When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Monday, April 1, 2013

April Fools? Who are you fooling?

Today is April 1st, otherwise known as April fools day!  And after a bit of research on how April fools day began...there are way too differing stories and who knows which, if any, is correct.  I suppose I won't even try to do there today.  Besides I am way too preoccupied with trying to potty train my son! It can be said, I suppose that he played an April fools joke on me without even meaning to do so today.

Yesterday after waiting MONTHS to have him do a #2 on the potty, and after much bribing him with everything from toys, to money, to motorized vehicles...it finally happened.  Needless to say, my daughter, husband and myself acted like complete lunatics once the deed was complete...insane clapping, cheering and over the top positive reinforcement was our plan to keep him motivated to use the potty!!! And as I had promised, after I picked him up from preschool this morning, we proceeded to the Walmart to purchase the firetruck he had been eyeballing for a while.  This firetruck was all he had talked about for weeks now.  The firetruck was purchased, and all was going well today.  He even wore his big boy underpants to school, and after three hours had successfully kept them clean and dry.

We get home, and I run upstairs to make the beds and throw a load of laundry in the wash. As I walk down the hall, I notice the puppy seems to have left his mark on my carpet.  I then get the little green out to treat the pee pee spot on the carpet, put it away and walk downstairs where Luke is happily playing with his new firetruck...with a big old turd in his underpants!!! April fools on me, right?  I bought the firetruck to hold up my promise, and it wasn't even 1/2 hour old, and I was cleaning out his pants.  I wasn't sure if I should laugh, cry or throw up my hands in frustration.  But I suppose parenting can be that way can't it?  We turn our backs for two seconds and all can fall apart!  Of course, did what all frustrated parents would do...threaten to take the firetruck back because he pooped his pants.  Will it work?  Who knows, a girl can hope!  I don't think a day would be complete if I didn't deal with vomit, pee or poop from either my kids or animals.  One day when all is quiet in my house, you know when I'm a hundred and ten years old, and I will remember these days filled with bodily functions of all sorts.  These years are the best and yet the messy ones as well.  What else is there to do but smile and just move on...as they say "poop happens" :)  

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