When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

No More Waiting, Now just Scurrying!

Well, I suppose if you tell the world via your blog about the impatience you feel...the world listens. Within 24 hours I knew that we were NOT going to be able to purchase the house we are currently renting, and I received my first legal documented contract from the animation company in China.  So, in other words, we didn't get the house, but I feel positive about getting the writing job :) I guess if I had to choose which I wanted more, it would have been the writing job.  I dread the idea of moving again, but hopefully it will only be across the street.  There is a very nice house for sale, and would suit our families needs quite well.  Of course, it is a little above what we were intending to spend, but it will be well worth it in the end.  So please say a little prayer and cross your fingers for us, as we pursue the purchase of a new home.

Life is so funny when you think of it.  We all think we have things mapped out, and that is such a joke.  Life comes at us in all directions.  We have to be ready to rock, roll, and run if we need to!  Or pack in my case, which I have had enough of in the last eight years for certain.  What I really need is my super duper amazing cousin Terry Howerton to show up like a tornado and have my stuff packed, moved, unpacked, and pictures on the wall before the sun has set!!! I have never, ever, EVER seen anyone move like that pretty lady can.  Definately a gift, and to have a beautifully decorated home ready for pictures to be taken for Better Homes and Garden's to boot!  Moving and decorating is very much NOT my gift.  Ask me to write a book in a day, I can do it.  Ask me to keep fifty kids busy for two hours, I can do it.  Ask me to pick paint colors, wall paper, or fabric and accessories...forget it! I once picked shutter colors for my first house Bill and I lived in after getting married.  The color was basically Smurf blue, which was not well received by Bill, friends, or the neighbors.  I mean, hey, it looked good on the color swatch at the paint store, LOL!

So although I am not looking forward to moving; I am looking forward to the extra space we will have in the new house. I am very excited about being able to put some roots down, even though it is far from my family and friends back home.  And best of all, my daughter is thrilled she will continue to be near her new friends she has made in the neighborhood.  This...all contingent on us getting the house across the street.  If not, then our back up house is about three miles away.  Nice house, just different neighborhood, but our hope is Lily will have friends from school in that area if we have to go that route.  Whatever happens with the house, I at least know how to get to work and make something happen, and I'm not waiting around to find out.  And I am super pumped about the up and coming writing assignment adventure.  Guess I will smile and just move on :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Waiting, waiting, waiting...(Sigh)

Ok, so what is worse than not knowing? WAITING!  I have been waiting now for a week to find out if they are going to sell us the house we are currently renting...still nothing! And I am waiting for an email about screenwriting for an animation, nothing. I usually check my emails fairly often, but I may wear the checker button out checking for these two important emails. Patience is totally not my cup of tea.  I am that person that decides what I want or need, then sits down to figure out what it will take to get it.  And surely not the kind of personality that shrugs and just sits patiently! No, no, no...must do something quick to get quick results is my motto! This is why I am dying here; I would like to do something to hurry these emails, but its pretty much impossible :( I have no choice but to wait.  Did I mention I am not a fan of waiting? LOL!

Waiting can be difficult on anyone about any number of things, eh? Waiting on the contractions to begin the birthing process, waiting on test results from the doctors office, waiting on test scores at school, waiting to hear a loved one is okay after a natural disaster strikes their home, waiting for Santa to come while you are sleeping Christmas Eve, or waiting to go on a relaxing vacation. Some waiting is going to end positively, and others, well...not so much.  I realize I am not the first or only person who has trouble waiting. As a matter of fact, I bet I have quite a bit of company in this area, and many of you struggle with waiting and patience too.

I suppose for those of us who lack patience, and often worry while we wait should at least try to just not think about it. But that certainly is a tall order for a professionally impatient person like myself. Of course, my impatience and worry over whatever I'm waiting on has little to no influence on what I'm waiting for each day.  So, in that case, I guess I will try not to check my emails two hundred times tomorrow, and be as patient as I possibly can be under the circumstances.  Nothing else really to do other than smile and just move on :)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Not Knowing is the Hardest Place to Be!

If you are like me, when something in your life is undecided or up in the air, it can send you in a tiz!  I am one of those "just tell me what it is and I will deal with it" kind of people.  But when things like where we are going to live, or other large variables that are important to the stability in my life...I catapult into high stress mode.  This is where I am today, so I will be brief.  Especially since my Luke just informed me he "puked" in my room on the carpet. He must have gotten choked, and then gagged, and then well...you know :)

Don't worry, I cleaned it up before I came back to write this, LOL!  So, when we knew we were going to be moving to Wake Forest, NC, due to the current housing market, we had to sell our house before we could put in an offer or even look at houses here.  Needless to say, we sold our house, they wanted us out yesterday...so we ended up renting here in the area we felt best suited us...and now we are just shy of 60 days from needing to either buy this house we have been renting, or purchase another house.  Sounds easy enough, right?  Of course not!!

