When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!

When life gets harder, we have to get tougher!
Weathering the Storm!!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Recipe Wednesday...The Real Deal Pumpkin Pie (Family Tradition)

I have mentioned before how my Grandma Richeson was an amazing cook, of course my other Grandma Corder was too, but tonight this recipe is my grandma's that I have spoke of before that has dementia.  She has been making this for REAL DEAL pumpkin pie and has my daughter spoiled because she doesn't want any part of the store bought pumpkin pies :)  My husband has been known to eat 1/2 yes, 1/2 of a pie at one sitting, and Lily is not far behind him.  Luckily this recipe makes two pies so someone else can have a slice.  We always serve it with Cool Whip or Whipped Cream, and make sure you put your pies in the refrigerator once they have cooled so they will keep longer.  This is a great one for  Halloween,Thanksgiving, or as my daughter says, whenever!!! Enjoy this and beware, once you spoil your family with this...store bought pie will never be good enough again, so bake at your own risk :) And yes, this is the pie we made today sitting on my dining room table.  I couldn't take a picture of the other, it is already 1/2 missing!

Purchase a pie pumpkin, wash whole pumpkin, cut top off, take all seeds and stringy insides out, cut off outer rind or if it won't peel easily then just cut into big chunks and place in large pan covering with water, boil for 20 minutes or until soft.  Pour pumpkin in strainer, remove rind if not already removed, then place pumpkin meat in large bowl and mash with a potato masher. Now you are ready to mix all of your ingredients together as follows...

1 1/2 cup pumpkin prepared from directions above
1 1/2 cup milk
1 tsp. vanilla
4 eggs beaten
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. ground cloves
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
3 Tbsp. flour
1/2 tsp. salt
2 pre-made deep dish pie shells

mix all ingredients together either by hand or with stand mixer, pour into (unbaked) pie shells, bake at 350 F for 50 minutes to 1 hour (when toothpick comes out clean). Cool on baking rack, then store in refrigerator.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I will be brief tonight, as I watch the pictures of the devastation created by hurricane Sandy; my heart is completely broken for those that were in her path...The pictures of the water in the subway, the feet of sand piled high in the middle of neighborhood streets, the blocks and blocks of burnt houses in Queens, the Jersey Shore which is basically no more, millions of people without power, and some buried under feet of snow, and the list goes on and on.  What could I possibly say that the pictures on the internet and television haven't already said, as a picture is worth a thousand words.  Which means based on the ones I have seen over the last 24 hours, is beyond my comprehension.  My heart goes out to everyone who have been affected by this historic storm...praying friends, we are all praying for y'all.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Oh Sandy...you evil storm you!

This video is a funny take on an old song, "Sandy" from Grease sung by John Travolta, and choreographed with images of the hurricane Sandy media followings over the last week.

Oh Sandy, you evil hurricane wrecking lives on this yucky Monday...and OMG you are even making a mess of the early voting (something I had never heard made such a big deal of until this election)!  Sandy, you certainly have made yourself known, no Stock Market open today, Subway closed in NYC, and getting a flight on the east coast is quite the joke.  I kind of wish I was going to be making it to the snow hills of West Virginia for a little early skiing on the slopes.  Sounds like this hurricane/winter storm meet up is really stirring up quite a hoo haa...I even got a text this morning from my sister-in-law in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada; and they are going to be getting this hurricane mess too.  And from what I have seen, it will reach as far in as Chicago, what a great way to start the week before election week.

And now, heaven forbid, the candidates are having to cancel some of their campaigning stops during the final push, OH NO!!! As if we haven't heard enough about and from both sides...maybe we should thank Sandy for giving the media something else to drone on and on about.  I am grateful my family and I are out of the path of Sandy, and my prayer is everyone will heed the warnings given to move to higher ground, evacuate, and prepare for long term power outages and flooding, as Sandy pokes along at a snails pace.

