When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fear of failure, fear of success, or fear of change

Why are we usually our own greatest enemy? Why do we let fear keep us from completely and totally fulfilling our dreams and aspirations? I believe it is probably attributed to either one, two, or all three of the following: fear of failure, success, and/or change!

Fear of failure, which can bring us down to sub levels of self worth, and feelings of doubt in our purpose in this world, thus leading to a sense of hopelessness.

Fear of success is a bit tricky. At first success brings immediate joy and happiness, but is often followed by stress and anxiety based on having to live up to our newly found achievements on a consistent basis.

Fear of change kind of encompasses both above, as fear of the unknown is just that, unknown and unpredictable, a place many just do not do well in these days.

It would appear we live in a world where our desire for the adventure has been squashed by mundane lifestyles and predictability. Unlike the chance takers which helped found our great nation, who risked everything including the lives of themselves and their families; their ambition was to live out the desires of their hearts.

Fear itself is from Satan, as he would like nothing better than our lives to feel useless, fruitless, and incomplete. But we have the opportunity to choose to move forward into uncharted territories, chase our dreams, and live as we were intended to do.

I choose to do this by publicly trying my hand as a writer and if I fail, well...at least I can say I certainly tried! Either way, success or not, I choose not to just settle; and my hope is you will also step out in faith and chase your dreams too! Besides, we can always simply smile and just move on :)

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