The people we are renting from live in Australia, and although we have given them an offer, we have yet to know if they even want to sell to us at a reasonable price.  This is where the unknown is driving me nuts.  Should I stay or should I go now??? I am a planner so I have to put a contingency plan into effect in case they say no.  I have been scouring the internet for homes that would best meet our needs, the best price per square foot, and making sure my daughter is still close enough to her school that it doesn't change, or else off with my head it would be!  I just want to know, if we can relax and enjoy the Christmas season, or if we will be driving around looking at houses to secure a place to live.  We were hoping to know whether they were selling to us by Sunday.  We are still waiting.  And we must let our leasing agency know by Friday if we are staying or not.  I will be a ball of nerves this week for sure.  Now, if the backup houses could just not sell until I know, I will not have a heart attack. What else can I do but wait, smile and just move on :)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Gorgeous Day, Perfect Meal, but way too QUIET!!!

Well, I made it through this Thanksgiving Day without my parents and extended family…but it sure was quiet!  Our day started off by an early morning run to church with a triple batch of piping hot green bean casserole which they were going to transport on and serve to the patients and families of Duke Children’s Hospital.  That can certainly put things in prospective knowing there are families who are surrounding their child who is fighting for their life against any host of things.  It makes me grateful for being able to get up, cook the casserole, and drive it to those who need it.  Following our drop off was a trip through the drive-thru at Dunkin Donuts for some festive looking yummy doughnuts.  Back home, I turned on the Macy’s Day Parade where I watched while I spent time making peanut butter cookies rolled in sprinkles and the Hersey’s Kiss placed in the center.  B.E.Autiful, were our cookies, if I say so myself.  We delivered a plate to a family down the street, and then back to continue to cook. 
We watched the dog show, and were upset our pick didn’t win.  Bill carved the best turkey I have ever cooked, all 20lbs of it!!! Which was more than enough for all THREE of us, as Luke doesn’t eat what we eat (don’t judge, it happens).  We watched the parade again and ate our early dinner.  Let me just say, this dinner was my shining moment as the master chef of the kitchen, as everything hit the table hot, beautiful, and the taste was heavenly.  The sad part was…there weren’t many of us here to witness this miracle, which quite possibly won’t be reproduced, EVER!!! This is a picture I took of my plate before I enjoyed the fruits of my labor! The day went without a hitch, but did I mention it was QUIET.  I suppose there is something to be said for the lack of chaos on Thanksgiving Day, but it really isn’t the way I would prefer it if given a choice.  I would rather have a house full of people being loud, kids spilling on my clean floors, and crumbs scattered to the four corners of the house when the last guest left.  Call me crazy, but that’s just the way I was raised.  The more the merrier is the motto from my family, and if I could have found some people who had nowhere to go, you bet I would have had them over.  Thanksgiving is not just about a great meal, but sharing it with those you love, those who may even get on your nerves, and those who just need a place to be included. 

So as we sit down tonight and partake of my grandma’s famous pumpkin pie I made from scratch…first I will think of her, how I miss her, and how sad it makes me to think she doesn’t even realize today is a holiday because dementia has robbed her memory.  I will savor every bite, probably watch a movie with my husband and kids, and this will go down as the lowest key Thanksgiving on record for the life of Julie McDonald.  What else is there to do now but smile and just move on…to SHOPPING! Just kidding, I’m done, yes I know, you are jealous J Much love to all of you reading, and may you and your family be blessed beyond measure!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Missing the One's I LOVE on Thanksgiving this Year

I know it is well understood that holiday's whether it be Mother's Day, Thanksgiving, Easter, or Christmas, are often the most difficult to move through without the ones you love.  Whether it be distance that keeps you apart, or they have left this earth thus leaving us behind.  This year is the first year in 41 years that I will not be with my parents for Thanksgiving Day.  And for some of you, I'm sure you might like to tell me to suck it up because at least I can call them...and your Mom, Dad, or both are no longer available via phone.  And well, you are right, and my heart breaks for y'all, and it truly is beyond my comprehension as to how it feels.  I dread that day. But until then, the fact for me to not be with them is a difficult pill to swallow.