I live only two hours from Wilmington, NC and Wrightsville Beach; however we have had very little in the way of wind and rain.  I feel very fortunate to have escaped the wrath of big wide massive Sandy; and I will be praying over the next week for friends, family, and everyone else in Sandy's way as she makes a real mess of millions of lives, their property, their businesses, and wiping out a countless number of kids Halloween experiences this year.  Already purchased costumes my never be worn, which may sound trivial, but not in the minds of those kids missing out on free candy :(  I suppose it is a just move on kind of day, because I don't feel like doing too much smiling since so many are in harms way.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Fabulous Friday...Hats off to the Sanitation Workers

You may be wondering how I came about deciding to give a hats off to the garbage men and women today? Well, it was after watching a rerun episode of "Dirty Jobs" last night with my family that I began to ponder the stink and grossness that a garbage person might endure all day long.  Not to mention, the weather aspect of this glorious but extremely necessary job.  Rain, snow, sleet, hail, blazing heat and sun...they are there to pick up our nastiness.
Naples, Italy 2008 endured a year long garbage strike and took the Italian Army to clean up the mess!!!

Earthsense Recycled Tall Kitchen Waste Bags, 13 Gallon, White, 150/Box (Google Affiliate Ad)

If you are like me, when I take out the trash (which usually has those lovely dirty diapers riding along in the bag); I try to open up the lid holding my breath, toss in the trash bad, and slam down the lid and run like crazy before I get a sniff of the stench that flows toward my nostrils! Now, imagine doing this all day long!!! CAN'T, I really can't!  I am assuming that maybe these guys have lost their gag reflex, as they watch bags of our worst get tossed into that giant trash crushing truck day in and day out.  And I would say it was nice for these fellows to have the new trash cans that can clip to the side or back of the truck and a mechanical arm or lift hoist up the trash can and dumps it in.  But, I am not naive enough to think that all trash is nicely secured and neatly placed in such trash cans.  What about all the stuff that doesn't fit and has to be lifted by hand and tossed in?  That would surely be tough on the old body, constantly picking up our junk...our unwanted crap, and throwing it into a huge pile of yuck.  Knowing all the while, they are bound to be touched or dripped on by what I will call, "garbage juice"!  This is the liquidity mess that collects at the bottom of your trash can and if any of your bags happen to be ripped or leaking, well you know where that drains to...the bottom.  Now add in a little rain water from the lid being left open during the rain, a few maggots, bees going after your old sweet food, and yes, beyond my comprehension how they do this.  I am certain it is one of the most necessary, and yet unappreciated jobs around.

So, I feel safe to say, in a way they are hero's of the modern world! Yes, they deal with all of the stuff we surely don't ever want to see again, come whatever weather!  And if you have ever been to a city where the sanitation workers are on strike, then you get a visual on what can happen if these hero's don't come to our trash making aid.  It is not a pretty or fragrant situation, which may quite be the understatement of the year!  I was in Toronto when they were on strike and the piles of trash on the beautiful streets of downtown Toronto was a horrific sight!  Bees and stink everywhere, and basically taking up the pedestrian walkway.  This can happen anywhere, in any country, as I have attached a few pics of what has happened in the past when these waste hero's take a stand against the "Big Man" over wages and benefits. So I with full confidence say, my hat is off to all of those that work in Sanitation or Waste Management, and when you pick up my poop smelling trash or dead animal smell from the raw chicken container from last week, I will surely Smile and just move on, very thankfully!!!  And by all means, don't forget them at Christmas, a gift card for the person who deals with your stink every week surely deserves it :)

Toronto Summer 2009

New York City 1981

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cautiously Optimistic

If you are like me, there are times in your life when you simply can't help yourself but be cautiously optimistic.    Of course, this may take on many different aspects from jobs, to a potential spouse, or even a pregnancy after a miscarriage.  It is a weird state of being, one that you just aren't sure to be uber excited, scared of disappointment, or the utter confusion of feeling them both at the very same time.  It is like having the angel on one shoulder saying, "This is it, you are finally going to be rewarded for patience and perseverance," or the devil on the other saying, "Don't get your hopes up stupid, chances are better that this will never happen."
I know I am not alone on this one, as we have all felt it before and probably several or even many times over.  Is it best to think positive, get all psyched up, and believe it IS going to happen? Or should we move to the pessimistic side, already brace ourselves for the fall, and not waste the energy?

If you were thinking I was going to have the answer...um, NO of course I don't know!  I am in the same boat as you are on these things.  I often find myself floating somewhere along the center, in the middle I guess you could say.  I find myself getting excited and hoping, but then reigning feelings and emotions back in, almost as a safety mechanism to guard my heart from being broken.  I will say if you don't dream, or at least try to follow that dream, life can often become boring, mundane, and depressing.  But, going out and investing next weeks rent and grocery money on some exciting but not well thought out venture, isn't probably the best way to go about making your dreams a reality.  I believe a happy medium, a well investigated path to your dream, will eventually yield a much better result with less risk...and you still have food on the table and a roof over your head.  It is something you slowly cultivate, groom if you will, keeping your feet on the ground, but moving in that direction with focus, yet calculated steps to getting where your dream leads you to be.

