When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

2nd Times a Charm??? and Randomness!!!

So...drum roll....here is the house!  !"

It is literally right next door to the house we are currently living in.  As my Dad said, "just chuck your stuff over the fence!" Don't even need a moving truck, just strong guys who can carry my furniture across the lawn :)  We have been sick, yes all of us, Luke, Lily and myself.  I have been buying a house, learning how to be a notary public (which I got a 100% on the 50 question exam) writing my first screenwriting episode, and getting my house ready for my parents visit.  I can't breathe out of my nose, I was up from 3:00 until 8:00 am this morning courtesy of Luke who also can't breathe, and I am weeks behind on watching Glee!!! Random, yep...you already know it.  I have been off my nanny duty because of our funk we have going in the house...and I miss my kids, but I am totally not getting more done without them here.  This is by far the strangest illness I have ever had.  Started with a severe sore throat, to just being tired and stuffy nose, now sneezing and completely stuffed up with no air flowing through these nostrils!!!  Wonder if it has anything to do with the Mom who was toting her kids into preschool a week from Monday telling me that she and her kids had been sick with the flu for a WEEK!!! IF she wasn't on my "strange" list I might ask her about it!!!

On a bright note, the cavalry have arrived.  My parents are here to help take the heat off since my hubby is working out of state.  God bless parents, Amen and Praise the Lord...and I truly mean that sincerely!!! I feel as if I might be able to make it through the day tomorrow without turning into the wicked witch of the west, or falling apart like humpty dumpty.  I can say with complete ease, my parents are the bestest ever!!! Yeah, I know you think you have the best parents...but NO, I have them so sorry, LOL!!!  I am thoroughly looking forward to spending time with them during the holidays, and holding my loved ones close to me (once my hubby gets home and they are all here).  Life is unpredictable, and we should live life as if we are truly living for today only.  Not that it gives you the pass to go crazy and do whatever you want, whenever you want, but more along the lines of loving those with your whole heart as if tomorrow never comes.  No regrets, no living in fear, just living life as it was meant to be!! Loving, living, laughing, crying, sharing, caring, don't waste a second! We can't get them back, and we only get what we get!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2012


I am a planner, for when things don't exactly go as I had planned. We found out today, we did not get the house we were planning on for the last week and a half.  It was disappointing to both us and our agent, but after all, I had been praying for God to stop it if it wasn't His will. I suppose I should, and was ready if He did in fact stop it.  No "Money Pit"  home for me, but the way it went down was unfair and shady to say the least.  I won't go into details, but lets just say the Kane father and son team for ReMax United in Raleigh, NC is extremely unprofessional, untrustworthy, and I would NEVER EVER do business with them if you expect honesty. I even went so far as to phone the owner of the ReMax United office here in Raleigh, NC; spent 20 minutes of my time talking to Mr. Owens, explaining the lack of professionalism from his father and son agent team, the Kane's.  I waisted my time, because I got nowhere, even though Mr. Owens told me personally he would take care of it!!!

So, now that my rant is over, I will tell you about what I have cooking now! We are signing a new contract for another house in the same neighborhood we are in, and it looks quite promising.  But if for some reason it doesn't work out either; I suppose it is on to plan C.  Whatever that looks like!!!

On a different note, my writing is going well, and my writing career has promise.  I feel at home when I am at the keyboard writing about this, that, and anything else that comes to mind for the blog.  I also love concepting my children's books, and my newest project is working on an animation for a tv series.      Of course, we are slacking on the potty train today with Luke, but hey...Rome wasn't built in a day, right? The hardest part of my day was by far the call I had to make to my agent.  We are not able to buy the house for plan B and use agents.  It broke my heart to tell her that, but we simply couldn't afford the house with those additional fees.  Had we just got the original house, this wouldn't have been a conversation I had to even have.  But there was no other way, at this point that is...and we are quickly running out of time. (Tick Tock, tick tock) I wish I was independently wealthy, and could just pay whatever, but that for certain is NOT the case these days...or was it ever, really.  So now I will wait again, and to tell you the truth, I feel a little worn down, but I will smile and just move on :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Priorities, priorities, priorities!!!

