When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Digital Scrapbooking Software Giveaway

It has been my pleasure to conduct a review of the My Memories suite over the last month, and I would like to share with you my thoughts...followed by the rules for the giveaway, so you can enter to win a completely free  My Memories Scrapbooking Software once the contest ends on Feb. 25th :) Check out their website to see exactly what coolness you have the opportunity to win for FREE!!!

I don't know if you are like me, but my pictures from the last 20 years are in complete disarray.  I have all of my printed, pre-digital pictures in a plastic three drawer tote thingie.  Then all of my digital pictures were in file folders with little rhyme or reason to them.  As I began with this software it was my incentive to get organized enough to begin a project for my husband for Valentine's Day.  I went through my pictures in the tote, pulled out all of those I wanted to incorporate into my project, and began scanning them in.  I also browsed through my digital pics to find just the ones I needed for the surprise book.  I found this to be the hard part of the project, finding and deciding on which pictures to use.  The software was quite easy to work with, and felt it was similar to other popular software in how it works.  PC or Mac users can utilize this wonderful software with ease.  Below you can see a few pages I created for my first project, and I can assure you...it was nice to finally put my pics into something other than a plastic tote!

The software can be as unique to you, or you can choose to use one of the already pre-created templates (which is what I decided to use for my first venture)!  Even if you choose the templates, you can still change the background colors, where the pictures are located, and the wording is whatever you choose!  It is truly a great way to create not only picture albums, but also video movies set to your specific music, unique personalized gifts, and digital or printed books.  It is truly a great way to create one of a kind gifts for others, or even yourself!  My Memories has a ton of Youtube video's to help should you need additional help with using their products, which is very helpful! So, lets move on to the rules of this FREE giveaway, and maybe you will be the winner of this awesome software, and then you can begin your projects for everyone to enjoy! Please be sure to read the rules thoroughly, so you don't forget part of your required answers to enter the contest!

The rules of this giveaway are as follows...And your answers need to be left with your name, first and last, in the comments section attached to this specific blog post.
1. You will need to visit www.mymemories.com website and choose your favorite theme or designer.
2.  Explain the state of your pictures right now, and how this software would help you maintain your pictures and projects.
3. Tell everyone what kind of project you would work on first,and why. (Don't forget your NAME :)
Like them on Facebook for an extra entry into the contest at MyMemories Facebook!

The winner will be announced on February 25, 2013 on the blog post for the day.  Good luck to everyone :) I wish I could give everyone a free copy because it is truly a wonderful product.  But if you are not the winner, I highly recommend you purchase the software.  It is very reasonably priced to begin with, but if you use my code of STMMMS81275 you will receive $10.00 off the price of the software plus a $10 coupon for the MyMemories.com store - a $20 value!  

Let the contest begin!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

It's Valentine's Day!!! Cook up some easy, yummy, and healthy Salmon!

The big lovie, kissie, huggie, smooching day is finally here!  The day loved and hated by millions all around the world.  Restaurants will be packed, along with card and flower isles in grocery stores all across the country.  But might I suggest if eating out is either too costly or logistically difficult due to kids and schedules...you try this oven baked salmon for a nice and healthy treat for those you love :)  I can honestly say I made this for my family on Monday night, completely made it up...but it was a WOW for everyone at the table, and even surprised me too!  I am sure it could be cooked differently with about the same outcome, but I will tell you exactly what I did just to be sure I don't cause lack of information to ruin your special dinner plans.  Best news of all, it was quite easy, and the ingredients are probably all in your spice drawer other than a few.  Nothing worse than trying a new recipe and having to hunt all over the store for specific ingredients that end up only being used once!  I should have taken a picture of the salmon, but it was eaten up quite quickly and I am sorry to say, no picture of it exists.  But if you make it, take a picture, so I can post it here with the recipe.  You can email it to me at julietannamcdonald@gmail.com. Salmon can be served with rice, mashed potatoes, or baked potatoes...and the veggies of your choice :)

So, Happy Valentine's Day to everyone out there, and look for the contest and give away for the first product to begin tomorrow:)