Today I will choose to continue to work hard toward my dream, take the steps...even the ones that are a little shaky and a bit unpredictable, stay the course even if and when failure knocks at my door, and eventually I will get there.  My prayer is you will too, move toward something that you have always dreamed of for your life, and even if we by chance don't get there; at least no one can ever say we didn't give it our best girl scout effort!  Besides, we could always Smile and just move on :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It's Recipe Wednesday- Candy Corn Bark

Candy Corn Bark Recipe
If you are like me, I am a sucker for candy bark, and usually it is the Christmas peppermint kind, but I ran across this recipe for Halloween and couldn't resist sharing it with y'all :)  Whether you are having a party or just feel like making it for your crew at home, by all means, GO FOR IT!!! I know I will be making it, how can you resist Oreo cookies, white chocolate, pretzels, and candy corns...my mouth is watering just thinking of it! You could also use the little ghost or pumpkin shaped sprinkles, or even the new Candy Corn Oreo's and then milk chocolate.  Let me know if you add your own spin on it that the rest of us simply must know about down in the comments.  But make sure you have your sweet tooth ready, because I would imagine this is gonna be rich and yummy!

16 Halloween-colored chocolate sandwich cookies, chopped
1 1/2 cups broken small pretzels
1 1/2 pounds white chocolate, broken into squares
2 cups candy corn
orange and brown sprinkles

1. Spread the cookies and pretzels evenly onto a lightly greased small baking sheet. Melt chocolate in a bowl set over a pan of simmering water, or in the microwave, stirring frequently until melted. Remove from the heat while there are still a few chunks, and stir until smooth. White chocolate burns easily.
2. Drizzle chocolate with a spoon over the goodies in the pan, spreading the top flat to coat evenly. Top with candy corn and sprinkles. Let cool until firm. Break into pieces and store in an airtight container.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Rhinovirus has arrived - Aaachooooo!

Tis the season I suppose, but I don't have to embrace it with open arms!!! I love the fall weather, the cool mornings followed by the warm afternoons, and reading one of our all time favorite books, The Flea's Sneeze pictured to the right, but not the sickness! We officially have our first round of the Human Rhinovirus AKA the common cold.  There are 99 recognized types of Human rhinoviruses that differ according to their surface proteins. They are among the smallest viruses, love to proliferate (multiply) in temperatures between 91-95 degrees F, are contracted from aerosols of respiratory droplets and from contaminated surfaces like phones and doorknobs, including direct person-to-person contact. There is no place on the face of the earth to hide from the human rhinoviruses because they occur worldwide and are the primary cause of common colds. Symptoms include sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing and cough; sometimes accompanied by muscle aches, fatigue, headache, muscle weakness, or loss of appetite.  There are no "shots" like the flu shot to try and avoid the colds, and fall-winter are peak season :(  The start of school, as well as the fact that more people are spending time indoors due to weather are the reasons for the spike in the fall, thus continues till spring arrives.  Of course, there is that "summer cold" that sneaks in and takes hold of your family, but for some reason it just doesn't seem so bad in the summer...to me at least.

So what are the best strategies to fight this little enemy?  Lots of tissues, lots of liquids, and lots of rest!!! I am not a doctor, so I won't give any medical advice beyond that, but obviously a fever, difficulties breathing, and what not would be signs that a visit to the doctor may be in order.  Which brings me to my next point...It is so hard to decide when and when not to go be seen by the doctor.  I have called today to speak to the nurse about little Luke, and it is very difficult even for them to determine whether it will be a worthwhile trip, or they will tell you to keep treating the symptoms, which you were already doing.  But if you are like me, it makes you crazy wondering.  I don't want to seem like the paranoid parent, but I don't want to seem too lax and all the sudden we are in a real dangerous situation because I let it go too long!  We are in the wait, watch, and see stage at this point.  Now, just waiting to see who else gets it in the house, and my throat feels swollen, so it very well could be me.  After all, he has been coughing and sneezing on me, and I am the chief nose wiper around here. What else can I do, smile and just move on...