This Momma is doing the whoo hoo dance, because my son finally peed in the potty! So, who cares where we are gonna live?  It was a momentous occasion, and I would think my neighbors maybe heard us as we celebrated with singing, dancing, and lots of yelling and screaming.  Luke was shouting, "I win, I win!" And this is what I call priorities, potty training a child is right up there with giving birth, getting married, and dying!!! I feel pretty sure every mommy is laughing and knows exactly what elation I am feeling today.  Luke and his potty training is way far behind compared to Lily.  She was completely potty trained and not even wearing pull-ups at night by the time she was two years and three months old.  Luke is two years and seven months, and we've only just begun...yes that is to the tune of the Carpenter's song.  But we are off to a decent start, since he has went three times in the first 24 hours.  The going number two didn't go so smooth today...and this is probably too much info, but it is funny...he gets underneath his picnic table to poop, which at least lets me know when he is going to go, and I can intervene.

Like every "good" Momma, I have tried up till now to bribe him with just about everything from candy, to motorized vehicles, and everything inbetween.  Who in the world would have thought that the mention of CAKE would get him going on the potty.  We went to the cabinet to pick our cake mix, and he ended up picking out brownie mix.  As you might guess, we all are enjoying the brownies tonight, and Luke even got sprinkles on his :) He looks so cute in his big boy underpants.  I have slipped up a few times and called them panties, OPS!!! But hey, I was a girl mom for so long, this underpants thing doesn't roll off my tongue just yet.  Poor thing even woke up sick with a fever, cough, and snotty nose this morning, which threw us off track a bit.  But we recovered this evening, and back to the potty we went.  We still don't know if we got the house, but I will declare this day a success no matter what happens with the house.  Nothing else to do but smile and just move on :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Why me???

It seriously never fails, especially when it comes to my life that is... We had an offer in on a house, and after a week of negotiations we came to the price they wanted.  Turns out, four different sets of people  also came to look at it this past weekend.  How do we know you might ask?  Because the house we are trying to buy is across the street from where we live now!  And wouldn't you know it, some other offers came in over the weekend before we had a chance to seal the deal.  I am so frustrated that I can honestly say, I am not even stressed out anymore. I have prayed that if this house is not meant to be for my family, God will stop it.  Guess you ought to be careful what you pray for, EH?  But I would much rather have to scramble now then get stuck in a house that is a money pit.  Did you ever see that movie?  I know I'm dating myself here, but it was the one with Shelley Long and Tom Hanks ...hilarious if you haven't seen it.  I'm not even sure where you can find it, but if you see it, rent it and think of me :) I have a clip attached that is so funny!!!

What next you might be thinking?  Not sure, just waiting to see if we get the original house...and if not back to the drawing board I suppose. I certainly am learning a lesson in patience.  And I am thinking maybe I should just get over it, and learn that lesson so God will stop beating me over the head with it!!! My poor agent who had to call and deliver the bad news, well she sounded just awful.  I think she was more upset than Bill and I were.  I just don't like living in the unknown, but I feel like often times this is where God has the best opportunity to show up BIG!  Besides, I have way too much on my plate right now anyway to even take time to worry with it.  I got word from China today that the animation company wants me to screen write an episode for a new series, which would be huge in my writing career.  WHoo Hoo, so this whole house thing really can't rain on my parade today.  On top of that, I am getting great reception on my new marketing campaign for our construction company.  So, why in the world would I stress out about where we are gonna live come Jan. 31st?  It isn't like that is something of great importance...right?  I am going to continue to check out all my options, be patient on the outcome of the current house we have an offer in on, and most of all, smile and just move on :)

Monday, December 10, 2012

On the Road Again...

So sorry I have been missing in action.  My new position as VP of Business Development for Angle Contractors has taken up quite a bit of time as I get things organized and the way I want it to be.  I have been working on documents, advertisement, and the such; so I can begin to sell our company to professionals in the area and build relationships.  I have been in sales before, but never where I just walked into office buildings to speak about "things".  I thought I might be a little nervous, but turns out...it was all GOOD!!! Of course, how could anyone be mean to this face, right?  I thoroughly enjoyed myself, made my way around town with the help of my trusty Garmin, and as the day ended felt a sense of accomplishment and overall positiveness.  I suppose that is almost what people like myself are built to do.  I am that person who strikes up a conversation with just about anybody in just about any surrounding.  I went to get my NC drivers license today, and after a few minutes with the usually stuffy and unkind workers there, he was telling me about this awesome pizza place out by my house he went to the other day.  I think I must get it from my grandma Corder, as she would get even the most disgruntled person to hold a conversation with her. And in light of all this I have a few thoughts about all this.

