When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Life in the Fast Lane...

Life in the fast lane...but surely not the one like the Eagles sang about!  This has nothing to do with drugs and alcohol, but more about breaking up sibling fights, making lunch that is quick and semi-healthy, playing taxi cab going through carpool lines, to dance lessons, and picking up groceries all while making phone calls and mental notes on what to get accomplished as soon as you get back inside the front door.  That just may have been a run-on sentence, but then again, it is a run-on life of a Momma of two and Nanny to three :)  However, I must say this rainy cool day was a welcome relief to me, since at least I didn't have to watch out for the numerous extra neighborhood friends.  Today was not as wild and crazy as yesterday, but I am here to say...how in the world do parents of multiples, or more than 3 or 4 kids possibly survive?  It's a nonstop whirlwind of "I'm hungry, can I go outside, I'm bored, she's looking at me, why do I have to do it, and he doesn't" with very little if any break.  One thing is for certain, this chick is not bored. And although I like to rattle on about it, it makes me feel as if I have a purpose for getting my lazy bottom out of the bed!  Because life really isn't much of a life if it lacks purpose!

Are you in the business of needing something to give you back your purpose?  Let offer a few suggestions if I might.  I feel pretty sure that just about any and every organization could use good volunteers these days.  Pick something you have a passion for, whether it be babies, young kids, college students, or the elderly.  Then look up organizations in your area and give them a call.  You just might be surprised at how there is the perfect thing for you to do that will make you feel needed.  It might only be for an hour a week, or even every other week, but you as well as those you serve will benefit greatly.  I have never heard anyone give of their time to help others and complain it was a waste of time.  There is something about helping those in need that affects your heart like little else can.

And if volunteering isn't your cup of tea, then look for something else that will get you going in a positive way.  Maybe it is beginning a new sport, taking lessons of some sort, trying your hand at art class, making a career change, or anything within reason of course.  Whatever it may be, just make it be something.  You will feel energized, alive, and an integral part of society who is important!  I would be willing to bet you will be ready to smile and just move on in an exciting direction in no time :)

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