You see, my family, including extended family such as aunt's, uncle's, and cousins were always there on Thanksgiving Day; and it was truly a special time.  Problem is, I didn't realize it until the two people that held it all together were gone...and it will never be the same.  I have even tried to have everyone, and their families over my house to try and reproduce it. Although it was fun, and I enjoyed the family being together once again...it still wasn't the same.  It was then that I realized no matter what I did, how I cooked the turkey, dressed the tables with beautiful table cloths, and had all the same dishes...it can't be done.  When I went year after year to those most special holiday gatherings, I took it for granted that it would always be like that; never stopping to just soak it up.  I was young, and didn't truly understand that our family was not just special...but extraordinary!!! Everyone got along, the adults played cards, and the kids played board games.  Never was there a family brawl, a spat, even so much as a cross word to anyone about anything. I know it sounds fake, but it wasn't!  It happened year, after year, after year, holiday after holiday, all year long.  And I would give anything to just go back one time, just one more time so I could soak it in; etch it in my mind one last time.  But I can't...and although I will hold my husband and kids close to me, and I love them more than life itself...my heart will long to be on Kiefer Road, in a small old house, filled with love, laughter, and my family.  Oh how I would love to hear my grandma whistling in the kitchen as she bustled around cooking everything like it was no big deal, to hear the football game blaring on the television set that was 19 inches, hear the sound of a bunch of loud wild kids running from room to room, and stop time! But it is impossible...

So tomorrow, I will call my Mom my usual 10 times on the phone, probably facetime, and then send my love to the rest of my family via facebook. I will cook for my small family the best dinner I know how, watch the parade like I do every year, probably cry if I have to admit it...and simply resolve myself to the fact that I must carry on and create new memories for the sake of my kids instead of living in the past, even though it was glorious.  What else is there to do...I suppose I will try to smile and just move on...but it won't be easy.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Best Potatoes EVER!!! Twice Baked Potato Casserole

These are undoubtedly the best potatoes that will ever be served at your table, and has most restaurants beat hands down.  Yummy doesn't even scratch the surface for how these potatoes make your taste buds sing!  This recipe was made up by my lovely friend Kristen, and they will make you a hero in your families eyes!!! I won't waste anymore time on the intro, and will simply cut to the chase...or the recipe that is :)  And if you family doesn't happen to like these...
A. something is wrong with them LOL, and B. Smile and just move on :)

Twice Baked Potato Casserole

6 Big Baking Potatoes
4 cups Shredded Mild Cheddar Cheese
12 oz Sour Cream
3 Tbsp butter
1/3 cup milk
bacon bits
fresh chives
1 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Pepper
Bake potatoes in oven till soft when fork is inserted.  Allow potatoes to cool just enough to be able to handle them, scoop out all of the insides of the potato, mix in stand mixer or with potato masher adding in sour cream, 2 cups shredded cheese, butter, salt, pepper, and milk.  Be sure to taste mixture to make sure it is salted and peppered to suit you.  If the potatoes are too thick, add a splash more milk.  Once mixed thoroughly, spoon/pour into lightly sprayed 9x13.  Cover with the remaining 2 cups cheese, and bake at 350 degrees uncovered until all cheese is melted and browned to your liking. Place bacon bits and chives in separate bowls, and allow individuals to add to their potatoes what they wish.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Cooking Countdown to Thanksgiving- homemade Cranberry Sauce

pic of my cranberries in the pot boiling away, and now they are all ready for the big day!

I have decided for the countdown to Thanksgiving, I would post a recipe everyday that you should find simple, yet yummy, and sure to impress the crowd.  Today will be homemade cranberry sauce, which by the way, is way better than the canned stuff that comes out into the shape of the can from which it came! Making it from scratch is easy, doesn't contain a bunch of extra additives we don't need, and will make you look like Rachael Ray :)

Now don't get me wrong, there are some things that just aren't worth the headache and hassle to me, like gravy which either taste like flour or has clumps in it.  (I just give in and buy the jars of Heinz Turkey gravy, and had my Dad fooled for years thinking it was homemade like my grandma used to make, LOL.)  But the cranberry sauce is worth the effort, because it isn't much of an effort at all.

My goal this year is to have everything made up and ready to go except the turkey to roast and the mashed potatoes to mash, the few days before; so I can actually enjoy watching the parade.  I know it's corny, but I just love watching it, and always have since I was a little girl.  It is on my bucket list to go someday to the Macy's Day parade before I die!  Until then, I will just curl up in my snuggly pj's, and watch from the couch... and my daughter likes to watch it now, so I have a partner in crime.  There will be lots of smiling as the band just moves on down the street, and I sip hot cocoa :)

Cranberry Sauce

1 12 oz bag of fresh cranberries (wash and drain)
1 cup water
1/2 to 1 cup white sugar (depends how sweet you want it) I like mine a little tart so I use 1/2 c
(and if you didn't want to use white sugar, you could substitute agave instead)
1 small can of crushed pineapple (well drained)
1/3 cup of currants (these are tiny little raisins basically)

Place water, sugar, and washed cranberries in pan and bring to boil.  When the cranberries start to split and pop they are done.  If you want more whole berries, only let a few pop, if you like a more smashed look to the berries, cook longer to pop them all and stir.  I like mine mostly whole because it looks prettier :)  Remove from the heat and stir in the drained pineapple and currants.  Let sit, and it will look a little juicy, but the extra juice will find its way into plumping the currants.  And that's it!  Looks beautiful, more healthy than canned, and sure to wow your friends and family :)

