes racks, and an overwhelming fear he could slip away and get lost was about to send this Momma right over the edge. Now add in a preteen with an attitude and her own agenda and voila! A very stressed out situation escalating at record speed!!! We then get undeniably lost inside the mall itself trying to find our way to California Pizza Kitchen for lunch. In my defense, I have only been in the mall two other times, so I am not completely familiar with where everything is and multi-story made it worse. I am certain you can feel the love going around among the kids and I! What else can you do, smile and just move on...

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