When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

It's the final countdown...

First off let me say...if you want cheap entertainment look at all the crazy people who have posted videos for the final countdown song by Europe!  My daughter asked me what in the world I was listening to, and holy cow, there is a band on YouTube singing this song called worst cover ever that I think made my ears bleed!!! How someone could get up on a stage in front of people and sing that terribly is well...beyond all comprehension or maybe they are tone deaf and think they rock!!! Anyway, they are not the only entertaining video, this guy was playing so very weird instrument with a kazoo on the end and a little keyboard along with a guitar section...need I say more.  And on to the final countdown!!!

Moving day is here, well almost!  Thursday is the big closing and then it is serious go time.  I am already worn out from just all of the logistics to move utilities and Internet.  If I could have stood on the desk of Time Warner Cable's CEO today, I would have.  I was so mad, and after asking to speak to a supervisor I hopefully have it all sorted out.  But I won't hold my breath, as it all has to actually be executed in the time frame we discussed before it will restore even a tiny bit of customer satisfaction from this gal!  Seven different people spanning over three days, and a total of about three hours total of talking and waiting on hold.  Ridiculous for cancelling my cable and phone, and transferring my Internet to my new house.  They are very lucky I have no other choice in this area or I would have told them where to put their Internet service :)

Now packing, that is another situation.  I don't know if I mentioned before but we are moving next door.  I always used to think it was so weird when people would buy another house, but on the same street, and now I am one of them.  In a nutshell, we moved to North Carolina in a rush, thus not having time to find the "right and perfect" house for us.  We decided to rent in the neighborhood in which we thought we wanted to live, just to make sure it was right for us.  And we decided with a unanimous YES, and when our neighbor/friend put their house for sale, well the rest is history, so they say. The hard part is deciding how in the world you pack to move next door.  I don't want to wrap up all of my dished and things, that would just waste a bunch of paper.  I am going to try loading them right off the shelf into a tote, then unloading them right onto the shelf where they go.  Now, this is probably the least prepared for a move I have even been. But I have been limited to how much I could do lately.  I was told to come off of the Heparin injections due to the miscarriage. But since I already have a risk of blood clotting, I don't have time to be dealing with that now, or ever for that matter!  In other words, I have been careful and way less productive.  What else can a girl do who has all this going on at one time?  You already know what I'm going to say, EH? Smile and just move on :)

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