Remember, I am not a doctor, just a writer, so seek professional medical advice if necessary :)

Monday, October 22, 2012

The 411 on the Brazillian Blowout Keratin Treatment

If many of you are like me, the idea of wash and wear hair is not such a good idea.  My hair is just curly/wavy enough to create a birds nest if I don't blow it dry and use a big curling iron or straightener.  I try to use curly hair gels or mousse to quickly create the volume full curly look, but my curls go which ever way they want and it often is not the way I would prefer.  Then of course, once I have the gel or mousse in it, there is no turning back and I am destined for haystack or scarecrow hair as I fondly refer to it :/  And I have so graciously given my daughter Lily the same hair. The kind that goes all squirrelly even if you have taken the time to dry and straighten it.  Lets put it this way, it would not be a good move for us to live in Seattle or London, as we would need to wear a baseball cap all the time to go out in public.  But I have since found a product that the celebrities use to create and keep their hair smooth and under control, even on those rainy humid days.  It is called the Brazillian Blowout Keratin Treatment, but after finding this wonderful treatment to finally control our crazy hair...I saw the price and almost choked.  That is when my search for a do it yourself treatment began.

After looking online, which is my favorite place to shop by the way; I found a product on Amazon that had great reviews, was a bit more than I wanted to spend, but would supply multiple treatments for both Lily and I.  I decided to go for it, and it was so worth it!!! The salon price can range from $250.00 to upward of $500.00 for one treatment, and I got the whole bottle of solution for $200.00.  What I realized is, although the solution is pricey, it is the time taken to perform this long process.  It takes about 3 hours to complete all the steps required, but well worth it.  And you will need someone to help, unless you are an expert in straightening your hair from the root out in the back.  My neighbor helped me straighten the back, and you have to run the hair through the flat iron 4 to 5 times per small section.  Which by the way is the last stage of this lengthy process.  Washing with clarifying shampoo is first, then comes the free blow drying, followed by the application of the solution in small sections with a color application brush (or I used this huge toothbrush),  blow drying it straight with a flat or round brush, then the flat iron. All said, it was worth the effort, and should last about 3 months.  So, here is my before and after pictures...OK so the first is a little exaggerated, but the final product is so worth it!!! And whether you go to the salon, or do it yourself, you will not be sorry :)  I am so smiling and moving on after this little hair smoothing process!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Fabulous Friday, Hats off to all the Nurses!

Nurse And Glove : young nurse holding syringe isolated on white background.Where would the world be without the nurses?  I mean, seriously, these gals and guys do all the dirty work when we are sick, injured, or falling apart.  They get pooped on, puked on, wipe away tears, help deliver babies, and unhook the monitors when someone has passed away.  I have quite a few friends who are nurses and I know that you can't just choose to be a nurse, it chooses you.  You are born for it, because it is in their hearts to help when others want to run, scream, or vomit themselves.  There are so many different places they are needed, from the ER, to the nursing home, to the pediatricians office.  They see so many people who are feeling icky, and yet they treat each one as if they are the only one they will take care of that day.  These are special people who are loving, compassionate, consoling, and understanding when we or out kids are irrational and not thinking clearly.  Giving shots, taking temperatures and blood pressure, hooking up   IV fluids, dealing with your head, toes, and every body part in between, is the name of their game.

It is one thing to deal with your own child's vomit or poopies, but when it is a stranger...that is where they separate themselves from the everyday person.   And, they usually do it with a smile, not a gag :) They work long hours, some all night, and we are very lucky to have them.  We are also very lucky in the USA to have the healthcare system that we do, and I often feel we are so accustomed to it, that we take it for granted and those that work within it.  So today, I say, Hats OFF to all those nurses that share their knowledge, heart, and hands to a world of hurt, sick and often whining people! I certainly couldn't do it, but I am absolutely positively glad you do.  So all you nurses out there, Smile and just move on, and know you are loved :)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

My Heart Aches for the Goodwin Family today :(

The poem I wrote to honor Lane Goodwin on October 17, 2012, the night he was called Home.

Lane, sweet boy, your weary soul has softly taken flight.
You are safely wrapped and loved in God's strong arms tonight.

We've all been touched so deeply now, hearts broken at your leaving.
But pain and strife will be no more, so why can't I stop grieving?

You fought the fight so strong and true, until the very end.
A mighty hero you sweet thing, the world you did befriend!

We were praying for a miracle, from all corners of the globe.
But now you don a brilliant white, and perfect gleaming robe.

So now the world will mourn the loss of a miraculous young man.
When all along God must have known that this would be the plan.

