When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What a feeling!!!

Something I have learned in my forty one years so far, is life is way too short, and goes way too fast!  Why in the world do people have dreams in which they don't try to achieve? And I believe some people don't even realize what their dreams or desires are for themselves...which is strange when you think about it, but oh so true.  Somehow we seem to let life get in the way and we fail to see what we were meant to do, to be, to make our mark on this world. Does it mean we aren't good at other stuff? other professions? No, but just because you are good at something doesn't mean you are fulfilling your purpose.  Have I confused you yet?  Let me give an example using my own life, and the evolution of figuring out my dreams I now dare to dream.

From the time I was about three until I reached college age, I was always in the spotlight.  Whether it was a dance recital, singing a solo, or cheering for a game...I was in front of a group of people in some way or another.  Once in college, it was just survival mode and get that degree!  I always loved to write poetry, and was decent at writing papers for school, but never ever thought of being a writer.  After college I married Bill, and I was already working at UPS in some administrative job or another for eleven years.  We began our own business in the fitness industry and I took up personal training and group fitness instruction (back in front of a group of people again).  Leaving the fitness industry I found myself in the gymnasium of a school teaching PE, where once again I was in front of  class after class. Progressing from the gym to the classroom, I taught other subjects, and the ability to speak and teach came very naturally.  I left the classroom to be a Mom again, and although I love being a Mommy and the ability to stay home with my kids...something was missing in my life. I started a blog, but felt inadequate, and with a little baby...it was difficult to just take a shower, much less write anything worthy of anyone reading. I felt glad to be able to stay home, but sad and depressed all at the same time.

It was then that I mentioned to my friend I always wanted to write a book.  She said, well then write one!  So I did!  I sat down and wrote a children's book in one afternoon.  It was rough of course, but it was a book!  I then realized I needed to write all the time, and took back up blogging, continued to write children's books, and reading on becoming a writer.  Funny enough, the more I read about being a writer, the more I realized I WAS a writer all along, I just didn't know it exactly.  Weird EH?  And this crazy thing happened, the more I wrote, the happier I became.  As a blogger, guess what?  I'm back in front of people, so to speak.  Not physically, but as a person I am.  It is what I was born to do, and what a feeling it is!  When you finally figure out what you were truly born to do, it is a feeling like no other.  Of course, I was also born to be a wife, mother, daughter, and so on...but for me, figuring out I'm a writer was a long but worthwhile process. And I am very thankful my husband, family, and friends are so supportive of my budding writing career.

But I must admit, some days I feel like I'm writing for my life, rather than dancing like in the video...it makes me feel alive!  So the big question you know I'm going to ask is...What makes you feel alive!? Come alive? Something you feel compelled to do?  Something you always wanted to do but didn't for whatever reason?  What is holding you back? Often we must go the long way around to get to the good stuff in life.  I have been an administrative assistant, personal trainer, school teacher, and a few other things I didn't bother to mention, plus a wife and mom before I realized I was a writer all along.  Stop and think about it for a while, meditate on it, pray about it, take your time to internalize the questions I raised today.  Jot some things down, mention it to your friends or spouse, and see what they say about it.  Let me encourage you to just actually do it...because once you know, that you know, that you know...you can't help but smile and just move on doing what you were born to do all along!

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