When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Getting back to Normal...If you want to call it that

Holy cow, and wowzers!!! It has been quite a crazy roller coaster ride over the last few months in my life.  And I am one of those that kind of likes boring and predictability, so I am glad to finally breath a sigh of relief and get back to my normal.  Of course, my boring is probably far from to some people, but for me, a regular routine is comforting.  I always loved summer break as a child, but as the school year drew closer, I was ready for the routine of school.  I suppose I am no different as an adult, and with the holidays behind me...as well as a pregnancy, miscarriage, move, and my hubby with a torn Achilles tendon, I'm ready for a little blah in my life.  Well, at least for a while until I'm ready for a bit of excitement.  I saw this cartoon on FB yesterday, and decided that is just about exactly how to sum me up.  I have been overwhelmed with all the who haa lately, and now I'm settling in for the normal cooking, cleaning, taxi to dance and preschool, and writing of course.

We still have the potential of a surgery for Bill's tendon, but haven't decided to go the surgical route verses the "let it heal on its own" risk.  Sad to say, but the cost of the surgery is what is holding us back on making that appointment to have it fixed once and for all. Since we have a high deductible, to the tune of $10,000.00 before they even pay a dime, it is a hard decision to make.  I certainly wish it didn't have to be like that, and it certainly wasn't that way a few years ago, but we simply can't afford health insurance these days without taking the risk of a high deductible.  Whether it was caused by Obamacare or not, I don't know, all I do know is we are struggling more and more to pay for medical care.  We are caught between a rock and a hard place since we make too much per year to receive assistance, but it is hard to make payments on the insurance itself monthly as well as payments of doctor and hospital bills.  One thing I am sure we can all agree on, the healthcare system is BROKEN!!! And I am starting to believe it will be nothing short of a miracle to fix it!

Now on to the good and exciting stuff!!! I am going to be giving away some things here on the blog over the next several weeks.  I am in the process of setting it all up, but make sure you are paying attention, so you don't miss out on your chance to possibly win a little something.  Okay, I know, the suspense of what it is...I will give you a few hints. First one is going to be something to help organize, and the second is to help with a newer better you.  I will be trying these products as well to give you my honest opinion as well.  And my office is just about set up, so I am back in the saddle and excited to get back to the recipe Wednesday and yes, back to normal.  I am smiling and just moving on :)

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