Work, holy wow, is WORK!!! And my "work" today was fun, as far as work goes, that is.  I got to meet new professionals who are also in my industry, and were all for the most part very nice.  I did get a hold of one architect that was buttoned a little tight around the collar, but after talking to him for a short bit, he warmed up!  I decided to look at it as a challenge, and plus when you believe in what you are selling...it is way easier!  Now comes the follow up emails and phone calls, which is just another time to expose myself and company to those that have the ability to help us grow our company.  I decided to just be myself and roll with it.  Of course, I have no idea if we will get any projects from my visits today, but I am quite hopeful.  Many I visited were very nice and receptive to what I had to offer.

One thing you must keep in mind, as I wrap up is two things that normally don't occur...did in my day!  One being I got dressed up before 10am and ready to take on the world, and secondly...I ate lunch all by myself!!! It was kind of weird, and I have often wondered when I saw others eating by themselves what it must be like.  Well, now I know.  It is low stress, allows the ability to think complete thoughts without shouting to sit down, eat your food, or be quiet!!! And I was wondering how my little man was doing, if my house was a wreck, and what in the world we were going to have for dinner?  Turns out Luke was fine, my house was a wreck, and we ordered Chinese delivery which came to us delivered by a Hispanic guy...go figure!  What else can I do today but smile and just move on :)


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Amazon Prime...You Rock!!!

I just want to say...I love me some Amazon Prime.  If you don't know what it is and you are like me and would just as soon steer clear of the mall and traffic; then you totally need to check it out.  I buy everything on Amazon from toys, to watches, clothes, iPhone cases, books, computer software, all year long; but tis the season for buying Christmas gifts and having them delivered right to my door, NO TAX, and extra shipping is almost too good to be true.  I know...you want to hear more don't ya?

Amazon Prime is a special membership which cost $79.00 a year, gives you free 2-day shipping on all amazon prime eligible products (which is almost all), allows you to watch Amazon instant movies and tv shows free, and if you have a kindle (which we do) you can borrow free books including some of the popular ones. And as long as you are like me and remember to use it; then I am here to say it is worth every penny.  You can often get things cheaper on Amazon than in a store.  You can almost always get things you can't find in the store, at Amazon.  I have had my Christmas presents rolling in with that smile on the box, and I just carry them up to my hiding place all sealed up with Amazon tape still intact.  You know what this means?  There is no way my daughter can sneak and look at her gifts without my knowing; and she knows if she looks I will send them back.  It is almost like a sneak proof system, because she can't see without breaking their Amazon printed tape, which she has no way of getting a hold of any.  So when you think of the gas you save, the time and aggravation waiting in traffic or lines at the mall, and the lack of tax....you are starting to understand why I think Amazon Prime Rocks!!!

Now, I am not the only one who has caught on to this!  I am not the only one friends with the UPS man on my street.  Oh NO!!! Both of my next door neighbors are Amazon Prime members too, and love it for the same reasons I do.  And like I said before, you would be amazed at what you can buy on Amazon.  I have even bought playdoh, protein bars, kitchen appliances, and my neighbor bought a 9 foot ladder and a generator!  LOL! You can ship gifts to other people and the shipping and tax be free, which is how I sent my Christmas gifts to Kentucky this year for family.  Gotta love it, because standing in line at the Post Office is not much fun when you are juggling boxes and a two year old who is crawling on the floor between impatient people also waiting in the same long line as you!  And you might be thinking, what if it comes and it isn't right or doesn't fit or work?  You go online, to your account, tell Amazon the problem, print out a shipping label and either UPS will pick it up, or you can drop it off at the UPS store for free to send it back.  They are quite timely on crediting you back your money, as I have ordered the wrong size shoes for Luke before, and had to send them back.  I can honestly say, I was in a pinch and Lily needed a book for school really quickly so I tried the free month trial. I had every intention of cancelling it, but I have grown to not only love it, but depend on it for a wide range of items from food, to books, toys and everything in between.  And thanks to Amazon, my Christmas shopping has been completed for weeks.  I love you smilie Amazon box.  You make me smile and just move on...happy as a clam!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December in Shorts and T-shirts???