Baked Buttery and Dill Salmon
 by Julie McDonald

Deboned Salmon fillets with skin on the bottom (I got 6oz serving sized fillets, one for each person)
1/2 stick of melted butter
1/4 to 1/2 tsp onion salt
pinch of pepper
1/4 tsp Cajun spice
1/2 to 1 tsp Rinaldo's organic Garlic Gold Nuggets (these are also great on fresh sliced tomatoes)
package of fresh Dill Weed (not the dried kind) it will be in the produce section probably hanging up in a small clear container

  • Rinse and pat salmon dry and place in an aluminum foil lined baking dish with a little bit of olive oil in the bottom (I used a Pampered Chef baking stone) with the skin side down.
  • Drizzle 3/4 of the melted butter on salmon
  • Sprinkle with onion salt, pepper, cajun spice, and garlic nuggets
  • Lay washed fresh dill weed sprigs on top of each piece of salmon
  • Cover with aluminum foil and bake in preheated oven at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.
  • Uncover and place back in oven at 380 degrees for an additional 10-15 minutes until salmon is flaky when touched with fork and looks light pink (do not over cook, and keep in mind it will continue to cook a bit more once removed from the oven)
  • Snip remaining dill weed foliage (no stems) into remaining melted butter, stir up and dollop on top of salmon once served onto plate.  Butter may have thickened, but will remelt on warm salmon with no problem
We all decided this should be a once a week meal for the family as getting in the Omega's is challenging, and this is quick and the clean up is so easy, just remove the foil, throw away the skin and rinse, then recycle that foil please!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What a feeling!!!

Something I have learned in my forty one years so far, is life is way too short, and goes way too fast!  Why in the world do people have dreams in which they don't try to achieve? And I believe some people don't even realize what their dreams or desires are for themselves...which is strange when you think about it, but oh so true.  Somehow we seem to let life get in the way and we fail to see what we were meant to do, to be, to make our mark on this world. Does it mean we aren't good at other stuff? other professions? No, but just because you are good at something doesn't mean you are fulfilling your purpose.  Have I confused you yet?  Let me give an example using my own life, and the evolution of figuring out my dreams I now dare to dream.

From the time I was about three until I reached college age, I was always in the spotlight.  Whether it was a dance recital, singing a solo, or cheering for a game...I was in front of a group of people in some way or another.  Once in college, it was just survival mode and get that degree!  I always loved to write poetry, and was decent at writing papers for school, but never ever thought of being a writer.  After college I married Bill, and I was already working at UPS in some administrative job or another for eleven years.  We began our own business in the fitness industry and I took up personal training and group fitness instruction (back in front of a group of people again).  Leaving the fitness industry I found myself in the gymnasium of a school teaching PE, where once again I was in front of  class after class. Progressing from the gym to the classroom, I taught other subjects, and the ability to speak and teach came very naturally.  I left the classroom to be a Mom again, and although I love being a Mommy and the ability to stay home with my kids...something was missing in my life. I started a blog, but felt inadequate, and with a little baby...it was difficult to just take a shower, much less write anything worthy of anyone reading. I felt glad to be able to stay home, but sad and depressed all at the same time.

It was then that I mentioned to my friend I always wanted to write a book.  She said, well then write one!  So I did!  I sat down and wrote a children's book in one afternoon.  It was rough of course, but it was a book!  I then realized I needed to write all the time, and took back up blogging, continued to write children's books, and reading on becoming a writer.  Funny enough, the more I read about being a writer, the more I realized I WAS a writer all along, I just didn't know it exactly.  Weird EH?  And this crazy thing happened, the more I wrote, the happier I became.  As a blogger, guess what?  I'm back in front of people, so to speak.  Not physically, but as a person I am.  It is what I was born to do, and what a feeling it is!  When you finally figure out what you were truly born to do, it is a feeling like no other.  Of course, I was also born to be a wife, mother, daughter, and so on...but for me, figuring out I'm a writer was a long but worthwhile process. And I am very thankful my husband, family, and friends are so supportive of my budding writing career.

