When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Monday, December 10, 2012

On the Road Again...

So sorry I have been missing in action.  My new position as VP of Business Development for Angle Contractors has taken up quite a bit of time as I get things organized and the way I want it to be.  I have been working on documents, advertisement, and the such; so I can begin to sell our company to professionals in the area and build relationships.  I have been in sales before, but never where I just walked into office buildings to speak about "things".  I thought I might be a little nervous, but turns out...it was all GOOD!!! Of course, how could anyone be mean to this face, right?  I thoroughly enjoyed myself, made my way around town with the help of my trusty Garmin, and as the day ended felt a sense of accomplishment and overall positiveness.  I suppose that is almost what people like myself are built to do.  I am that person who strikes up a conversation with just about anybody in just about any surrounding.  I went to get my NC drivers license today, and after a few minutes with the usually stuffy and unkind workers there, he was telling me about this awesome pizza place out by my house he went to the other day.  I think I must get it from my grandma Corder, as she would get even the most disgruntled person to hold a conversation with her. And in light of all this I have a few thoughts about all this.

Work, holy wow, is WORK!!! And my "work" today was fun, as far as work goes, that is.  I got to meet new professionals who are also in my industry, and were all for the most part very nice.  I did get a hold of one architect that was buttoned a little tight around the collar, but after talking to him for a short bit, he warmed up!  I decided to look at it as a challenge, and plus when you believe in what you are selling...it is way easier!  Now comes the follow up emails and phone calls, which is just another time to expose myself and company to those that have the ability to help us grow our company.  I decided to just be myself and roll with it.  Of course, I have no idea if we will get any projects from my visits today, but I am quite hopeful.  Many I visited were very nice and receptive to what I had to offer.

One thing you must keep in mind, as I wrap up is two things that normally don't occur...did in my day!  One being I got dressed up before 10am and ready to take on the world, and secondly...I ate lunch all by myself!!! It was kind of weird, and I have often wondered when I saw others eating by themselves what it must be like.  Well, now I know.  It is low stress, allows the ability to think complete thoughts without shouting to sit down, eat your food, or be quiet!!! And I was wondering how my little man was doing, if my house was a wreck, and what in the world we were going to have for dinner?  Turns out Luke was fine, my house was a wreck, and we ordered Chinese delivery which came to us delivered by a Hispanic guy...go figure!  What else can I do today but smile and just move on :)


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