Friday, November 16, 2012

Recipe Wednesday on Friday :) Chicken and Dumplings from scratch

Ok, so it has been quite the week.  It usually doesn't matter to me whether it is Monday or Friday...but today I want to shout from the highest mountain, TGIF!!! Since my little guy has been sick all week and not sleeping, it has really taken the wind out of my sails.  I have also been really busy writing a Giving Thanks book for Luke's preschool class Thanksgiving Day party Monday.  Add in full-time nanny work for two kido's, a husband who has been out of town for nine days now and counting, and I am ready to RELAX!!! I of course remembered this morning that I accidentally skipped recipe Wednesday, and had several people waiting for the chicken and dumpling recipe I made earlier in the week. I will confess I pulled it from dash recipes website, but I tried it personally, and we loved it.  My dumplings were scratch, and they were cooked to perfection.  The picture to the right is a close up of my dumpling cut in half!  Yummy!  Make sure you have a crew to eat it as it makes quite a bit :) So, here it is... oh and I used unbleached all-purpose flour and let it simmer longer than 10 minutes once I added in the dumplings to make sure they were not doughy inside.

4 cups chicken broth
1 cup water
2 Tbsp unsalted butter
2 tsp poultry seasoning
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp dried parsley
1 tsp dried basil
½ tsp black pepper
1 lb boneless, skinless chicken breast
1 cups all-purpose flour
3 cups milk
2 cups frozen peas and carrots

2 cups flour
1 Tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1 Tbsp butter (softened)
1 cup milk

1. In heavy bottomed Dutch oven or large wide pot, over medium heat, add chicken broth, water, butter and all seasonings. Cover and bring to a boil.

2. Meanwhile, cut chicken breast into bite sized pieces. Add to soup mixture. Stir to combine and cover.

3. In a sealable container combine flour and milk. Seal tightly and shake vigorously to combine well. You will create a smooth flour mixture for thickening your sauce called a slurry. Slowly pour the slurry into broth, stirring constantly. Add frozen vegetables. Cover.

4. Combine dumpling ingredients in a medium bowl. Mix well with a fork. Remove cover from stew and stir well. Drop dumplings into stew one tablespoon at a time, use a 1 tablespoon scoop to make it even easier. Reduce heat to simmer, cover and cook for 10 minutes. Serve and enjoy!
Makes 8 cups.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

To Germaphobe or Not to Germaphobe?

Nothing like a sick toddler to make you want to conjure up every ounce of patience as a Momma, then bang your head against the wall,  followed by crawling into bed and curling into the fetal position!!! Can I get an AMEN on that one?  My little guy has been sick off and on for almost a month, and I have given up and decided to make another trip to the Ped office today.  As much as I have tried to wait it out and let his little body fight it off himself...I have come to the conclusion it isn't going to happen.  If he is ever going to be able to breathe out of his nose again, it is a trip we must make and brave yet another exposure to GERMS!!! I am not the germaphobe, but I would contemplate it if it didn't require so much work and planning ahead.  Makes me crazy to have sick kids, because I feel helpless.  And as a doer, a fixer kind of person, when I can't do something to fix a problem it makes me out of my mind.

So after the trip to the old doctor and $100.00 later out of my pocket for the visit, it is STILL a sinus infection and the poor little guy has inflamed nasal passages due to the long duration of his sickness.  Seeing how this was the second visit because of this illness in the last 5 weeks, do you think maybe the wrong thing was prescribed in the first place?  Makes you wonder, EH?  Well, I know one thing for sure...the doctors office would never admit that one!  So, we swung by the drive-thru at the pharmacy, picked up the medicine, and now the little guy is hopefully on his way to recovery.  Maybe we should start bathing in Germ-X, or wearing surgical gloves when we pump gas, or sanitize again after using the salt, pepper, and ketchup at a restaurant, sign in at the doctors office with our own pen, never grab a door handle with anything other than our shirt sleeve...NAH!!! Way too much work for me.  Besides I can't even get all the other stuff I should do accomplished in a day without adding in germaphobic ways.  I guess I will have to brave the germs as they come along, what else can you do but smile and just move on :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Life in the Fast Lane...

