When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

No More Waiting, Now just Scurrying!

Well, I suppose if you tell the world via your blog about the impatience you feel...the world listens. Within 24 hours I knew that we were NOT going to be able to purchase the house we are currently renting, and I received my first legal documented contract from the animation company in China.  So, in other words, we didn't get the house, but I feel positive about getting the writing job :) I guess if I had to choose which I wanted more, it would have been the writing job.  I dread the idea of moving again, but hopefully it will only be across the street.  There is a very nice house for sale, and would suit our families needs quite well.  Of course, it is a little above what we were intending to spend, but it will be well worth it in the end.  So please say a little prayer and cross your fingers for us, as we pursue the purchase of a new home.

Life is so funny when you think of it.  We all think we have things mapped out, and that is such a joke.  Life comes at us in all directions.  We have to be ready to rock, roll, and run if we need to!  Or pack in my case, which I have had enough of in the last eight years for certain.  What I really need is my super duper amazing cousin Terry Howerton to show up like a tornado and have my stuff packed, moved, unpacked, and pictures on the wall before the sun has set!!! I have never, ever, EVER seen anyone move like that pretty lady can.  Definately a gift, and to have a beautifully decorated home ready for pictures to be taken for Better Homes and Garden's to boot!  Moving and decorating is very much NOT my gift.  Ask me to write a book in a day, I can do it.  Ask me to keep fifty kids busy for two hours, I can do it.  Ask me to pick paint colors, wall paper, or fabric and accessories...forget it! I once picked shutter colors for my first house Bill and I lived in after getting married.  The color was basically Smurf blue, which was not well received by Bill, friends, or the neighbors.  I mean, hey, it looked good on the color swatch at the paint store, LOL!

So although I am not looking forward to moving; I am looking forward to the extra space we will have in the new house. I am very excited about being able to put some roots down, even though it is far from my family and friends back home.  And best of all, my daughter is thrilled she will continue to be near her new friends she has made in the neighborhood.  This...all contingent on us getting the house across the street.  If not, then our back up house is about three miles away.  Nice house, just different neighborhood, but our hope is Lily will have friends from school in that area if we have to go that route.  Whatever happens with the house, I at least know how to get to work and make something happen, and I'm not waiting around to find out.  And I am super pumped about the up and coming writing assignment adventure.  Guess I will smile and just move on :)

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