Your life has had great purpose, and you bore the burden well.
The Childhood cancer story was the one you were to tell.

Sweet dreams dear one, you will be missed, but surely not forgotten.
You have your wings, your life complete, and no longer downtrodden.

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last month or so, it is safe to say you have heard of the 13 yr old Lane Goodwin who was in the fight of his life against cancer.  In an effort to raise awareness and funds for childhood cancer and assistance with his rising medical bills, his family launched a campaign to have people send thumbs up to Lane as encouragement to him; but also and to get the word out about cancer among children, thus creating awareness for the need of a CURE!!!  He received an astounding number of thumbs up pictures from some very high profile and famous people all around the world.

And so began a world coming together via Facebook to pray over this boy asking God for a miracle.  Updates were given by his family, along with photos of Lane as well as all of the famous people sending prayers and thumbs up.  I watched as this Facebook page grew with an astounding rate of speed.  I hardly think Facebook could keep up with the number of likes and comments on his page.  The world was waiting for a miracle, hoping for one, praying for one...that did not come.  God in all of His wisdom and sovereignty chose to take Lane home to heaven with Him, and leaving a world in sadness and sorrow.  I do not question God's decision, as He knows and understands is ways we simply can't comprehend with a human mind.  However, I am broken for a family who has lost a loved one; a son, brother, grandchild, friend...

And as I have watched, followed, and prayed; I can't help but feel grief for the loss of a very brave boy who was willing to sacrifice his privacy and pain for the raised awareness of a Cure for Cancer.  So today, let us all pray for the Goodwin family as they struggle through having to say goodbye...and if you are like me, then take a little extra time out of your busy day and love deeper, snuggle longer, and really take in those precious moments that just don't last forever.  I have placed above a beautiful and fitting hymn, so listen if you will.  It's just not a smile and move on kind of day today... it's just a move on day, what else can we do?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

It's recipe Wednesday...Most Fantabulous Chocolate Chip Cookies EVER!!!

I know last weeks recipe contained chocolate chips, so I am guessing you have realized I am no stranger to chocolate.  And normally, I would not have two recipes back to back with chocolate chips in them because I like to spread things out and alternate a bit.  BUT, have to have this recipe because these cookies are to die for and uncomplicated to make.  It is my friends Tanya's special mixture and she has most graciously allowed me to share it with the world :)  Somehow you can even overcook these cookies and they still are soft and yummy! (and I am not a fan of hard crunchy cookies so maybe that is why I LOVE this recipe)  If I tell the whole truth, then I have to confess I baked a batch last night so I could take a picture for today's post.  Guess what?  They are gone and the deliciousness of them totally distracted me from taking the picture.  All I can do now is bake another batch right?  I chose to make the dough, put it in an air tight glass container and leave in the refrigerator, which will allow me to make smaller batches over the next week or so.  This dough does not have to be refrigerated, and can be baked right after mixing it all up.  It is a very good thing I didn't bake the whole batch or else I am afraid Lily, Luke, and I would have a tummy ache because we lost all self control and didn't stop till they were GONE!!!  I will insert a picture of them as soon as I bake another batch, and I promise this is one to go ahead and print or write down on your recipe card.  They are not low fat, but boy o' boy are they fantabulous.  If you make these for someone they are gonna be your friend for life.  I may have added a few too many calories to my day yesterday but what else can you do when your cookies taste that good, smile and just move on... :)

Tanya's Fantabulous Chocolate Chip Cookies

2 sticks butter - SOFTENED
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp vanilla
2 eggs
2 cups flour (could substitute whole wheat but I haven't tried yet)
12 oz chocolate chips of choice (I used half chocolate chips and half butterscotch chips) but use what you like best.

Whip butter, then add white sugar and whip again on high.  Add brown sugar and whip again.  Add baking soda, salt, vanilla and eggs and mix again.  Add 1 cup flour and mix, then another cup of flour and mix, then add your chocolate chips of choice and mix again.

Bake at 365 for 8 minutes.

My next batch is going to be white chocolate chip and macadamia nut !!! 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Nanny Julie on the job :)

In an effort to help my family financially, and to help my friend and neighbor who has went back to a full time job...I am now officially Nanny Julie.  However, it is a job I feel quite comfortable with and I feel the kids do as well.  I just get to be Mommy to my own kids, and add three extra in for after school care and during track out.  And just in case you aren't from around here in Wake County, NC; we have year round schools here and the students go to school for  forty five days and then have fifteen days off (or three weeks).  As you might imagine, this can be tough on a family in which both parents are working full time.  Hiring a high school student to nanny during the summer when they are also out of school won't work here.  So we have collaboratively come up with a job for me that brings in a little income, and helps out in childcare for my neighbor.

