When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Post Halloween Candy Hangover

Halloween is over, the candy has been given out, some eaten...OK, a bunch eaten, and now the candy hangover is being felt by teachers and parents all over the nation. Getting those little darlings up this morning bright and early for school was just shy of a joke.  Then actually getting them ready, fed, and to the bus stop was nothing short of a miracle. Keeping them from eating candy for breakfast was, well probably unsuccessful! But hey, they are the school systems problem for the next 6 1/2 hours right?  Bus drivers are the first, other than family, to meet and greet these cutie pies all hungover from sugar overload, and I'm certain it may have been a bumpy ride on the way into school this morning.

Next, kids show up to school this morning, no longer dressed like zombie's but they sure may be acting like them.  Their poor little systems have been overloaded with so much sugar from the feast last night, their brains are half shut down :)  But who deserves much sympathy this fine post Halloween day? TEACHERS!!! They are suffering, and not just because of the damage done last night; but all of the candy being secretly eaten before and during school today; and the next several days!!!  If you have ever been a teacher in the classroom, you totally know what I am talking about.  It is like those little angels are suddenly taken over by alien candy dead-brained beings...and don't even think about scheduling a quiz or test the day after Halloween.  This creates several things: A. A lack of studying from your students, B. The difficulty grading those quizzes because of the large number of wrong answers due to A., and C. Having to give extra credit or a retake, thus causing...you guessed it, more grading on your part.  You get the point ;)  Every teacher sighs in relief as the students are dismissed to their appropriate rides home.

This is when the poor bus drivers get hammered a second time today.  Can you image driving a whole busload of kids screaming, fighting, jumping around, and acting wild and crazy?  I sometimes want to jump out of my own van with only my two kids picking at one another.  The idea of multiplying that by 30 or so, is beyond my comprehension and patience to say the least!! Then finally, at the bus drivers reprieve, everyone is delivered back home safe and sound.  Now, instead of heading right to the homework, kids are heading straight to the candy stash AGAIN!!! And the cycle repeats itself until all of the candy is either eaten, or the parents toss it out when no one is looking!! Well, and of course the candy we parents sneak from the candy harvest that was gathered last night.  We have a duty to help with the consumption right?  After all we did walk the streets to get that goodness too!!!  What else can we do until the candy is gone? You already know, smile and just move on...

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