When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Oh Spring, Wherefore Art Thou?

Oh spring, where are you?  I am so tired of cold weather, and I'm not even in a part of the world that is all "that" cold in comparison.  Mother Nature, didn't you glance at your calendar lately...It is March 22nd, come on with it already!!! And of course, I am NOT ready to wilt with the summer heat either, just want those beautiful spring days with a temperature about 75 degrees, nice breeze, and bright blue sky with big white puffy clouds.  Seriously, is that too much to ask?  I think not.  It took this winter to kick into gear, and now I guess we are paying the price for those nice days in late November!  It didn't even feel like Christmas this year because it was so mild, and now Spring doesn't feel like itself because IT IS COLD!!! I need my flip flops, my t-shirt, my smells of spring.  Now, I realize it is on it's way courtesy of the POLLEN count, and it is doing quite the number on my allergies.  And I assume I am not the lone ranger on this one either.

I have purchased so much Sudafed lately the police are probably going to show up at my door and accuse me of drug manufacturing, LOL! And I am not the only one in my house suffering.  My kids are too, so when I go to the pharmacy to purchase their pseudoephedrine, I have to give them my drivers license number.  Then I go to buy mine, and they tell me I am at my limit!  Go figure, do I look like a meth producer? I think NOT!  But I suppose I understand the why behind it, however if people are determined to make that poison, the law is probably not going to stop them unfortunately.  I get up each morning, can't breath out of my nose, and so my mouth is dry and tastes like the cats litter box, or what I imagine it probably taste like :) I try blowing, and blowing, and blowing as my sinuses crackle like a piece of dry wood thrown on the fire. I cough and feel like I have an elephant taking up residency on my chest, as my allergy induced asthma rears it's ugly head.  My Mom likes to compare it to breathing through a towel, and all of the sudden breathing is something you actually notice taking place, where it once was just naturally occurring without you thinking about it at all.  I take my allergy pills like clockwork, yet as the pine trees do their thing, my poor little immune system goes into overdrive and I feel like someone drained my energy right out of my big toes.  Tis the season, I just wish it was actually accompanied by nice weather this year.  If I'm gonna suffer, might as well be with mild temps!!

I am sure I am not alone in dreaming of springlike temperatures, allergy season slipping by without my body noticing the pollen counts are on the rise, and moving closer to boating, golfing, swimming, and enjoying a casual drink on my deck season.  But, it is just a part of life and we will all have to be patient whether we want to or not.  Mother Nature doesn't really care about my opinion on her timing, so I guess I will smile and just move on :) It can't last forever, right?

Oh, and one last thing, today is your last chance to enter the digital software give-away for scrapbooking with your digital pictures at www.mymemories.com.  You must enter your name on the post from this past Monday in the comment section by 5pm TODAY!! Right now only four people are signed up, so they have pretty good odds, unless you, yes you, get on the ball and enter!  I will take all entries and in a very high-tech way (not) write their names on little pieces of paper, then draw one out of the hat!  Announcing the winner at 7PM tonight :)

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