When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Recipe Wednesday...1 Pot Meal Roast Beef and Smashed Potatoes

Pot Roast with Smashed Potatoes

Pot Roast with Smashed Potatoes

Thanks www.dashrecipes.com for this awesome dinner recipe!! This is a very similar recipe to one we have had in my family passed down.  I love the idea of cooking the meat and potatoes all in one pot, because I love to cook, I love to eat, and I so do NOT love dishes!!! By the way, Dash has some great recipes, so check them out sometime ;) Oh, and one more very important detail, I love the gravy on the potatoes too!!!

2 Tbsp vegetable or olive oil
1 3½ lb chuck roast
1 medium onion, halved and cut into ¼-inch slices
5 cloves garlic, peeled and smashed slightly
2 lbs small Yukon gold potatoes, scrubbed
2 packets onion soup mix
½ tsp black pepper
2 10¾ oz cans cream of mushroom soup
1 14.5 oz can low sodium beef broth  
½ cup sour cream

1. If using a Dutch oven, preheat oven to 325°F. In the Dutch oven, heat oil over medium high. Brown the meat, 5 to 7 minutes per side. Add onions; cook for 5 more minutes. Add the garlic; cook for another minute.   
2. If using a slow cooker, transfer the meat and onion mixture to it. Add remaining ingredients except sour cream. Cover and set cooker on low heat setting. If using a Dutch oven for the entire time, cover and place in the oven.  
3. Cook 4 and a half hours. Remove Dutch oven from oven or turn off the slow cooker. Remove meat; rest on cutting board.
4. With a slotted spoon, remove potatoes to a bowl. Add sour cream; smash with a wooden spoon or potato masher. Season with salt and pepper, if desired. And if they are a bit too stiff, you can always add a little splash of milk to thin them a bit.  

5. Slice beef; serve with broth on top and potatoes in a bowl

Monday, March 25, 2013

Bad Habits...So hard to break!

Tonight, I thought as I twirled my hair, tickled my hair in my ear and bit the skin on the inside of my jaw...I would tackle a subject which often gets little attention, bad habits. Now, let is all be honest with ourselves, we all have them.  Some are a little more dangerous to our health, some are harmless...but they are all things we wish we didn't do, but can't seem to help ourselves.  I notice as my stress level goes up, my habits increase as well.  Funny thing is, my husband and I have the same habit of shoving the end of our hair under our finger nails.  It gives that sensory input I suppose we need to help soothe our nerves.  If I am super stressed, it might be said I am doing a double twirl, or the double tickle with my hair in my ears.  I know, it's strange...but don't judge.  You know you have those habits too which you can't seem to break.  I have a family member, whom I will leave nameless, that pulls their eyebrow hairs out one at a time until there are virtually any left.  And of course, you have the common ones like biting fingernails, picking your nose, cracking or popping your knuckles and chewing on a pen or pencil.  But why is it so stinking hard to stop this often crazy and bizarre behavior?

If you think about it, I bet you are like me and have had the same habits basically all of your life.  My Mom would tell you when I was a baby, still in my crib, I would pluck the fur off of my stuffed animals and tickle with them.  I guess back then, when I didn't have any hair, I had to sacrifice the fluff off of my stuffed animals...I know pretty funny.  It's okay, you can laugh at me.  I don't care, partly because I am confident in who I am, mostly because the Lord is the One I most worry about impressing, and I know I'm not alone :) But what is the reason we struggle to break them?

Often it is simply a decision to just not give it up at all. Or if you are like me, I just choose to keep the ones which are more harmless than the others.  My husband gives me trouble for biting my jaw, and yes it probably causes me extra unwanted wrinkles on my face...my Mom would tell me it was going to cause cancer, yet the only way I can stop it is if I have a mouth guard in place to prohibit me from biting.  I do it without even realizing it, almost like a compulsive disorder.  I don't really want to do it, it just happens like when I blink my eyes or swallow.  It is hard to stop something you don't even realize you are doing until it is too late.  Then the hair twirling, and tickling are often the habits I can use instead of biting my jaw to soothe myself from stress.  At least they don't cause wrinkles or "cancer" as my Mom would threaten when biting my jaw.  Neither here nor there, habits are hard to break, like it or not.  They are mechanisms which we have acquired to help us cope with the stresses of life.  So the next time you see me twirling my hair, tickling or shoving my hair under my nails...Smile and just move on :) 'Cause chances are, I will be playing with my hair until either I am dead or have no hair which ever comes first!!!

