When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cautiously Optimistic

If you are like me, there are times in your life when you simply can't help yourself but be cautiously optimistic.    Of course, this may take on many different aspects from jobs, to a potential spouse, or even a pregnancy after a miscarriage.  It is a weird state of being, one that you just aren't sure to be uber excited, scared of disappointment, or the utter confusion of feeling them both at the very same time.  It is like having the angel on one shoulder saying, "This is it, you are finally going to be rewarded for patience and perseverance," or the devil on the other saying, "Don't get your hopes up stupid, chances are better that this will never happen."
I know I am not alone on this one, as we have all felt it before and probably several or even many times over.  Is it best to think positive, get all psyched up, and believe it IS going to happen? Or should we move to the pessimistic side, already brace ourselves for the fall, and not waste the energy?

If you were thinking I was going to have the answer...um, NO of course I don't know!  I am in the same boat as you are on these things.  I often find myself floating somewhere along the center, in the middle I guess you could say.  I find myself getting excited and hoping, but then reigning feelings and emotions back in, almost as a safety mechanism to guard my heart from being broken.  I will say if you don't dream, or at least try to follow that dream, life can often become boring, mundane, and depressing.  But, going out and investing next weeks rent and grocery money on some exciting but not well thought out venture, isn't probably the best way to go about making your dreams a reality.  I believe a happy medium, a well investigated path to your dream, will eventually yield a much better result with less risk...and you still have food on the table and a roof over your head.  It is something you slowly cultivate, groom if you will, keeping your feet on the ground, but moving in that direction with focus, yet calculated steps to getting where your dream leads you to be.

Today I will choose to continue to work hard toward my dream, take the steps...even the ones that are a little shaky and a bit unpredictable, stay the course even if and when failure knocks at my door, and eventually I will get there.  My prayer is you will too, move toward something that you have always dreamed of for your life, and even if we by chance don't get there; at least no one can ever say we didn't give it our best girl scout effort!  Besides, we could always Smile and just move on :)

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