When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Digital Scrapbooking Software Giveaway

It has been my pleasure to conduct a review of the My Memories suite over the last month, and I would like to share with you my thoughts...followed by the rules for the giveaway, so you can enter to win a completely free  My Memories Scrapbooking Software once the contest ends on Feb. 25th :) Check out their website to see exactly what coolness you have the opportunity to win for FREE!!!

I don't know if you are like me, but my pictures from the last 20 years are in complete disarray.  I have all of my printed, pre-digital pictures in a plastic three drawer tote thingie.  Then all of my digital pictures were in file folders with little rhyme or reason to them.  As I began with this software it was my incentive to get organized enough to begin a project for my husband for Valentine's Day.  I went through my pictures in the tote, pulled out all of those I wanted to incorporate into my project, and began scanning them in.  I also browsed through my digital pics to find just the ones I needed for the surprise book.  I found this to be the hard part of the project, finding and deciding on which pictures to use.  The software was quite easy to work with, and felt it was similar to other popular software in how it works.  PC or Mac users can utilize this wonderful software with ease.  Below you can see a few pages I created for my first project, and I can assure you...it was nice to finally put my pics into something other than a plastic tote!

The software can be as unique to you, or you can choose to use one of the already pre-created templates (which is what I decided to use for my first venture)!  Even if you choose the templates, you can still change the background colors, where the pictures are located, and the wording is whatever you choose!  It is truly a great way to create not only picture albums, but also video movies set to your specific music, unique personalized gifts, and digital or printed books.  It is truly a great way to create one of a kind gifts for others, or even yourself!  My Memories has a ton of Youtube video's to help should you need additional help with using their products, which is very helpful! So, lets move on to the rules of this FREE giveaway, and maybe you will be the winner of this awesome software, and then you can begin your projects for everyone to enjoy! Please be sure to read the rules thoroughly, so you don't forget part of your required answers to enter the contest!

The rules of this giveaway are as follows...And your answers need to be left with your name, first and last, in the comments section attached to this specific blog post.
1. You will need to visit www.mymemories.com website and choose your favorite theme or designer.
2.  Explain the state of your pictures right now, and how this software would help you maintain your pictures and projects.
3. Tell everyone what kind of project you would work on first,and why. (Don't forget your NAME :)
Like them on Facebook for an extra entry into the contest at MyMemories Facebook!

The winner will be announced on February 25, 2013 on the blog post for the day.  Good luck to everyone :) I wish I could give everyone a free copy because it is truly a wonderful product.  But if you are not the winner, I highly recommend you purchase the software.  It is very reasonably priced to begin with, but if you use my code of STMMMS81275 you will receive $10.00 off the price of the software plus a $10 coupon for the MyMemories.com store - a $20 value!  

Let the contest begin!!!


  1. MEMORIES ARE TREASURE is my favorite theme

    My photo state right now is a "state of mind!" as an ex-Creative Memories rep, I have all the stuff laid out (in my mind), but not enough room to physically lay it all out. this program makes it look extremely easy to utilize all my digital hots I have stored on thumb drives. Which by the way, does me no good at all because my family & friends have no way to know what images I have captured over the years! It all in MY mind's eye!

    My first project would be to take ALL the images I have captured for 2012 and start fromt he beginning of that year!!

    Terry Howerton

  2. I really like the "love you" on in weddings and the look of "happy together", but any vintage type theme is gorgeous to me!

    My pictures are mostly all on the computer and in little organized files according to months. Yes, months, because I LOVE to take pictures. (just check my FB photo albums, it's just the top the ice burg!) But that's the problem, they sit in their files unseen and unloved. :( I would love a way to put them together and have for others to look at, but I just don't have the time to lay out all the scrap booking stuff and pictures, get it started, change a diaper, give a bottle, put on another picture, make lunch, another picture, get the toddler to the potty on time, wait, wipe her booty, past on another picture, and clean it up to use the table for dinner and so the baby will stop eating small pieces that the toddler has pulled off the table to play with. PHEW... digital would be soooo much easier!!!

    My first project would be something for my husband, to let him know that amidst a toddler, a learning to walk 10 month old, and the first trimester of our third pregnancy, he still holds my heart and has not fallen to the side among the clutter. Even though I almost never fold his socks or underwear anymore, and he's lucky if dinner is before 6:30.

    Jaclyn Anderson <3