Oh, and one more thing, feel free to tell the world your bad habits in the comments section if you'd like :)

Friday, March 22, 2013

And the Winner Is...

After drawing a name out of a hat from the entries for the digital scrap booking software, and I promise I did it fair and square...Jaclyn Anderson is the winner :) but never fear, I get to give another package away for free in 3 months, so make sure to enter to win again :) have a great weekend everyone!!!

Oh Spring, Wherefore Art Thou?

Oh spring, where are you?  I am so tired of cold weather, and I'm not even in a part of the world that is all "that" cold in comparison.  Mother Nature, didn't you glance at your calendar lately...It is March 22nd, come on with it already!!! And of course, I am NOT ready to wilt with the summer heat either, just want those beautiful spring days with a temperature about 75 degrees, nice breeze, and bright blue sky with big white puffy clouds.  Seriously, is that too much to ask?  I think not.  It took this winter to kick into gear, and now I guess we are paying the price for those nice days in late November!  It didn't even feel like Christmas this year because it was so mild, and now Spring doesn't feel like itself because IT IS COLD!!! I need my flip flops, my t-shirt, my smells of spring.  Now, I realize it is on it's way courtesy of the POLLEN count, and it is doing quite the number on my allergies.  And I assume I am not the lone ranger on this one either.

I have purchased so much Sudafed lately the police are probably going to show up at my door and accuse me of drug manufacturing, LOL! And I am not the only one in my house suffering.  My kids are too, so when I go to the pharmacy to purchase their pseudoephedrine, I have to give them my drivers license number.  Then I go to buy mine, and they tell me I am at my limit!  Go figure, do I look like a meth producer? I think NOT!  But I suppose I understand the why behind it, however if people are determined to make that poison, the law is probably not going to stop them unfortunately.  I get up each morning, can't breath out of my nose, and so my mouth is dry and tastes like the cats litter box, or what I imagine it probably taste like :) I try blowing, and blowing, and blowing as my sinuses crackle like a piece of dry wood thrown on the fire. I cough and feel like I have an elephant taking up residency on my chest, as my allergy induced asthma rears it's ugly head.  My Mom likes to compare it to breathing through a towel, and all of the sudden breathing is something you actually notice taking place, where it once was just naturally occurring without you thinking about it at all.  I take my allergy pills like clockwork, yet as the pine trees do their thing, my poor little immune system goes into overdrive and I feel like someone drained my energy right out of my big toes.  Tis the season, I just wish it was actually accompanied by nice weather this year.  If I'm gonna suffer, might as well be with mild temps!!

I am sure I am not alone in dreaming of springlike temperatures, allergy season slipping by without my body noticing the pollen counts are on the rise, and moving closer to boating, golfing, swimming, and enjoying a casual drink on my deck season.  But, it is just a part of life and we will all have to be patient whether we want to or not.  Mother Nature doesn't really care about my opinion on her timing, so I guess I will smile and just move on :) It can't last forever, right?

Oh, and one last thing, today is your last chance to enter the digital software give-away for scrapbooking with your digital pictures at www.mymemories.com.  You must enter your name on the post from this past Monday in the comment section by 5pm TODAY!! Right now only four people are signed up, so they have pretty good odds, unless you, yes you, get on the ball and enter!  I will take all entries and in a very high-tech way (not) write their names on little pieces of paper, then draw one out of the hat!  Announcing the winner at 7PM tonight :)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

21 of my Favorite Things on this 21st of March :)

I should preface this list is just that, things, and are in a very random order, and by no means listed from least to best or vice versa, and excludes people!  Here goes...and how many of mine are on your list too?  Write your name and how many of your fav's are on my list, just for fun of course!!!

  1. Clean sheets
  2. A new toothbrush
  3. Puppy breath
  4. A new box of Crayola Crayons
  5. Pink Lemonade Cake
  6. Hearing the words, "I love you"
  7. A unexpected gift or flowers
  8. Sun on my face, and sand on my feet
  9. The morning I leave for vacation
  10. Good music
  11. Waking up to inches of snow on the ground
  12. Comfy shoes 
  13. Wearing my pajamas all day
  14. Biscuits and gravy 
  15. Double rainbow after a storm
  16. Taking a nap just because you can
  17. Answered prayers
  18. New haircut 
  19. Brownie Sundae
  20. Wind in my face on a boat ride
  21. Getting a hug just when you need it most

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

It's Recipe Wednesday, back in action...

