When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Let's try this again, Scrapbook software give away FREE

Okay, so I tried this before and had two wonderful people comment to be entered into the drawing for free software. And not to discount the efforts of these two fine ladies, but two people just don't feel like a contest to me...  Are y'all telling me only two people out of all of you that read this blog like to get something for FREE?? I don't buy it!! I decided maybe I didn't explain it very well, or made the entering too hard?  I would like to give it another go, and I already have the free code for the software stored on my computer and ready to GIVE FREE to someone!!! So, come on people, could you at least make it a little more exciting to give away 40.00 worth of digital software from My Memories PLEASE.  And keep in mind, I am the one who chooses the winner, not the company. You don't have to do anything with them or give them any information unless you are chosen the winner.

First, you will want to check out their site to see if you are interested.  Keep in mind, if you really get into this, you can purchase additional designs, but the original software includes tons of different designs, colors, fonts, and the list goes on and on.  It is easy to use, and you can choose to print your stuff, or just keep it digitally and show people that way too!  The website is http://www.mymemories.com/ so go check it out real quickly and then comment on this blog your name (first and last) and why you would like to win.  Don't be lazy and turn down this opportunity to help simplify your photo keepsakes.

I have shown you two pages from my book I am making (slowly I might add, due to major sickness and allergy attacks that have hit my home lately).  It never hurts to try winning now does it?  Remember, it is FREE!!! I love free stuff, who doesn't?  Go for it, comment below to enter the contest! Only one lucky winner, and for the love of Pete, let the contest consist of more than TWO people.  I know you all take pictures with your camera, or if you are like me, most are with my phone.  They are all just sitting there waiting to make something beautiful, right?  Just do it!!! NOW!!! sign up!!! and if you win you will be smiling, and if not you can always take advantage of my coupon code out to the right to get 10.00 off the software and 10.00 coupon to spend in the on-line store for extra designs if you want them.  Go for it!!!


  1. Jackie Gonda!
    -I would like to win because my mom wants to scrapbook for my grandfather, who has dementia/Alzheimer's, but she was not graced with the artistic talent. I think it would be a great tool for her to gather memories of my grandpa's life so he could have something to look at to remember his family!

  2. This is awesome Julie.... yes for busy busy moms that work and juggle life in this day of instant everything. How wonderful to do these little books and give as gifts to our family. My intentions are always good.. but photos never make it off the camera. My dad cries everytime I give him any photos of his granddaughters. His 78th bday is coming up 3/30 I would love to make him something...this would be perfect. Can you imagine what cousin Terry could do with this software:) pick me pick me please pick me!