But I must admit, some days I feel like I'm writing for my life, rather than dancing like in the video...it makes me feel alive!  So the big question you know I'm going to ask is...What makes you feel alive!? Come alive? Something you feel compelled to do?  Something you always wanted to do but didn't for whatever reason?  What is holding you back? Often we must go the long way around to get to the good stuff in life.  I have been an administrative assistant, personal trainer, school teacher, and a few other things I didn't bother to mention, plus a wife and mom before I realized I was a writer all along.  Stop and think about it for a while, meditate on it, pray about it, take your time to internalize the questions I raised today.  Jot some things down, mention it to your friends or spouse, and see what they say about it.  Let me encourage you to just actually do it...because once you know, that you know, that you know...you can't help but smile and just move on doing what you were born to do all along!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Getting back to Normal...If you want to call it that

Holy cow, and wowzers!!! It has been quite a crazy roller coaster ride over the last few months in my life.  And I am one of those that kind of likes boring and predictability, so I am glad to finally breath a sigh of relief and get back to my normal.  Of course, my boring is probably far from to some people, but for me, a regular routine is comforting.  I always loved summer break as a child, but as the school year drew closer, I was ready for the routine of school.  I suppose I am no different as an adult, and with the holidays behind me...as well as a pregnancy, miscarriage, move, and my hubby with a torn Achilles tendon, I'm ready for a little blah in my life.  Well, at least for a while until I'm ready for a bit of excitement.  I saw this cartoon on FB yesterday, and decided that is just about exactly how to sum me up.  I have been overwhelmed with all the who haa lately, and now I'm settling in for the normal cooking, cleaning, taxi to dance and preschool, and writing of course.

We still have the potential of a surgery for Bill's tendon, but haven't decided to go the surgical route verses the "let it heal on its own" risk.  Sad to say, but the cost of the surgery is what is holding us back on making that appointment to have it fixed once and for all. Since we have a high deductible, to the tune of $10,000.00 before they even pay a dime, it is a hard decision to make.  I certainly wish it didn't have to be like that, and it certainly wasn't that way a few years ago, but we simply can't afford health insurance these days without taking the risk of a high deductible.  Whether it was caused by Obamacare or not, I don't know, all I do know is we are struggling more and more to pay for medical care.  We are caught between a rock and a hard place since we make too much per year to receive assistance, but it is hard to make payments on the insurance itself monthly as well as payments of doctor and hospital bills.  One thing I am sure we can all agree on, the healthcare system is BROKEN!!! And I am starting to believe it will be nothing short of a miracle to fix it!

Now on to the good and exciting stuff!!! I am going to be giving away some things here on the blog over the next several weeks.  I am in the process of setting it all up, but make sure you are paying attention, so you don't miss out on your chance to possibly win a little something.  Okay, I know, the suspense of what it is...I will give you a few hints. First one is going to be something to help organize, and the second is to help with a newer better you.  I will be trying these products as well to give you my honest opinion as well.  And my office is just about set up, so I am back in the saddle and excited to get back to the recipe Wednesday and yes, back to normal.  I am smiling and just moving on :)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The unexpected gift :)

There often comes a time when we have people enter our lives quite unexpected, but it is clearly by a higher design.  When you know in your heart and soul that it was not by accident at all, but rather a God incident.  I had the privilege of such an instance during my hectic and completely crazy move.  Even though it was only a move next door, both homes needed a good thorough cleaning (spring cleaning before spring).  It is always much easier to clean a house when there isn't anything in it.  So, before I moved into my new home and to help out my tired and pregnant neighbor, so she didn't have to worry with it; I had the house professionally cleaned.  I also scheduled the cleaning service to clean the old house once we had everything out and into the new house.  The company I used came highly recommended by my other neighbor, which gave me comfort in knowing the job would be completed properly.  What I did not expect is the company to consist of an amazing woman, along with her very helpful older children.  They were quite a team, and worked on my difficult and crazy schedule, which included a Thursday night (late) and a Sunday afternoon.  They did a fantastic job of cleaning both houses, and went above and beyond to make sure I was satisfied.  There was no rushing the job just to get paid, but pure commitment to a job well done.  But this was just part of the gift, there is more.

