When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Why me???

It seriously never fails, especially when it comes to my life that is... We had an offer in on a house, and after a week of negotiations we came to the price they wanted.  Turns out, four different sets of people  also came to look at it this past weekend.  How do we know you might ask?  Because the house we are trying to buy is across the street from where we live now!  And wouldn't you know it, some other offers came in over the weekend before we had a chance to seal the deal.  I am so frustrated that I can honestly say, I am not even stressed out anymore. I have prayed that if this house is not meant to be for my family, God will stop it.  Guess you ought to be careful what you pray for, EH?  But I would much rather have to scramble now then get stuck in a house that is a money pit.  Did you ever see that movie?  I know I'm dating myself here, but it was the one with Shelley Long and Tom Hanks ...hilarious if you haven't seen it.  I'm not even sure where you can find it, but if you see it, rent it and think of me :) I have a clip attached that is so funny!!!

What next you might be thinking?  Not sure, just waiting to see if we get the original house...and if not back to the drawing board I suppose. I certainly am learning a lesson in patience.  And I am thinking maybe I should just get over it, and learn that lesson so God will stop beating me over the head with it!!! My poor agent who had to call and deliver the bad news, well she sounded just awful.  I think she was more upset than Bill and I were.  I just don't like living in the unknown, but I feel like often times this is where God has the best opportunity to show up BIG!  Besides, I have way too much on my plate right now anyway to even take time to worry with it.  I got word from China today that the animation company wants me to screen write an episode for a new series, which would be huge in my writing career.  WHoo Hoo, so this whole house thing really can't rain on my parade today.  On top of that, I am getting great reception on my new marketing campaign for our construction company.  So, why in the world would I stress out about where we are gonna live come Jan. 31st?  It isn't like that is something of great importance...right?  I am going to continue to check out all my options, be patient on the outcome of the current house we have an offer in on, and most of all, smile and just move on :)

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