Life in the fast lane...but surely not the one like the Eagles sang about!  This has nothing to do with drugs and alcohol, but more about breaking up sibling fights, making lunch that is quick and semi-healthy, playing taxi cab going through carpool lines, to dance lessons, and picking up groceries all while making phone calls and mental notes on what to get accomplished as soon as you get back inside the front door.  That just may have been a run-on sentence, but then again, it is a run-on life of a Momma of two and Nanny to three :)  However, I must say this rainy cool day was a welcome relief to me, since at least I didn't have to watch out for the numerous extra neighborhood friends.  Today was not as wild and crazy as yesterday, but I am here to say...how in the world do parents of multiples, or more than 3 or 4 kids possibly survive?  It's a nonstop whirlwind of "I'm hungry, can I go outside, I'm bored, she's looking at me, why do I have to do it, and he doesn't" with very little if any break.  One thing is for certain, this chick is not bored. And although I like to rattle on about it, it makes me feel as if I have a purpose for getting my lazy bottom out of the bed!  Because life really isn't much of a life if it lacks purpose!

Are you in the business of needing something to give you back your purpose?  Let offer a few suggestions if I might.  I feel pretty sure that just about any and every organization could use good volunteers these days.  Pick something you have a passion for, whether it be babies, young kids, college students, or the elderly.  Then look up organizations in your area and give them a call.  You just might be surprised at how there is the perfect thing for you to do that will make you feel needed.  It might only be for an hour a week, or even every other week, but you as well as those you serve will benefit greatly.  I have never heard anyone give of their time to help others and complain it was a waste of time.  There is something about helping those in need that affects your heart like little else can.

And if volunteering isn't your cup of tea, then look for something else that will get you going in a positive way.  Maybe it is beginning a new sport, taking lessons of some sort, trying your hand at art class, making a career change, or anything within reason of course.  Whatever it may be, just make it be something.  You will feel energized, alive, and an integral part of society who is important!  I would be willing to bet you will be ready to smile and just move on in an exciting direction in no time :)

Monday, November 12, 2012

I'm Sending out an S. O. S.

You ever feel like, WOW, what a whirlwind day; then look back upon it and realize you got little accomplished? Yes, that was today for sure. Although I was in full Nanny mode, plus a few neighborhood kids added in for good measure, it was all I could do to keep afloat today. And the hardest part was watching my daughter flirt with the boy down the street and show off to impress him! Here we go, I whispered to myself :) I remember being that age and sitting for hours watching the boys play basketball outside, and sometimes playing a game of horse...but I was terrible, so for sure a better spectator anyway.  And as I watched the two of them chatting away, and I saw that giddy look on her face...I wasn't sure if I was happy for her, or scared to death for me.

I got behind on things, so I will be brief in order to hit the hay at a reasonable hour. (I'm a girl who needs her 8 hours beauty sleep.) But I would like to ask if you remember when you were twelve years old and noticing the opposite sex for  the first time? I know we all had crushes, and I can remember looking for a particular boy across church during Mass at school, just to catch a glimpse.  And I KNOW I am not alone on this one, its naturally how we progress toward dating and then marriage. But being the parent now, well that's a whole different ball game :/  Guess I will have to go out and get myself a rifle so Momma can be cleaning that baby at the kitchen table right next to that homemade pie when her boyfriends stop by! What else can I possibly do other than stop time?  And since I don't have that ability, I suppose I will smile and just move on ;)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Dare to Dream...

Kameleon JewelPop Dare to Dream POPWhat makes us so scared to try out our hand at making our dreams come true?  Fear we will fail? Worry over what others may think or say?  Constantly looking to the safe but boring or miserable...instead of the desire of our hearts? Now, not all people are like this, as there are those who would stop at nothing to accomplish their dreams.  People such as Michael Phelps, Carrie Underwood, or Bill Gates to name a few didn't let the odds against them deter effort and eventual success!  It seems as if we are full of dreams as children, and as adults we have been beat down; thus letting the dreaming part of who we are slip away.  WHY??!!!

Part of me feels it is because often dreams cost money.  Money that either we don't have dispensable or don't think our dream is worth the risk of some of our hard earned cash.  I suppose we don't have faith in our own dreams...how very sad!!! Life is so short, and we are given gifts that we often shove aside for practical reasons, causing us to not fill fulfilled.  It is a shame when you think about it.  What if Carrie Underwood had never been discovered via American Idol?  She has a voice like an angel, and I am certain there are others out there never to be found because they can't or don't follow their dreams.  I know there are also very talented artist, writers, athletes, musicians, and the list goes on and on...never to have the opportunity to do what they love, and love what they do! And only a select few of us, myself included, get to pursue our dreams in our forty's and beyond.  We are often set in our ways; stuck in a J-O-B that we can't leave because of such things as retirement, 401K, insurance, and so on.  So much talent wasted, and the world is missing out.

