When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Amazon Prime...You Rock!!!

I just want to say...I love me some Amazon Prime.  If you don't know what it is and you are like me and would just as soon steer clear of the mall and traffic; then you totally need to check it out.  I buy everything on Amazon from toys, to watches, clothes, iPhone cases, books, computer software, all year long; but tis the season for buying Christmas gifts and having them delivered right to my door, NO TAX, and extra shipping is almost too good to be true.  I know...you want to hear more don't ya?

Amazon Prime is a special membership which cost $79.00 a year, gives you free 2-day shipping on all amazon prime eligible products (which is almost all), allows you to watch Amazon instant movies and tv shows free, and if you have a kindle (which we do) you can borrow free books including some of the popular ones. And as long as you are like me and remember to use it; then I am here to say it is worth every penny.  You can often get things cheaper on Amazon than in a store.  You can almost always get things you can't find in the store, at Amazon.  I have had my Christmas presents rolling in with that smile on the box, and I just carry them up to my hiding place all sealed up with Amazon tape still intact.  You know what this means?  There is no way my daughter can sneak and look at her gifts without my knowing; and she knows if she looks I will send them back.  It is almost like a sneak proof system, because she can't see without breaking their Amazon printed tape, which she has no way of getting a hold of any.  So when you think of the gas you save, the time and aggravation waiting in traffic or lines at the mall, and the lack of tax....you are starting to understand why I think Amazon Prime Rocks!!!

Now, I am not the only one who has caught on to this!  I am not the only one friends with the UPS man on my street.  Oh NO!!! Both of my next door neighbors are Amazon Prime members too, and love it for the same reasons I do.  And like I said before, you would be amazed at what you can buy on Amazon.  I have even bought playdoh, protein bars, kitchen appliances, and my neighbor bought a 9 foot ladder and a generator!  LOL! You can ship gifts to other people and the shipping and tax be free, which is how I sent my Christmas gifts to Kentucky this year for family.  Gotta love it, because standing in line at the Post Office is not much fun when you are juggling boxes and a two year old who is crawling on the floor between impatient people also waiting in the same long line as you!  And you might be thinking, what if it comes and it isn't right or doesn't fit or work?  You go online, to your account, tell Amazon the problem, print out a shipping label and either UPS will pick it up, or you can drop it off at the UPS store for free to send it back.  They are quite timely on crediting you back your money, as I have ordered the wrong size shoes for Luke before, and had to send them back.  I can honestly say, I was in a pinch and Lily needed a book for school really quickly so I tried the free month trial. I had every intention of cancelling it, but I have grown to not only love it, but depend on it for a wide range of items from food, to books, toys and everything in between.  And thanks to Amazon, my Christmas shopping has been completed for weeks.  I love you smilie Amazon box.  You make me smile and just move on...happy as a clam!

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