The daughter is a beautiful sixteen year old with creamy velvet skin and long dark hair.  And sweet, oh my, sweet as honey straight from the bee's hive!!! My Luke is totally in love with her and cried when she had to leave. But it seems she has a few physical challenges going on which is causing her to struggle with such simple things as washing her own hair.  She has a cyst or something (Doctors can't seem to figure out what is wrong) on her spine and it often causes terrible headaches.  She has had test after test, with little in the way of a diagnosis, much less a cure. I have been compelled to pray for her, over her, and post this blog to help she and her family out.  Her medical bills are, I'm sure, beginning to pile up as it seems the insurance just doesn't pay much for all we pay them each month.  This is the crux of my gift, I am asking everyone to please pray for her specifically that the doctors will figure out what is wrong, so it can be addressed. Pray for total healing that only the Father can provide. Secondly, that her Mom's business would flourish beyond any expectations.  And thirdly, she would be shown favor when the medical bills came in and most of it would be taken care of financially. And if you would join me in praying for these things listed above for the Ferrell Family, or consider using the top notch A & A Cleaning Services in Raleigh, NC area by calling Joanna Ferrell at (919) 812-0117, you can help me with the unexpected gift.

Yes, the gift was not mine to receive, but rather to give.  I did get two very clean houses, but even better was the ability to pray for and hopefully help a very sweet family and an angel of a daughter.  Life is often about not just who we come in contact with, but more importantly what we do with that encounter, thus how we can make a difference!  I love having the opportunity and ability to help others, and I can't imagine coming to know and befriend this family and not doing my part to help them!  Please lift Alyssa up in prayer, and also be a giver of the unexpected gift.  I am sure you will be like me and enjoy the smile as you move on about your day knowing you gave a gift to an unsuspecting precious girl!!!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Moving complete, Unpacking...not so much

It's official! We have completed the move and are functioning.  My garage looks like the stuff-mart threw up in it, but other than that, not so bad.  It was a VERY long four days of moving, carrying, putting away, throwing out, and trying to find this, that, or something else I knew I had but didn't know where it was.  My kitchen has never been more organized thanks to my helper Carol and my Mom :) I even have three, yes three drawers empty...for now that is.  I am certain I will figure out something to fill them with once the garage is complete, which will not be anytime soon.  Moving is both scary and exciting all at one time.  As I have spoken about before, we are all creatures of habit and when our surrounding change, our habits are forced to change, and often leaves us a little unsettled.  My little guy is having a bit of a hard time adjusting to the new surroundings.  It has nothing to do with the house itself, but rather just not what he is used to.  I think the fact that we moved next door, and he can see the old house is potentially part of the problem.  He keeps saying he wants to go home to the red house (our house had a red door).  We keep telling him we live here now, and all of our stuff is here...but even though I have shown him the old house is empty, he still thinks something is there maybe.  Hard to tell what is going on in the mind of a two and a half year old, but I'm sure it will just take a bit of time.

What I am excited to say is this move allowed me to meet some great new people who helped along the way.  My carpet cleaners Chem Dry of Raleigh were completely and totally amazing.  Their products are eco-friendly and the carpets were dry in a matter of a few hours, and most all the stains came right up.  My movers where troopers to say the least.  I seriously don't know how those three men even could pull themselves out of bed the next morning.  They moved a rather large amount of very heavy furniture in break neck speed, not without a sweat, but my back hurt just watching.  The bug man who per my lease agreement had to spray for fleas at the old house, (fleas that did not exist), was so funny and extremely flexible with my crazy schedule.  Gary's Pest Control is the company name out of Wake Forest, NC and he was a pleasure to work with.  And lastly, the cleaning service which helped me clean my new home first, then cleaned my old house once we had everything out was a the best part.  But I would like to wait and share that story tomorrow, as it deserves a day all on its own.  God has a way of putting certain people in our paths, at a certain time, for a particular reason, and well, this is for sure one of those times.  How do I know?  I can feel it in my heart, in my soul, and it makes me feel special to know God is about to do something :)

So, here is sit, in my new home, in my new room we had painted a beautiful soothing shade of olive green, and oh my goodness, how could I have forgotten my painters!!! Oscar and his two sidekicks, painted a kitchen, living room, powder room, office, two kids rooms and their bathroom, the master bedroom and master bath in record speed.  They did a stunning job, and they also painted trim as well.  What they accomplished in two days would have seriously taken me two solid weeks and many trips to the chiropractor!  And the price, so reasonable we almost felt guilty!  Life is settling down a bit, getting closer to our new normal, and other than my husband tearing his Achilles tendon and probably needing surgery...I pray for a time of calmness, productivity, and un-eventfulness ahead.  There is much to be said for the ho-hum life, and I am certainly ready for a dose of it.  But either way I suppose I will smile and just move on :)