When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Gorgeous Day, Perfect Meal, but way too QUIET!!!

Well, I made it through this Thanksgiving Day without my parents and extended family…but it sure was quiet!  Our day started off by an early morning run to church with a triple batch of piping hot green bean casserole which they were going to transport on and serve to the patients and families of Duke Children’s Hospital.  That can certainly put things in prospective knowing there are families who are surrounding their child who is fighting for their life against any host of things.  It makes me grateful for being able to get up, cook the casserole, and drive it to those who need it.  Following our drop off was a trip through the drive-thru at Dunkin Donuts for some festive looking yummy doughnuts.  Back home, I turned on the Macy’s Day Parade where I watched while I spent time making peanut butter cookies rolled in sprinkles and the Hersey’s Kiss placed in the center.  B.E.Autiful, were our cookies, if I say so myself.  We delivered a plate to a family down the street, and then back to continue to cook. 
We watched the dog show, and were upset our pick didn’t win.  Bill carved the best turkey I have ever cooked, all 20lbs of it!!! Which was more than enough for all THREE of us, as Luke doesn’t eat what we eat (don’t judge, it happens).  We watched the parade again and ate our early dinner.  Let me just say, this dinner was my shining moment as the master chef of the kitchen, as everything hit the table hot, beautiful, and the taste was heavenly.  The sad part was…there weren’t many of us here to witness this miracle, which quite possibly won’t be reproduced, EVER!!! This is a picture I took of my plate before I enjoyed the fruits of my labor! The day went without a hitch, but did I mention it was QUIET.  I suppose there is something to be said for the lack of chaos on Thanksgiving Day, but it really isn’t the way I would prefer it if given a choice.  I would rather have a house full of people being loud, kids spilling on my clean floors, and crumbs scattered to the four corners of the house when the last guest left.  Call me crazy, but that’s just the way I was raised.  The more the merrier is the motto from my family, and if I could have found some people who had nowhere to go, you bet I would have had them over.  Thanksgiving is not just about a great meal, but sharing it with those you love, those who may even get on your nerves, and those who just need a place to be included. 

So as we sit down tonight and partake of my grandma’s famous pumpkin pie I made from scratch…first I will think of her, how I miss her, and how sad it makes me to think she doesn’t even realize today is a holiday because dementia has robbed her memory.  I will savor every bite, probably watch a movie with my husband and kids, and this will go down as the lowest key Thanksgiving on record for the life of Julie McDonald.  What else is there to do now but smile and just move on…to SHOPPING! Just kidding, I’m done, yes I know, you are jealous J Much love to all of you reading, and may you and your family be blessed beyond measure!!!

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