When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Giving Sore Muscles a Whole New Meaning

I know why the bulk of the USA is overweight!! Starting a workout program at the gym or even a home for that matter is painful, and not just mentally :) Why in the world I start and stop...start and stop...start and stop is utterly insane and almost beyond endurable to my poor old muscles. I have avoided the stairs in the house all day because going up is so hard, and going down is excruciating.  My floor is scattered with toys because it hurts so bad to bend over, I would rather walk over them than pick them up and have to holler in pain.  If you have ever dreaded just a simple act like sitting down on the toilet because of the lactic acid screaming in your thigh muscles...then you know my PAIN!!! I didn't even want to leave the house, because walking is awkward and I feel like people either think I have a swagger or have to poop ;)  I sat in bed last night with a heating pad on my lap, and although it felt great since the cold weather has moved in; it surely didn't help with my muscle soreness.  And did I mention my going back to the YMCA is gonna happen, but I whence at the inevitable next date with the eliptical and free weights.  I know where my problem stems from so I suppose we should talk about it.

For ten years or better I was either a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, or physical education teacher, but the old gray mare just ain't what she used to be.  Unfortunately my mind is nowhere near the age of my body.  In my mind, I can still use all the same machines and lift the same amount of weight. But my body is in the process of saying, "I don't think so!" Then of course, I have been working out with my 12 yr old daughter who is quite strong and young.  We both have a bit of a competitive personality, so neither of us want to be outdone by the other.  I know, stupid to think I could possibly just begin my workout program after many moons and could ever keep up with that young muscular little thing!!! So, tomorrow I will be the one on the treadmill trying to walk it out, and no one will be calling me grace that is for sure.  Say a little prayer I don't just go flying off the back and someone catch it on video like those in the video above. Only watch it if you are ready to laugh out loud :) Gonna get this weight off once and for all, so no pain no gain, right? I suppose I will have no choice but to smile and just move on ;)

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