When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Candy Corn Diet

Why oh why do I do it to myself year after year?  I go on a candy corn diet, and the results are never positive.  It would just seem so wrong to not indulge in these sweet, colorful, yummy fall treats!  And worst of all, I now have my daughter and son hooked.  My little guy will stand at the counter, pointing to the pumpkin shaped glass container holding these little nuggets of deliciousness, and chant corns, corns, corns!  Now the child won't even think about touching a real kernel of corn, but he is all about the yellow, orange, and white ones.  When I was small I remember for some strange reason loving the white tips best; what it the world? There are not different flavors for each color like that of a multicolored popsicle, but in my mind I suppose there was :)  Then of course there is the candy pumpkins made of the same goodness as candy corns, yet with more volume per bite.  There is just something about the feeling of pulling on your favorite jeans, digging out your old, faded sweatshirt from back in the day, and a mouth full of candy corns.  Fall is surely in the air, and after the hot summer we just endured...I am more than ready.  Besides, fall is my most favoritest season!  But be careful, don't let the candy corn diet overcome you, or else your favorite jeans may not stay your favorites for long, if ya know what I mean.  And if by chance the temptation becomes too great...well,  then smile and just move on...

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