I am lucky and fortunate enough to have a second chance at my dream.  And to tell the truth, I don't know I would have been ready to write until now.  My life lived so far has changed and molded me into the person I am today; which affects my writing and thoughts.  What I can tell you though; is following your dream make you so excited, so alive, so fulfilled you can't hardly contain it.  It gives you the sense of purpose not just for yourself, but also those around you.  It is almost like becoming who you were all along but you just didn't know it.  So tonight, I challenge you to do what you can, within reason of course, to work toward following your hearts desire, pray for guidance from the Lord, and move forward.  Dare to dream, almost with a child like mentality, not allowing negativing to overwhelm you or pull you back from pursuing what you know you were born to do.  And if you fail, oh well, but if you succeed... wowzers, you will surely smile and just move on...a very happy clam ;)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Giving Sore Muscles a Whole New Meaning

I know why the bulk of the USA is overweight!! Starting a workout program at the gym or even a home for that matter is painful, and not just mentally :) Why in the world I start and stop...start and stop...start and stop is utterly insane and almost beyond endurable to my poor old muscles. I have avoided the stairs in the house all day because going up is so hard, and going down is excruciating.  My floor is scattered with toys because it hurts so bad to bend over, I would rather walk over them than pick them up and have to holler in pain.  If you have ever dreaded just a simple act like sitting down on the toilet because of the lactic acid screaming in your thigh muscles...then you know my PAIN!!! I didn't even want to leave the house, because walking is awkward and I feel like people either think I have a swagger or have to poop ;)  I sat in bed last night with a heating pad on my lap, and although it felt great since the cold weather has moved in; it surely didn't help with my muscle soreness.  And did I mention my going back to the YMCA is gonna happen, but I whence at the inevitable next date with the eliptical and free weights.  I know where my problem stems from so I suppose we should talk about it.

For ten years or better I was either a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, or physical education teacher, but the old gray mare just ain't what she used to be.  Unfortunately my mind is nowhere near the age of my body.  In my mind, I can still use all the same machines and lift the same amount of weight. But my body is in the process of saying, "I don't think so!" Then of course, I have been working out with my 12 yr old daughter who is quite strong and young.  We both have a bit of a competitive personality, so neither of us want to be outdone by the other.  I know, stupid to think I could possibly just begin my workout program after many moons and could ever keep up with that young muscular little thing!!! So, tomorrow I will be the one on the treadmill trying to walk it out, and no one will be calling me grace that is for sure.  Say a little prayer I don't just go flying off the back and someone catch it on video like those in the video above. Only watch it if you are ready to laugh out loud :) Gonna get this weight off once and for all, so no pain no gain, right? I suppose I will have no choice but to smile and just move on ;)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Julie's Chocolate Martini on Recipe Wednesday

Just in case some of you need a little something to wash down your happy pills today like me, since your candidate didn't win last night. And no, I am not suggesting we all drink ourselves into oblivion...because that won't do us any good. But it doesn't hurt to mix up a yummy drink to sip on and take the edge off :)  This recipe is great for just making one, or enough for a whole group of friends and family!  I will choose to calm down a bit before I write about the disappointment I feel over the election, and pray. But one thing I know for sure...no matter who won president of the United States, my Father is still King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and reminding myself of this is how I fell asleep last night once the news stations called the winner. What else is there to do now, but smile and just move on :/

Julie's Chocolate Martini

1 shot Godiva Chocolate Liquor
1 shot Vanilla Vodka (I like Absolute)
1 shot Kahlua Coffee Liquor
1 shot Bailey's Iris Cream
1 shot Milk or Cream depending on how many calories you are willing to intake :)

Place all in a cocktail shaker with ice, and shake well. If you want to get fancy, lightly moisten the rim of your martini glass and dip in hot chocolate powder mix; or skip the moistening of the rim and dip into a small saucer of melted chocolate chips. Glasses can be prepared in advance if you are expecting company.
Drizzle around the inside of the martini glass with Hershey's Chocolate Syrup, pour drink mix from cocktail shaker, sip and enjoy!!!

(Double the above recipe if your shaker will permit in order to make more than one at a time for guests)

If this is too strong, you can always add more milk or cream. Or if you would like, to omit the milk or cream, that will work too.  Don't drink too many as they pack a punch, and for sure NEVER drink and drive!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Way it Was Back in the Day...

It really is mindboggling to me how fast time is flying, and my life is moving. But what is more staggering is when I think back at life when I was a kid verses now.  And even though it certainly doesn't seem that long ago to me, when I sit and ponder the changes and advances, holy WOWZERS!!! So, on my 41st Birthday, I thought I would share a few of those wowzers with y'all to tell the young whooper snappers how it was; and remind the rest of us old farts...

