When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

It's recipe Wednesday...Most Fantabulous Chocolate Chip Cookies EVER!!!

I know last weeks recipe contained chocolate chips, so I am guessing you have realized I am no stranger to chocolate.  And normally, I would not have two recipes back to back with chocolate chips in them because I like to spread things out and alternate a bit.  BUT, have to have this recipe because these cookies are to die for and uncomplicated to make.  It is my friends Tanya's special mixture and she has most graciously allowed me to share it with the world :)  Somehow you can even overcook these cookies and they still are soft and yummy! (and I am not a fan of hard crunchy cookies so maybe that is why I LOVE this recipe)  If I tell the whole truth, then I have to confess I baked a batch last night so I could take a picture for today's post.  Guess what?  They are gone and the deliciousness of them totally distracted me from taking the picture.  All I can do now is bake another batch right?  I chose to make the dough, put it in an air tight glass container and leave in the refrigerator, which will allow me to make smaller batches over the next week or so.  This dough does not have to be refrigerated, and can be baked right after mixing it all up.  It is a very good thing I didn't bake the whole batch or else I am afraid Lily, Luke, and I would have a tummy ache because we lost all self control and didn't stop till they were GONE!!!  I will insert a picture of them as soon as I bake another batch, and I promise this is one to go ahead and print or write down on your recipe card.  They are not low fat, but boy o' boy are they fantabulous.  If you make these for someone they are gonna be your friend for life.  I may have added a few too many calories to my day yesterday but what else can you do when your cookies taste that good, smile and just move on... :)

Tanya's Fantabulous Chocolate Chip Cookies

2 sticks butter - SOFTENED
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp vanilla
2 eggs
2 cups flour (could substitute whole wheat but I haven't tried yet)
12 oz chocolate chips of choice (I used half chocolate chips and half butterscotch chips) but use what you like best.

Whip butter, then add white sugar and whip again on high.  Add brown sugar and whip again.  Add baking soda, salt, vanilla and eggs and mix again.  Add 1 cup flour and mix, then another cup of flour and mix, then add your chocolate chips of choice and mix again.

Bake at 365 for 8 minutes.

My next batch is going to be white chocolate chip and macadamia nut !!! 

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