Recipe Wednesday, the day I designed to post a new recipe, or an old recipe I just ran across again.  Geeze, life is complicated, full of distractions and craziness, but I think I am back on track with this blog :)  Also, I will be launching a Smile and Just Move On Facebook page so make sure you LIKE and share with your friends, PLEASE (in a pretty please with sugar on top kind of voice)!! Also, don't forget to sign up to win the digital scrapbooking software which will be given away THIS FRIDAY to one lucky winner.  Leave your name in the comments of yesterdays post to be entered.  Remember, this could be given away as a gift if you didn't need it yourself.  See previous post for information...

 So, spring is here and what better to kick off spring, but a SPRING SALAD!!! Enjoy peeps :)

Spring Salad Recipe


12 slices bacon

  1. Place bacon in a large, deep skillet. Cook over medium high heat until evenly brown. Drain, crumble and set aside.
  2. In a large salad bowl, toss together the bacon, broccoli, celery, green onions, green grapes, red grapes, raisins and almonds.
  3. Whisk together the mayonnaise, vinegar and sugar. Pour dressing over salad and toss to coat. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Let's try this again, Scrapbook software give away FREE

Okay, so I tried this before and had two wonderful people comment to be entered into the drawing for free software. And not to discount the efforts of these two fine ladies, but two people just don't feel like a contest to me...  Are y'all telling me only two people out of all of you that read this blog like to get something for FREE?? I don't buy it!! I decided maybe I didn't explain it very well, or made the entering too hard?  I would like to give it another go, and I already have the free code for the software stored on my computer and ready to GIVE FREE to someone!!! So, come on people, could you at least make it a little more exciting to give away 40.00 worth of digital software from My Memories PLEASE.  And keep in mind, I am the one who chooses the winner, not the company. You don't have to do anything with them or give them any information unless you are chosen the winner.

First, you will want to check out their site to see if you are interested.  Keep in mind, if you really get into this, you can purchase additional designs, but the original software includes tons of different designs, colors, fonts, and the list goes on and on.  It is easy to use, and you can choose to print your stuff, or just keep it digitally and show people that way too!  The website is http://www.mymemories.com/ so go check it out real quickly and then comment on this blog your name (first and last) and why you would like to win.  Don't be lazy and turn down this opportunity to help simplify your photo keepsakes.

I have shown you two pages from my book I am making (slowly I might add, due to major sickness and allergy attacks that have hit my home lately).  It never hurts to try winning now does it?  Remember, it is FREE!!! I love free stuff, who doesn't?  Go for it, comment below to enter the contest! Only one lucky winner, and for the love of Pete, let the contest consist of more than TWO people.  I know you all take pictures with your camera, or if you are like me, most are with my phone.  They are all just sitting there waiting to make something beautiful, right?  Just do it!!! NOW!!! sign up!!! and if you win you will be smiling, and if not you can always take advantage of my coupon code out to the right to get 10.00 off the software and 10.00 coupon to spend in the on-line store for extra designs if you want them.  Go for it!!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

A New Appreciation for Living

Funny how when life moves along and nothing major is going on, we kind of sail along and don't think too much about it.  This is when all of the sudden the little things seem huge, and we often get bogged down with worry and stress over "stuff" that in the long run really doesn't matter much.  Why can't we just be glad all is well, and not search high and low for something to complain about?  Of course, this is not my case, as most often something is going on at my house, but then again with a busy husband, two kids, two dogs, and a cat...someone is always causing a ruckus. Either the cat coughed up a hairball, the dog peed on the carpet, my son is shooting snot rockets out his nose, my daughter is late for dinner again, my husband has run out of gas somewhere...you get the point.  Never a dull moment or peace and quiet, that is for certain.  Wonder what it's like to be able to go "potty" by yourself, drink a Coke without having to share, shower at a leisurely pace, or just take a walk without having dogs and kids tagging along?

