When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How can I be sick? I never get sneezed or snotted on...

I am typing this from my phone because I can't even get out of bed! Sickness has taken hold of me like the grim reaper, and I'm sure I know the original source...or sources I should say!

If it wasn't one of my sweet sneezing, snotting kids, it was my long time sneezing, coughing, snoring bed partner husband. Mom has the job of nurse, but when nurse Momma goes down, watch out! I am utterly amazed how quickly the house can go from tidy to T total disaster. Maybe because as I walk from the kitchen to the living room, I make a brief stop to pick up toys on the floor and put them in the toy box. Or on my way to the laundry room, I place a few dishes in the dishwasher from the sink. It doesn't make logical order of operation sense really, but I suppose it works and is a subconscious knee jerk reaction to a mom who likes order! But, not everyone possesses this ability, my husband may have it a bit...but not like I do. My family often just walk over it and continue with whatever they were doing, which I think is pretty normal behavior for a husband and kids.

My crazy clean germaphobic friend and I have decided it takes approximately 2 hours a day to maintain a home that is presentable to an unexpected guest. Now this time is not included in normal routine weekly cleaning such as dusting, vacuuming and the cleaning of bathrooms; this 2 hours is in addition to that delightful toilet scrubbing, vacuum sweating fun!

In other words, just the day in day out pick up, straighten up, put away Momma detail is vital to a families home tidiness; and when Momma gets sick, it often takes days after her illness goes away to help the house recover too! And if you are like me, as I lay in bed, I sit and think of all I could/should be doing and can't. But I don't worry, it will surely be there when I'm back to my old self again. Besides, all I can really do in this situation is smile and just move on :)

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