When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Dare to Dream...

Kameleon JewelPop Dare to Dream POPWhat makes us so scared to try out our hand at making our dreams come true?  Fear we will fail? Worry over what others may think or say?  Constantly looking to the safe but boring or miserable...instead of the desire of our hearts? Now, not all people are like this, as there are those who would stop at nothing to accomplish their dreams.  People such as Michael Phelps, Carrie Underwood, or Bill Gates to name a few didn't let the odds against them deter effort and eventual success!  It seems as if we are full of dreams as children, and as adults we have been beat down; thus letting the dreaming part of who we are slip away.  WHY??!!!

Part of me feels it is because often dreams cost money.  Money that either we don't have dispensable or don't think our dream is worth the risk of some of our hard earned cash.  I suppose we don't have faith in our own dreams...how very sad!!! Life is so short, and we are given gifts that we often shove aside for practical reasons, causing us to not fill fulfilled.  It is a shame when you think about it.  What if Carrie Underwood had never been discovered via American Idol?  She has a voice like an angel, and I am certain there are others out there never to be found because they can't or don't follow their dreams.  I know there are also very talented artist, writers, athletes, musicians, and the list goes on and on...never to have the opportunity to do what they love, and love what they do! And only a select few of us, myself included, get to pursue our dreams in our forty's and beyond.  We are often set in our ways; stuck in a J-O-B that we can't leave because of such things as retirement, 401K, insurance, and so on.  So much talent wasted, and the world is missing out.

I am lucky and fortunate enough to have a second chance at my dream.  And to tell the truth, I don't know I would have been ready to write until now.  My life lived so far has changed and molded me into the person I am today; which affects my writing and thoughts.  What I can tell you though; is following your dream make you so excited, so alive, so fulfilled you can't hardly contain it.  It gives you the sense of purpose not just for yourself, but also those around you.  It is almost like becoming who you were all along but you just didn't know it.  So tonight, I challenge you to do what you can, within reason of course, to work toward following your hearts desire, pray for guidance from the Lord, and move forward.  Dare to dream, almost with a child like mentality, not allowing negativing to overwhelm you or pull you back from pursuing what you know you were born to do.  And if you fail, oh well, but if you succeed... wowzers, you will surely smile and just move on...a very happy clam ;)

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