When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday Monday


There are parts of me that love Monday's, then there is that part which knows Monday means hurry up, pick up, clean up, straighten up, get busy, get organized, get a move on or else!!! Anyone else feel the same?  The part of me that likes Monday needs the routine, the schedule, the extra little push to crawl out from under the sluggish and fun weekend and pop into action with all that need attention after giving it a break on Sat. and Sunday.  I have a rule that I do not do housework on the weekend other than maybe a load of laundry or two, and I dust mop my kitty and doggie hair every day on the hardwood to keep the tumbleweeds down to a bare minimum!!! And of course it is back to school for everyone, which gives me a moment to myself to breathe...and pick up their messes ALL over the house!

Monday means get everyone to school on time, squeeze in the gym, make the all important list of things to do this week both personal and work related, and then commence to buckling down and getting things accomplished.  You know, take a glance at the calendar to see what appointments we have, check our milk and bread supply, think about what to fix for dinner this week, place grocery order (I love you Lowes Foods to Go), fold laundry left in dryer from weekend, and so on, and so forth, and it just never stops.  So, why in the world again do I like Monday??? What about all that appeals to me, you might ask?  Let me explain why weekends are great but Monday must come, why I need it, and why even though you may not be happy about its weekly return, you need it too!

Monday to just about everyone whether working, staying home working, retired, vacationing, or whatever you do for life...means the beginning of something new, the week.  How many times have you said, "I will start my diet on Monday, I will start exercising on Monday, I will begin reading that book on Monday, I will ..." you get the point.  Monday signifies the time we begin again, begin over, a new start, and even though it happens every week; it still helps us attempt to do things we have put off, ignored, and quite frankly don't want to do... but know we really just have to like it or not.  Now I am not saying we all do it with a spring in our step and whistling a happy little tune, but for the most part we suck it up and do.  Kind of like Nike says, Just do It!  Not because we like to, but because it is necessary for our existence.  Did I get up this morning all pumped up about scrubbing toilets, scooping dog poop in the back yard, matching up what felt like a thousand little bitty socks, and all those other "fun" chores?  Heck no!!! But are they all necessary? YUP!!! If I don't want to be embarrassed if I had a guest stop by and had pink mold or whatever that is that grows around the water line in the toilet bowl, or kids stepping in dog poop and then tracking it into the house, or my son not having socks when it is cold and his shoes could rub blisters without them?  Of course not, it has to be done, the weekend is over, and it is time to get back to business, work, or whatever you want to call it.  What else can you do but... Git-R-Done, then smile and just move on :)

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