When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

To Germaphobe or Not to Germaphobe?

Nothing like a sick toddler to make you want to conjure up every ounce of patience as a Momma, then bang your head against the wall,  followed by crawling into bed and curling into the fetal position!!! Can I get an AMEN on that one?  My little guy has been sick off and on for almost a month, and I have given up and decided to make another trip to the Ped office today.  As much as I have tried to wait it out and let his little body fight it off himself...I have come to the conclusion it isn't going to happen.  If he is ever going to be able to breathe out of his nose again, it is a trip we must make and brave yet another exposure to GERMS!!! I am not the germaphobe, but I would contemplate it if it didn't require so much work and planning ahead.  Makes me crazy to have sick kids, because I feel helpless.  And as a doer, a fixer kind of person, when I can't do something to fix a problem it makes me out of my mind.

So after the trip to the old doctor and $100.00 later out of my pocket for the visit, it is STILL a sinus infection and the poor little guy has inflamed nasal passages due to the long duration of his sickness.  Seeing how this was the second visit because of this illness in the last 5 weeks, do you think maybe the wrong thing was prescribed in the first place?  Makes you wonder, EH?  Well, I know one thing for sure...the doctors office would never admit that one!  So, we swung by the drive-thru at the pharmacy, picked up the medicine, and now the little guy is hopefully on his way to recovery.  Maybe we should start bathing in Germ-X, or wearing surgical gloves when we pump gas, or sanitize again after using the salt, pepper, and ketchup at a restaurant, sign in at the doctors office with our own pen, never grab a door handle with anything other than our shirt sleeve...NAH!!! Way too much work for me.  Besides I can't even get all the other stuff I should do accomplished in a day without adding in germaphobic ways.  I guess I will have to brave the germs as they come along, what else can you do but smile and just move on :)

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