When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2012


I am a planner, for when things don't exactly go as I had planned. We found out today, we did not get the house we were planning on for the last week and a half.  It was disappointing to both us and our agent, but after all, I had been praying for God to stop it if it wasn't His will. I suppose I should, and was ready if He did in fact stop it.  No "Money Pit"  home for me, but the way it went down was unfair and shady to say the least.  I won't go into details, but lets just say the Kane father and son team for ReMax United in Raleigh, NC is extremely unprofessional, untrustworthy, and I would NEVER EVER do business with them if you expect honesty. I even went so far as to phone the owner of the ReMax United office here in Raleigh, NC; spent 20 minutes of my time talking to Mr. Owens, explaining the lack of professionalism from his father and son agent team, the Kane's.  I waisted my time, because I got nowhere, even though Mr. Owens told me personally he would take care of it!!!

So, now that my rant is over, I will tell you about what I have cooking now! We are signing a new contract for another house in the same neighborhood we are in, and it looks quite promising.  But if for some reason it doesn't work out either; I suppose it is on to plan C.  Whatever that looks like!!!

On a different note, my writing is going well, and my writing career has promise.  I feel at home when I am at the keyboard writing about this, that, and anything else that comes to mind for the blog.  I also love concepting my children's books, and my newest project is working on an animation for a tv series.      Of course, we are slacking on the potty train today with Luke, but hey...Rome wasn't built in a day, right? The hardest part of my day was by far the call I had to make to my agent.  We are not able to buy the house for plan B and use agents.  It broke my heart to tell her that, but we simply couldn't afford the house with those additional fees.  Had we just got the original house, this wouldn't have been a conversation I had to even have.  But there was no other way, at this point that is...and we are quickly running out of time. (Tick Tock, tick tock) I wish I was independently wealthy, and could just pay whatever, but that for certain is NOT the case these days...or was it ever, really.  So now I will wait again, and to tell you the truth, I feel a little worn down, but I will smile and just move on :)

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