I have noticed the older people get, the more they worry about things which are small and to be quite honest have no major significance on life in general.  Not that my list above doesn't list things which are smallish, but it is the constant barrage of them coming at you 24/7 which wear you down. .  For instance, once we have retired, have the house and cars paid for, have the children out of the house and on their own, to me...this is a time to kick back and enjoy. But, I believe all the silly worrying is probably because they truly don't have much else to worry with, so in an effort to complain about something...they look for things.  No mortgage to pay, no homework to struggle through, less laundry, less food to prepare, less of everything really.  Why do we as humans find ourselves constantly ill-satisfied no matter how much we have and how easy life is.

Movie stars and the rich and famous are prime examples of this too.  They have every material thing possible at their fingertips, but yet they are often wrapped up in drugs or some other detrimental activities which often land them in deep trouble or even death.  It is so very sad really, and quite a shame.  Instead of celebrating how good we have it, we look to all the negatives in our lives.  Is it merely human nature, or a direct result of the society we live in?  Maybe the cause is unrealistic lifestyles we see exhibited on television or movies?  Most of you, if not all of you who are reading this, are privileged!  You must have a computer, or access to one at least, which means you probably have a house, food, clean water, and all the daily necessities to function...which is more than millions of people in this world right now.  We have much to be thankful for today.  We must renew our appreciation for life, and don't worry with the small stuff going wrong, but harness the sense gratitude toward what we do have.  Life is too short, and we only have one shot at it...don't waste a single moment with negative "stuff".

My puppy, Levi, was very near death just a week and a half ago.  Now, as he lays on a cushy fluffy doggie bed on my office floor with a full belly, I feel certain if he could speak...He would let me know he has a new appreciation for life and all it has to offer.  Don't make life bring you toward death to have appreciation for all life has in store for you.  And when things do happen, big or small, smile and just move on...

Friday, March 8, 2013

The Waiting Room

It is amazing when you stop to think about how often we find ourselves in a waiting room of one kind or another. I wonder how many years of our lives we spend waiting? Maybe in a doctors office or hospital, a line at Wal-Mart or Starbucks, McDonald's drive-thru or airport security, stop light, lunch line, concert line, traffic jam...you get the point! We do a ton of waiting, some of us patiently, and others...well not so much! I always get tickled when the people with the least likely reason to be impatient, are often the most impatient of all.

For instance, I can be standing in line at the grocery store with my phone ringing with a business call, juggling a screaming toddler, and running late for an appointment with a smile and kind words for the cashier; and the old retired lady behind me who has got the sour look on her face, tapping her foot, and has nowhere to go, but get home to watch the Price is Right and pet her cat :)

Let's face it, life is about waiting. We wait to grow up, wait to get married, wait to have kids, wait to retire, wait to have grandkids, then wait to die.  It's just what we do, wait.  But not always patiently, and waiting is often not easy.  I know, I have been there first hand and more than once on BIG issues.  I have been forced to figure out how to wait with a spirit of endurance and patience toward whatever I may be waiting for.  Over the last week, just in case you were wondering or hadn't seen on FB, my new puppy has been very sick and very near death.  Talk about the need for endurance and patience...waiting for the doctors to give me the update, waiting to see if he will improve, waiting to see just how big the vet bill will be...WAITING to pick him up from the hospital so he can be back in my arms.  In the last month or two, I have waited to see if I was buying a house, having a baby, if my husband was having surgery on his Achilles, and waiting to see if my puppy is going to live. That my friends is a lot of waiting on some very important stuff in a very short time frame.  But I had to wait, and it is better for those around me if I remain calm and ride out the waves with a sense of endurance and confidence knowing God is in control.  If not, I would probably have lost my mind.

Life has a way of testing us, our ability to sustain hardship, waiting, and wondering what next?  And in the end, we have two choices really.  We can either let our life and waiting ruin our day, our mood, our relationships with those around us.  Or, we can choose to roll with the punches, take things out of our control in stride, and realize sometimes life just is what it is, things just happen, and we must keep on a going.  Worrying seldom changes a single thing, and often makes us irritable, unhappy, and upset to the point of being sick.  Don't let life and it's trials drag you down, wait patiently, maybe even with a smile, try not to worry, and when life gets really crazy, pray...then smile and just move on :)

And one more thing, my sweet puppy Levi made it through and I need to throw a benefit dinner to pay for his enormous vet bill.  But he is back home barking at the cat, chewing my husbands croc, and sleeping on my couch during the day and snuggled up to me in bed at night :) Patience and perseverance paid off on this one!! Thanks Quail Corner Animal Hospital in Raleigh, NC for saving my sweet furbaby!!