When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

I'm Sending out an S. O. S.

You ever feel like, WOW, what a whirlwind day; then look back upon it and realize you got little accomplished? Yes, that was today for sure. Although I was in full Nanny mode, plus a few neighborhood kids added in for good measure, it was all I could do to keep afloat today. And the hardest part was watching my daughter flirt with the boy down the street and show off to impress him! Here we go, I whispered to myself :) I remember being that age and sitting for hours watching the boys play basketball outside, and sometimes playing a game of horse...but I was terrible, so for sure a better spectator anyway.  And as I watched the two of them chatting away, and I saw that giddy look on her face...I wasn't sure if I was happy for her, or scared to death for me.

I got behind on things, so I will be brief in order to hit the hay at a reasonable hour. (I'm a girl who needs her 8 hours beauty sleep.) But I would like to ask if you remember when you were twelve years old and noticing the opposite sex for  the first time? I know we all had crushes, and I can remember looking for a particular boy across church during Mass at school, just to catch a glimpse.  And I KNOW I am not alone on this one, its naturally how we progress toward dating and then marriage. But being the parent now, well that's a whole different ball game :/  Guess I will have to go out and get myself a rifle so Momma can be cleaning that baby at the kitchen table right next to that homemade pie when her boyfriends stop by! What else can I possibly do other than stop time?  And since I don't have that ability, I suppose I will smile and just move on ;)

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