When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Rhinovirus has arrived - Aaachooooo!

Tis the season I suppose, but I don't have to embrace it with open arms!!! I love the fall weather, the cool mornings followed by the warm afternoons, and reading one of our all time favorite books, The Flea's Sneeze pictured to the right, but not the sickness! We officially have our first round of the Human Rhinovirus AKA the common cold.  There are 99 recognized types of Human rhinoviruses that differ according to their surface proteins. They are among the smallest viruses, love to proliferate (multiply) in temperatures between 91-95 degrees F, are contracted from aerosols of respiratory droplets and from contaminated surfaces like phones and doorknobs, including direct person-to-person contact. There is no place on the face of the earth to hide from the human rhinoviruses because they occur worldwide and are the primary cause of common colds. Symptoms include sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing and cough; sometimes accompanied by muscle aches, fatigue, headache, muscle weakness, or loss of appetite.  There are no "shots" like the flu shot to try and avoid the colds, and fall-winter are peak season :(  The start of school, as well as the fact that more people are spending time indoors due to weather are the reasons for the spike in the fall, thus continues till spring arrives.  Of course, there is that "summer cold" that sneaks in and takes hold of your family, but for some reason it just doesn't seem so bad in the summer...to me at least.

So what are the best strategies to fight this little enemy?  Lots of tissues, lots of liquids, and lots of rest!!! I am not a doctor, so I won't give any medical advice beyond that, but obviously a fever, difficulties breathing, and what not would be signs that a visit to the doctor may be in order.  Which brings me to my next point...It is so hard to decide when and when not to go be seen by the doctor.  I have called today to speak to the nurse about little Luke, and it is very difficult even for them to determine whether it will be a worthwhile trip, or they will tell you to keep treating the symptoms, which you were already doing.  But if you are like me, it makes you crazy wondering.  I don't want to seem like the paranoid parent, but I don't want to seem too lax and all the sudden we are in a real dangerous situation because I let it go too long!  We are in the wait, watch, and see stage at this point.  Now, just waiting to see who else gets it in the house, and my throat feels swollen, so it very well could be me.  After all, he has been coughing and sneezing on me, and I am the chief nose wiper around here. What else can I do, smile and just move on...

Remember, I am not a doctor, just a writer, so seek professional medical advice if necessary :)

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