When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Last Day of Political Calls- WHEW!!!

Holy Cow!!! My phone has rung off the hook for weeks now, and between polling calls or recorded messages from politicians running for office both locally and nationally...I am ready to hank my phone cord right out of the wall!!! Tomorrow is the big day, when America will go to the polls in what I would expect to be quite high turnouts on both sides of the fence.  It seems as if based on the news, it will be a very tight race with a narrow margin of winning for the man who ends up on top, and in the Oval Office come January.  It will be interesting to watch on the television tomorrow as the numbers come in from the different states beginning with the east coast and ending late in the night with the west coast poll results.  My hope is everyone who is able to vote, DOES!!! My opinion is you can't complain if you didn't vote!  

It is well known that there are several states which are considered "battleground" states; and mine in North Carolina is one of them.  They have driven me nuts, to the point that I am borderline rude because I just have about had all I can tolerate.  I have even told a very nice polite young man who asked me about voting for his candidate, (which was not mine by the way) that there was literally NOTHING he could possibly say that would remotely ever change my mind.  Then he made the mistake of asking me why!  Poor thing, but I wasn't mean, just matter of fact on my issues with his candidate.  I am sure he was shaking his head when he hung up from me, and maybe even was reconsidering his volunteering :)

I feel it is safe to say, just about everyone except the hermit which lives in a tent in the mountains and doesn't have television or internet access, everyone at least has some sort of opinion at this point.  Whether it be to vote for Obama, Romney, or write in their own name because they don't believe either one can get the job done, LOL!  At this point, of course I am pulling for who I feel is the best man for the job, but geeze louise, just get it over with already!  I'm tired of hearing about it, and would much rather hear how Joe Shmo in Hollywood got pulled over for a DUI or Suzie Q got herself a tummy tuck. It is almost done and over with, what else can you do now,  but you guessed it...smile and just move on ;)

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