When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Priorities, priorities, priorities!!!

This Momma is doing the whoo hoo dance, because my son finally peed in the potty! So, who cares where we are gonna live?  It was a momentous occasion, and I would think my neighbors maybe heard us as we celebrated with singing, dancing, and lots of yelling and screaming.  Luke was shouting, "I win, I win!" And this is what I call priorities, potty training a child is right up there with giving birth, getting married, and dying!!! I feel pretty sure every mommy is laughing and knows exactly what elation I am feeling today.  Luke and his potty training is way far behind compared to Lily.  She was completely potty trained and not even wearing pull-ups at night by the time she was two years and three months old.  Luke is two years and seven months, and we've only just begun...yes that is to the tune of the Carpenter's song.  But we are off to a decent start, since he has went three times in the first 24 hours.  The going number two didn't go so smooth today...and this is probably too much info, but it is funny...he gets underneath his picnic table to poop, which at least lets me know when he is going to go, and I can intervene.

Like every "good" Momma, I have tried up till now to bribe him with just about everything from candy, to motorized vehicles, and everything inbetween.  Who in the world would have thought that the mention of CAKE would get him going on the potty.  We went to the cabinet to pick our cake mix, and he ended up picking out brownie mix.  As you might guess, we all are enjoying the brownies tonight, and Luke even got sprinkles on his :) He looks so cute in his big boy underpants.  I have slipped up a few times and called them panties, OPS!!! But hey, I was a girl mom for so long, this underpants thing doesn't roll off my tongue just yet.  Poor thing even woke up sick with a fever, cough, and snotty nose this morning, which threw us off track a bit.  But we recovered this evening, and back to the potty we went.  We still don't know if we got the house, but I will declare this day a success no matter what happens with the house.  Nothing else to do but smile and just move on :)

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