It is a much better solution than sending them all to different after school programs, as each of these three children are in different schools.  The end result is all of their children are in one location for end of day pick up, and I can take their daughter to dance on time.  This makes for a less stressed set of parents since they know their kids are well cared for, homework complete, snack eaten, and the rest of the night can be family time.  It would be what I would want for my children if I were to go back to work full time.  And as I see it, an all around win/win situation allowing me to say home with my kids, but contribute to the family finances at the same time.  It has been a good second day as an official nanny, so off to take my own daughter to dance.  I am gonna smile and just move on... into a relaxing evening that is :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

October 15th, The Second Worst Day of the Year!

Have you ever been to the post office on October 15th and wondered why the long line?  Well, in case you didn't know...October 15th is the tax extension deadline, the day I hate.  I would love to say I had only experienced this one time, but that wouldn't be the truth.  Since we own our company personally, we often have to go on an extension due to the nature of the construction business, and when we get paid by our clients.  We don't have much choice, if we want to have a roof over our heads and food on the table.  Sure, we have to pay interest, but the alternative is not so great.  But after many afternoons in the post office line on October 15th, I have realized one thing...we are not alone.

It's the old saying, one step forward...and two steps back, that is how I feel today.  I had a savings, and well, now I don't.  I understand that paying taxes is necessary, even God speaks of it in the bible.  And I know there are things my taxes pay for that are well needed, like the police and fire departments, road maintenance, schools, and all the other things...but I would just have felt better if it were staying in my nice little savings account.  Instead, it's back to square one, trying to make ends meet and starting the saving efforts again, (sigh)!!!

So, on this yucky rainy day when I pay my taxes to Uncle Sam... I do know I have to, (the two things you HAVE to do in life, die and pay taxes) but it doesn't mean I have to like it, right?  And it just means April 15th will be here before you know it :(  I remember those days when I used to look forward to tax filing because I would actually get money back!  Those were the days for sure :) What else can I do today but smile and just move on...

Friday, October 12, 2012

And the Fight for the Oval Office Continues...

Republican vice presidential nominee Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin answers a question.

Well, it is safe to say last night was at the very least entertaining...and although I already have my mind set on who I will vote for, I thought I would share a few bits and pieces I pulled from the debate based on observations, not my bias.

First of all, I felt Joe Biden debated much better than I anticipated, but needed to come across more controlled, less defensive, and more serious.  He seemed to laugh at some of the answers Paul Ryan gave, as if they were completely outlandish, which I thought to come across rude and unprofessional. I felt he stood his ground well, made solid points based on their political parties platform, and seemed knowledgeably on topics in general.

Secondly, I thought Paul Ryan presented himself as he usually does, was consistent calm and confident; however a bit taken aback by how Biden was acting.  Paul Ryan did articulate his words well, appeared compassionate toward the issues, and less defensive although he was being pressed very hard.  He basically debated as I expected he would, stood firm on what he believes, and how things must change in his opinion in order to save America from itself.

Thirdly, I felt the moderator did not do a very good job as she almost didn't seem to have control of things as she should have.  I almost felt like I was watching a hockey game which was getting more physical by the second, and the referees didn't do what they were supposed to do in order to maintain control of the game.  She allowed Biden to interrupt which is a big no no when debating, and to be honest, Biden should have shown restraint and waited his turn.  I also felt she didn't just state questions and then let them answer in a normal debate format.  She would even interrupt them to ask another probing question, and often times pressed Ryan, and yielded to Biden as if she was scared he might stand up and thump her if she stopped him.  Whether it was intentional or not, I do not feel the proper format of debating was followed, and the recklessness of the debate was felt by those watching it. Would have been interesting to see how things would have went had there been a different moderator.

And lastly, I knew as I watched that there would be no true clear winner of the debate as in the first debate between Obama and Romney.  They both performed quite well, both had very different styles in which they conducted themselves, and I suspect Biden felt he had to come out of the corner swinging to make up ground from the debate a week ago.  So, on we go to the next presidential debate next week, and only time will tell as to how that will all play out.  One thing is for sure, we are certainly not going to be bored no matter which side you are on.  All we can do is smile and just move on...

