When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Stop the Bus...I Wanna Get Off!

Holy cow, what a crazy last seven days I have had!!! I don't mean to be a whiner, but for the love of Pete, stop the bus...I wanna get off!  I am here to tell you, and my Momma would agree, my life is anything but calm on any one given day.  However, when even I am rattled at the chaos, stress, and craziness that has went on during the last week or two; well you know it must be pretty steep! And what do I mean by that; well let me explain.

I have decided if Forest's Momma can say,"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."  Then I would like to say, "Life is like riding a bus, you don't have control at how fast or slow it goes, you never know who you might end up sitting next to, it might stink, you might crash, run late, and often you want to get off, but the driver won't open the door."  I will never forget for as long as I live when I was in forth grade and riding the bus on the way home from school someone lost their beans and weenies they ate for lunch that day.  All I can picture, still to this day, was standing in line to get off at my stop, right beside the barf on the bus floor, and it felt like eternity before that driver opened the door so we could get off.  And I have decided life is often that way.  I know, you are probably laughing, or gagging, I'm not quite sure, but you know it's the truth.  This is how life is, frequently standing near the barf, wanting to get off but something is holding you back from getting away from it.  Or, how about having to endure a slow ride, when all you want to do is GET where you are going, but life seems to drag on and on and on.  Ever felt you wish you could slow down time, or even stop it?  You get my drift, we have no more control really over what life throws at us then we do if we are riding on the bus and are at the drivers mercy.

My life just this week has consisted of nannying full time, starting a new position as the business development and sales for my husbands company, trying to buy a house, trying to get financing for that house, working on legal paperwork for a screenwriting job with an overseas company, fit in a much needed workout at the YMCA, pray over what to tell our current leasing agent as to if we are going to stay or go,writing this blog, my other blog, and children's books; and this is all on top of normal motherly chores like changing diapers, laundry, dishes, cooking, cleaning toilets, and everything else a Momma does each day.  And this is why I want to scream from the highest mountain, "stop the bus, I wanna get off!"  The funny thing is, I know some Mom's who would think this list is a joke, and I honestly don't know how they do it without loosing their minds.  I do like to be busy, use my mind, and feel needed just like everyone else. But it sure would be nice to get feel like I was whistling while I worked, instead of riding around on my broom.  And chances are, I am putting up a pretty good front, but I am worn out.  And of course, most of my list is not bad, but in fact good, if not great.  But simply just a ton of stuff all at once, like the bus in speeding and the brakes aren't working.  I am thankful it will slow down eventually, and part of the problem is the pressure I put upon myself; but I guess that is just how I operate.  I'm supposing I probably should take my own advice, take a deep breath, smile and just move on :)

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