When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

A New Appreciation for Living

Funny how when life moves along and nothing major is going on, we kind of sail along and don't think too much about it.  This is when all of the sudden the little things seem huge, and we often get bogged down with worry and stress over "stuff" that in the long run really doesn't matter much.  Why can't we just be glad all is well, and not search high and low for something to complain about?  Of course, this is not my case, as most often something is going on at my house, but then again with a busy husband, two kids, two dogs, and a cat...someone is always causing a ruckus. Either the cat coughed up a hairball, the dog peed on the carpet, my son is shooting snot rockets out his nose, my daughter is late for dinner again, my husband has run out of gas somewhere...you get the point.  Never a dull moment or peace and quiet, that is for certain.  Wonder what it's like to be able to go "potty" by yourself, drink a Coke without having to share, shower at a leisurely pace, or just take a walk without having dogs and kids tagging along?

I have noticed the older people get, the more they worry about things which are small and to be quite honest have no major significance on life in general.  Not that my list above doesn't list things which are smallish, but it is the constant barrage of them coming at you 24/7 which wear you down. .  For instance, once we have retired, have the house and cars paid for, have the children out of the house and on their own, to me...this is a time to kick back and enjoy. But, I believe all the silly worrying is probably because they truly don't have much else to worry with, so in an effort to complain about something...they look for things.  No mortgage to pay, no homework to struggle through, less laundry, less food to prepare, less of everything really.  Why do we as humans find ourselves constantly ill-satisfied no matter how much we have and how easy life is.

Movie stars and the rich and famous are prime examples of this too.  They have every material thing possible at their fingertips, but yet they are often wrapped up in drugs or some other detrimental activities which often land them in deep trouble or even death.  It is so very sad really, and quite a shame.  Instead of celebrating how good we have it, we look to all the negatives in our lives.  Is it merely human nature, or a direct result of the society we live in?  Maybe the cause is unrealistic lifestyles we see exhibited on television or movies?  Most of you, if not all of you who are reading this, are privileged!  You must have a computer, or access to one at least, which means you probably have a house, food, clean water, and all the daily necessities to function...which is more than millions of people in this world right now.  We have much to be thankful for today.  We must renew our appreciation for life, and don't worry with the small stuff going wrong, but harness the sense gratitude toward what we do have.  Life is too short, and we only have one shot at it...don't waste a single moment with negative "stuff".

My puppy, Levi, was very near death just a week and a half ago.  Now, as he lays on a cushy fluffy doggie bed on my office floor with a full belly, I feel certain if he could speak...He would let me know he has a new appreciation for life and all it has to offer.  Don't make life bring you toward death to have appreciation for all life has in store for you.  And when things do happen, big or small, smile and just move on...

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