When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

October 15th, The Second Worst Day of the Year!

Have you ever been to the post office on October 15th and wondered why the long line?  Well, in case you didn't know...October 15th is the tax extension deadline, the day I hate.  I would love to say I had only experienced this one time, but that wouldn't be the truth.  Since we own our company personally, we often have to go on an extension due to the nature of the construction business, and when we get paid by our clients.  We don't have much choice, if we want to have a roof over our heads and food on the table.  Sure, we have to pay interest, but the alternative is not so great.  But after many afternoons in the post office line on October 15th, I have realized one thing...we are not alone.

It's the old saying, one step forward...and two steps back, that is how I feel today.  I had a savings, and well, now I don't.  I understand that paying taxes is necessary, even God speaks of it in the bible.  And I know there are things my taxes pay for that are well needed, like the police and fire departments, road maintenance, schools, and all the other things...but I would just have felt better if it were staying in my nice little savings account.  Instead, it's back to square one, trying to make ends meet and starting the saving efforts again, (sigh)!!!

So, on this yucky rainy day when I pay my taxes to Uncle Sam... I do know I have to, (the two things you HAVE to do in life, die and pay taxes) but it doesn't mean I have to like it, right?  And it just means April 15th will be here before you know it :(  I remember those days when I used to look forward to tax filing because I would actually get money back!  Those were the days for sure :) What else can I do today but smile and just move on...

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