Technology is just really beyond comprehension!!! I just stood in my kitchen and downloaded onto my iphone all of my favorite Christmas albums via Rhapsody by searching the artist name then looking for the picture on the record album I remembered as a child.  So let us recap this, and break it down. I have a phone that is also a computer, needs no cord, doesn't have buttons because it is touch screen, is also a video chat device so I can see who I am talking to face to face, can hold more of my favorite record albums than I probably can even remember exist, and that is just the beginning.  I can text, write books, read books that download in a matter of seconds, send letters, make calls of course, my kids can keep busy by playing games or watching a tv show I have saved...hold on here, lets put on the breaks!!! My phone alone can do things that didn't even exist when I was little.  Here is the fun part, let us talk now about what we didn't have back in the day!!!

Cable Slide Box?No privacy, because our phone was connected to the wall by a cord and was usually located in the kitchen where everyone always was around to listen.  There was no call waiting, no caller id, no answering machines for heavens sake!!! If someone called and you weren't home...no one would ever know unless they called back, shocking!!!  You always answered the phone in case it was an "emergency" or important and there was no way to avoid that ex boyfriend or telemarketers.  And if your favorite show came on and you weren't home, you where just straight out of luck.  There were no DVR's, VCR's, and I can remember when there wasn't even CABLE or a REMOTE CONTROL!!!  Never forget the day we got our very first cable box, and yes it had this really long long cord so you could stretch it to the couch to change the channels by sliding the little bar down the line to the number channel you wanted and there were only about 25 channels. This seemed like a ton, because before there were only the 4 or 5 local channels.  We only watched cartoons on Saturday morning, so I would get up super like 7am so I could make sure to get it all in before noon rolled around and WWF came on! VCR's showed up when I was in high school, but were expensive...and programming them to tape your show was not easy.  Sometimes the tape would run out and you would just miss the end; and there was no option to just catch it on Netflix or the internet.  Which brings me to my final little bit of humor on life in the olden days.

Typewriter Stock Photo - 15083583Let's start with the fact that there were no computers, so if you had a paper to type it was on the old typewriter.  I used to cringe if I made a mistake because that basically meant starting the typing all over, unless of course you used white out, which in my perfectionist mind was not an option.  Secondly, no internet to do research on for papers would create a trip to the library, looking things up in Encyclopedia's and not the Wiki kind, LOL!  And heating up your food, there were NO MICROWAVES...so we either used the oven or the stove top and figured it out.  Yes, TV dinners where in metal-tray containers with aluminum foil covering the top of them:)  We popped popcorn in a pan with oil and a lid since microwave popcorn didn't exist. And the list goes on and on with things we didn't have compared to today. It was a different era, different way of living really...not better, not worse, just different.

We played outside till after dark, rode our bikes everywhere, baseball or kickball games in the street, chase or hide and go seek till midnight, only to be called in my our Mom yelling our name at the top of her lungs from the front porch, not by calling or texting us on our cell phones.  Life was grand, and we have evolved much in my 41 years, but it does make me often miss the way it was.  However, I will be the first to admit I am all about using the technology we now have, and I am certain we simply can't have it both ways.  And so time marches on, and I remember back to what my Mom used to tell me about not having color television, and my grandma about not having central heat or air conditioning, and many still didn't even have running water.  We evolve, society changes, life changes, we change, and there is no way to stop it anymore than there is stopping time.  What else can we do but smile, and just move on ;)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Last Day of Political Calls- WHEW!!!

Holy Cow!!! My phone has rung off the hook for weeks now, and between polling calls or recorded messages from politicians running for office both locally and nationally...I am ready to hank my phone cord right out of the wall!!! Tomorrow is the big day, when America will go to the polls in what I would expect to be quite high turnouts on both sides of the fence.  It seems as if based on the news, it will be a very tight race with a narrow margin of winning for the man who ends up on top, and in the Oval Office come January.  It will be interesting to watch on the television tomorrow as the numbers come in from the different states beginning with the east coast and ending late in the night with the west coast poll results.  My hope is everyone who is able to vote, DOES!!! My opinion is you can't complain if you didn't vote!  

It is well known that there are several states which are considered "battleground" states; and mine in North Carolina is one of them.  They have driven me nuts, to the point that I am borderline rude because I just have about had all I can tolerate.  I have even told a very nice polite young man who asked me about voting for his candidate, (which was not mine by the way) that there was literally NOTHING he could possibly say that would remotely ever change my mind.  Then he made the mistake of asking me why!  Poor thing, but I wasn't mean, just matter of fact on my issues with his candidate.  I am sure he was shaking his head when he hung up from me, and maybe even was reconsidering his volunteering :)

I feel it is safe to say, just about everyone except the hermit which lives in a tent in the mountains and doesn't have television or internet access, everyone at least has some sort of opinion at this point.  Whether it be to vote for Obama, Romney, or write in their own name because they don't believe either one can get the job done, LOL!  At this point, of course I am pulling for who I feel is the best man for the job, but geeze louise, just get it over with already!  I'm tired of hearing about it, and would much rather hear how Joe Shmo in Hollywood got pulled over for a DUI or Suzie Q got herself a tummy tuck. It is almost done and over with, what else can you do now,  but you guessed it...smile and just move on ;)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Don't forget Thanksgiving comes between Halloween and Christmas

