When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Waiting, waiting, waiting...(Sigh)

Ok, so what is worse than not knowing? WAITING!  I have been waiting now for a week to find out if they are going to sell us the house we are currently renting...still nothing! And I am waiting for an email about screenwriting for an animation, nothing. I usually check my emails fairly often, but I may wear the checker button out checking for these two important emails. Patience is totally not my cup of tea.  I am that person that decides what I want or need, then sits down to figure out what it will take to get it.  And surely not the kind of personality that shrugs and just sits patiently! No, no, no...must do something quick to get quick results is my motto! This is why I am dying here; I would like to do something to hurry these emails, but its pretty much impossible :( I have no choice but to wait.  Did I mention I am not a fan of waiting? LOL!

Waiting can be difficult on anyone about any number of things, eh? Waiting on the contractions to begin the birthing process, waiting on test results from the doctors office, waiting on test scores at school, waiting to hear a loved one is okay after a natural disaster strikes their home, waiting for Santa to come while you are sleeping Christmas Eve, or waiting to go on a relaxing vacation. Some waiting is going to end positively, and others, well...not so much.  I realize I am not the first or only person who has trouble waiting. As a matter of fact, I bet I have quite a bit of company in this area, and many of you struggle with waiting and patience too.

I suppose for those of us who lack patience, and often worry while we wait should at least try to just not think about it. But that certainly is a tall order for a professionally impatient person like myself. Of course, my impatience and worry over whatever I'm waiting on has little to no influence on what I'm waiting for each day.  So, in that case, I guess I will try not to check my emails two hundred times tomorrow, and be as patient as I possibly can be under the circumstances.  Nothing else really to do other than smile and just move on :)

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