When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

2nd Times a Charm??? and Randomness!!!

So...drum roll....here is the house!  !"

It is literally right next door to the house we are currently living in.  As my Dad said, "just chuck your stuff over the fence!" Don't even need a moving truck, just strong guys who can carry my furniture across the lawn :)  We have been sick, yes all of us, Luke, Lily and myself.  I have been buying a house, learning how to be a notary public (which I got a 100% on the 50 question exam) writing my first screenwriting episode, and getting my house ready for my parents visit.  I can't breathe out of my nose, I was up from 3:00 until 8:00 am this morning courtesy of Luke who also can't breathe, and I am weeks behind on watching Glee!!! Random, yep...you already know it.  I have been off my nanny duty because of our funk we have going in the house...and I miss my kids, but I am totally not getting more done without them here.  This is by far the strangest illness I have ever had.  Started with a severe sore throat, to just being tired and stuffy nose, now sneezing and completely stuffed up with no air flowing through these nostrils!!!  Wonder if it has anything to do with the Mom who was toting her kids into preschool a week from Monday telling me that she and her kids had been sick with the flu for a WEEK!!! IF she wasn't on my "strange" list I might ask her about it!!!

On a bright note, the cavalry have arrived.  My parents are here to help take the heat off since my hubby is working out of state.  God bless parents, Amen and Praise the Lord...and I truly mean that sincerely!!! I feel as if I might be able to make it through the day tomorrow without turning into the wicked witch of the west, or falling apart like humpty dumpty.  I can say with complete ease, my parents are the bestest ever!!! Yeah, I know you think you have the best parents...but NO, I have them so sorry, LOL!!!  I am thoroughly looking forward to spending time with them during the holidays, and holding my loved ones close to me (once my hubby gets home and they are all here).  Life is unpredictable, and we should live life as if we are truly living for today only.  Not that it gives you the pass to go crazy and do whatever you want, whenever you want, but more along the lines of loving those with your whole heart as if tomorrow never comes.  No regrets, no living in fear, just living life as it was meant to be!! Loving, living, laughing, crying, sharing, caring, don't waste a second! We can't get them back, and we only get what we get!!!

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