I don't know about you, but I am starting to feel like Thanksgiving is getting left out these days.  Halloween stuff comes out mid-September or earlier, and then come November 1st, Christmas is out and about in the stores...but what happened to that day where we concentrate on being THANKFUL in between getting candy and getting presents?  Now let me say right off the bat, I LOVE CHRISTMAS, and in my car I have listened to Christmas music; but I feel like Thanksgiving is getting squished out.  Now what kind of example is this setting for our kids, get candy-get presents, and squeeze a little thanks in the middle.  And maybe my memory isn’t the best, but I don't remember it being quite this early of a start on Christmas when I was a little girl.  If we got to put up the Christmas tree on Thanksgiving night that would have been the absolute earliest I can ever remember.  Usually it was once December rolled around that we were decking the halls and hanging the stockings.

I want Thanksgiving turkeys to be decorating the stores, and harvest to be the focus.  Then of course, as the end of November approaches, we begin to enjoy the Christmas decorations.  I completely understand hanging your lights and what not while it is still warmer outside, so you don't freeze your hind end off; but don't turn them on yet!!! Put out a horn of plenty, a Turkey wreath on your door, and maybe a few other harvest things around.  Keep hold of your pumpkin stuff a little longer, because after all, pumpkin is a fall harvest fruit.  Yes, a fruit!  So here comes your lesson on pumpkins J
Winter Squash at Market 
A pumpkin is not a vegetable; it's a fruit! In fact, it's a berry. Pumpkins belong to the family Cucurbitaceae, which includes cucumbers, melons, squash, and gourds. Within this family is the genus Cucurbita which includes gourds, winter and summer squash, and all varieties of pumpkin. There are four species that are considered "pumpkins," but only one is the species most people would recognize as the traditional pumpkin used for carving jack-o-lanterns and baking pies.  And this is why on Thanksgiving Day we serve pumpkin pie, because before there was canned pumpkin, people had to use the fruits and veggies harvested at the time for meals and desserts.  This could lead me to a whole different direction about eating what is in season…but I will save that rant for another post. 

I totally realize my opinion won’t stop the media, marketing, and over advertising of Christmas before Thanksgiving, but I did want to make mention of it today along with my pumpkin lesson.  What else can I do but smile and just move on ;)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Post Halloween Candy Hangover

Halloween is over, the candy has been given out, some eaten...OK, a bunch eaten, and now the candy hangover is being felt by teachers and parents all over the nation. Getting those little darlings up this morning bright and early for school was just shy of a joke.  Then actually getting them ready, fed, and to the bus stop was nothing short of a miracle. Keeping them from eating candy for breakfast was, well probably unsuccessful! But hey, they are the school systems problem for the next 6 1/2 hours right?  Bus drivers are the first, other than family, to meet and greet these cutie pies all hungover from sugar overload, and I'm certain it may have been a bumpy ride on the way into school this morning.

Next, kids show up to school this morning, no longer dressed like zombie's but they sure may be acting like them.  Their poor little systems have been overloaded with so much sugar from the feast last night, their brains are half shut down :)  But who deserves much sympathy this fine post Halloween day? TEACHERS!!! They are suffering, and not just because of the damage done last night; but all of the candy being secretly eaten before and during school today; and the next several days!!!  If you have ever been a teacher in the classroom, you totally know what I am talking about.  It is like those little angels are suddenly taken over by alien candy dead-brained beings...and don't even think about scheduling a quiz or test the day after Halloween.  This creates several things: A. A lack of studying from your students, B. The difficulty grading those quizzes because of the large number of wrong answers due to A., and C. Having to give extra credit or a retake, thus causing...you guessed it, more grading on your part.  You get the point ;)  Every teacher sighs in relief as the students are dismissed to their appropriate rides home.

This is when the poor bus drivers get hammered a second time today.  Can you image driving a whole busload of kids screaming, fighting, jumping around, and acting wild and crazy?  I sometimes want to jump out of my own van with only my two kids picking at one another.  The idea of multiplying that by 30 or so, is beyond my comprehension and patience to say the least!! Then finally, at the bus drivers reprieve, everyone is delivered back home safe and sound.  Now, instead of heading right to the homework, kids are heading straight to the candy stash AGAIN!!! And the cycle repeats itself until all of the candy is either eaten, or the parents toss it out when no one is looking!! Well, and of course the candy we parents sneak from the candy harvest that was gathered last night.  We have a duty to help with the consumption right?  After all we did walk the streets to get that goodness too!!!  What else can we do until the candy is gone? You already know, smile and just move on...