When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

21 of my Favorite Things on this 21st of March :)

I should preface this list is just that, things, and are in a very random order, and by no means listed from least to best or vice versa, and excludes people!  Here goes...and how many of mine are on your list too?  Write your name and how many of your fav's are on my list, just for fun of course!!!

  1. Clean sheets
  2. A new toothbrush
  3. Puppy breath
  4. A new box of Crayola Crayons
  5. Pink Lemonade Cake
  6. Hearing the words, "I love you"
  7. A unexpected gift or flowers
  8. Sun on my face, and sand on my feet
  9. The morning I leave for vacation
  10. Good music
  11. Waking up to inches of snow on the ground
  12. Comfy shoes 
  13. Wearing my pajamas all day
  14. Biscuits and gravy 
  15. Double rainbow after a storm
  16. Taking a nap just because you can
  17. Answered prayers
  18. New haircut 
  19. Brownie Sundae
  20. Wind in my face on a boat ride
  21. Getting a hug just when you need it most

1 comment:

  1. Reading your blog!!!
    Having the best cousins EVER!
    A random call fromone of my daughters :)
    My Husband calling me baby whenever he speaks to me ;)
    My dog standing up to hhug me everytime I get home!
    Terry Howerton
