When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Moving complete, Unpacking...not so much

It's official! We have completed the move and are functioning.  My garage looks like the stuff-mart threw up in it, but other than that, not so bad.  It was a VERY long four days of moving, carrying, putting away, throwing out, and trying to find this, that, or something else I knew I had but didn't know where it was.  My kitchen has never been more organized thanks to my helper Carol and my Mom :) I even have three, yes three drawers empty...for now that is.  I am certain I will figure out something to fill them with once the garage is complete, which will not be anytime soon.  Moving is both scary and exciting all at one time.  As I have spoken about before, we are all creatures of habit and when our surrounding change, our habits are forced to change, and often leaves us a little unsettled.  My little guy is having a bit of a hard time adjusting to the new surroundings.  It has nothing to do with the house itself, but rather just not what he is used to.  I think the fact that we moved next door, and he can see the old house is potentially part of the problem.  He keeps saying he wants to go home to the red house (our house had a red door).  We keep telling him we live here now, and all of our stuff is here...but even though I have shown him the old house is empty, he still thinks something is there maybe.  Hard to tell what is going on in the mind of a two and a half year old, but I'm sure it will just take a bit of time.

What I am excited to say is this move allowed me to meet some great new people who helped along the way.  My carpet cleaners Chem Dry of Raleigh were completely and totally amazing.  Their products are eco-friendly and the carpets were dry in a matter of a few hours, and most all the stains came right up.  My movers where troopers to say the least.  I seriously don't know how those three men even could pull themselves out of bed the next morning.  They moved a rather large amount of very heavy furniture in break neck speed, not without a sweat, but my back hurt just watching.  The bug man who per my lease agreement had to spray for fleas at the old house, (fleas that did not exist), was so funny and extremely flexible with my crazy schedule.  Gary's Pest Control is the company name out of Wake Forest, NC and he was a pleasure to work with.  And lastly, the cleaning service which helped me clean my new home first, then cleaned my old house once we had everything out was a the best part.  But I would like to wait and share that story tomorrow, as it deserves a day all on its own.  God has a way of putting certain people in our paths, at a certain time, for a particular reason, and well, this is for sure one of those times.  How do I know?  I can feel it in my heart, in my soul, and it makes me feel special to know God is about to do something :)

So, here is sit, in my new home, in my new room we had painted a beautiful soothing shade of olive green, and oh my goodness, how could I have forgotten my painters!!! Oscar and his two sidekicks, painted a kitchen, living room, powder room, office, two kids rooms and their bathroom, the master bedroom and master bath in record speed.  They did a stunning job, and they also painted trim as well.  What they accomplished in two days would have seriously taken me two solid weeks and many trips to the chiropractor!  And the price, so reasonable we almost felt guilty!  Life is settling down a bit, getting closer to our new normal, and other than my husband tearing his Achilles tendon and probably needing surgery...I pray for a time of calmness, productivity, and un-eventfulness ahead.  There is much to be said for the ho-hum life, and I am certainly ready for a dose of it.  But either way I suppose I will smile and just move on :)

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