I am just finding it hard to get into the Christmas spirit and listen to my beloved Christmas music when it's 75 degrees outside, and we are running around in shorts and t-shirts.  And I realize if you are from parts of the country, or the world for that matter, which stay warm all year long, this may not be a big deal to you.  But I am from Kentucky where it does get cold, and my husband is from Canada where it definitely gets cold...and this is just kind of weird.  Of course, there are always those fluke days of warmth that pop up now and again in late fall and early winter, but it sure isn't helping me get into the swing of the holiday season.

I don't know what is wrong with me, but I am just not feelin' it all of the sudden.  Maybe I got it all taken care of a bit too early this year.  And wow, I didn't ever dream that being ahead of things could possibly have any negative effects...not that I am versed on being ahead of anything at any time :) I suppose it could be all of the stress we are under trying to buy a house, get financing, my starting a new job, and all the other stress of the holiday season.  Oh, and how could I forget, the stress of my son closing all four fingers into the van door today.  I nearly ripped the door of the van trying to get it open as he stood there screaming with his hand caught.  It is safe to say, it scared the daylights out of us both, and put a damper on our planned low key at home day :(  He bruised them pretty good, and didn't want to use them for a while, but seems okay now.  Seriously, it is always something, EH?  I just want to have my house perfectly clean, my sheets without cookie crumbs or popcorn kernels in them, and bake home made bread or Christmas cookies, HA!  Not gonna happen this week unless my fairy godmother shows up, and she certainly is welcome at anytime.  But I won't be holding my breath, and instead will just look past the mess, press on with what needs to be accomplished for house negotiation, and all the other "stuff" that is on the front burner, smile and just move on. And if it is going to be warm, then I would just as soon be on an island with my feet in the sand, moving on down the beach :)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Stop the Bus...I Wanna Get Off!

Holy cow, what a crazy last seven days I have had!!! I don't mean to be a whiner, but for the love of Pete, stop the bus...I wanna get off!  I am here to tell you, and my Momma would agree, my life is anything but calm on any one given day.  However, when even I am rattled at the chaos, stress, and craziness that has went on during the last week or two; well you know it must be pretty steep! And what do I mean by that; well let me explain.

I have decided if Forest's Momma can say,"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."  Then I would like to say, "Life is like riding a bus, you don't have control at how fast or slow it goes, you never know who you might end up sitting next to, it might stink, you might crash, run late, and often you want to get off, but the driver won't open the door."  I will never forget for as long as I live when I was in forth grade and riding the bus on the way home from school someone lost their beans and weenies they ate for lunch that day.  All I can picture, still to this day, was standing in line to get off at my stop, right beside the barf on the bus floor, and it felt like eternity before that driver opened the door so we could get off.  And I have decided life is often that way.  I know, you are probably laughing, or gagging, I'm not quite sure, but you know it's the truth.  This is how life is, frequently standing near the barf, wanting to get off but something is holding you back from getting away from it.  Or, how about having to endure a slow ride, when all you want to do is GET where you are going, but life seems to drag on and on and on.  Ever felt you wish you could slow down time, or even stop it?  You get my drift, we have no more control really over what life throws at us then we do if we are riding on the bus and are at the drivers mercy.

My life just this week has consisted of nannying full time, starting a new position as the business development and sales for my husbands company, trying to buy a house, trying to get financing for that house, working on legal paperwork for a screenwriting job with an overseas company, fit in a much needed workout at the YMCA, pray over what to tell our current leasing agent as to if we are going to stay or go,writing this blog, my other blog, and children's books; and this is all on top of normal motherly chores like changing diapers, laundry, dishes, cooking, cleaning toilets, and everything else a Momma does each day.  And this is why I want to scream from the highest mountain, "stop the bus, I wanna get off!"  The funny thing is, I know some Mom's who would think this list is a joke, and I honestly don't know how they do it without loosing their minds.  I do like to be busy, use my mind, and feel needed just like everyone else. But it sure would be nice to get feel like I was whistling while I worked, instead of riding around on my broom.  And chances are, I am putting up a pretty good front, but I am worn out.  And of course, most of my list is not bad, but in fact good, if not great.  But simply just a ton of stuff all at once, like the bus in speeding and the brakes aren't working.  I am thankful it will slow down eventually, and part of the problem is the pressure I put upon myself; but I guess that is just how I operate.  I'm supposing I probably should take my own advice, take a deep breath, smile and just move on :)