Thursday, October 11, 2012

How many parents does it take to read a teen text message?

What has the world come to that I have to use the internet to help figure out what a teen text message means?  And guess how stupid I felt when I looked up IK only to find out it means, I KNOW!? It takes so much brain power that I can't afford to waste, why can't they just speak in plain English?!  I am still laughing at a post on Facebook of someone who just figured out LOL means laugh out loud, and not lots of love :) However, before I was in the know on this new text lingo, I too thought LOL was lots of love too.

We have IDK, JK, IK, OMG, LOL, LMAO, and the list goes on and on...is this what the older generation felt like when Elvis gave his first pelvic thrust on TV? And he sure looks tame compared to Lady Gaga now, doesn't he?  All I have to say is thank goodness for the Internet slang/text look up sites or else we old folks would never know what they are saying.  So, our detective work begins with catching the text before it is erased, then using the Internet to "decode" the text, then follow up with our teens based on what we think we figured out they and their friends were saying! I don't know about you, but by the time I get to the kid, I am plum worn out...what happened to just being able to eaves drop over the phone, the home phone that is...you know the ones that used to hang on our wall and have a cord attached so we could never get too far out of ear shot from our parents.  Or of course, they could always just go pick up another line and listen right in to both sides of the conversation.

These days kids would just rather send text and forget the real communication of actually hearing the others voice.  It seems sad to me, but I guess times are a changing and it isn't going to change based on my opinion that is for sure.  Not much else I can say, I suppose all I can do is smile and just move on :) but I can still miss the good old days of hanging on the phone just to be able to continue to hear their voice and say, "You hang up, no you hang up first, no you..."

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

It's Recipe Wednesday...Toni's Famous Granola Bars

It's recipe Wednesday and you know what that means...a recipe that is tried and true in the McDonald household.  Now today's recipe is courtesy of my most beautiful cousin, Toni!  I sampled these yummy homemade granola bars at her house one day and HAD to have the recipe!!! I will tell you she mills her own whole wheat, I however just use store bought whole wheat flour and they are just the same (don't tell Toni).  You of course can add in whatever your family likes and omit what they don't, of courtesy.  I can't express how great these are and my daughter has several of her friends at school hooked on them too.  Best of all, there is no refined white sugar in them, as they are sweetened with honey and brown sugar :) which is Mother Nature's sweeteners. I found a picture of this deliciousness, so enjoy!

Toni's Granola Bars

dry ingredients:
4 c. rolled oats (old fashion)
1 c. packed brown sugar
1 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
2 c. whole wheat flour (you could use any flour you choose)
1 1/2 tsp. salt
optional items:
3/4 c. coconut
2 Tbsp. toasted sesame seeds
2 c. semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/2 c. raisins or craisins
1/2 c. Almonds, Peanuts, Pecans or Walnuts
1/2 c. Sunflower seeds

wet ingredients:
3/4 c. canola oil
1 c. honey
2 eggs, beaten
4 tsp. vanilla

Mix all dry ingredients well in a big bowl. Mix all wet ingredients in separate bowl. Make well in center of dry mix and pour in wet mixture in center. Mix altogether until dry ingredients are wet.  Use a big spoon or your hands, not a mixer. Pat the mixture evenly into a greased or oil sprayed 11 x 17 cookie sheet or jelly roll pan.  It will be sticky so use a piece of waxed paper sprayed lightly with oil to pat down.  Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes. Remove after the edges just start to brown.  They will become dry if you over-bake.  Cool for 5 minutes then cut into bars while still warm and store in airtight container.  When deciding on which dry optional items to add, I wouldn't choose them all.  I usually add the chocolate chips, coconut, and raisins.  Just don't add so many dry that the wet mixture won't mix all the way through :)  you won't be sorry you took the time to make these, and I find they take the place of cookies and are a bit more healthy...which makes me smile and just move on.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How can I be sick? I never get sneezed or snotted on...

I am typing this from my phone because I can't even get out of bed! Sickness has taken hold of me like the grim reaper, and I'm sure I know the original source...or sources I should say!

If it wasn't one of my sweet sneezing, snotting kids, it was my long time sneezing, coughing, snoring bed partner husband. Mom has the job of nurse, but when nurse Momma goes down, watch out! I am utterly amazed how quickly the house can go from tidy to T total disaster. Maybe because as I walk from the kitchen to the living room, I make a brief stop to pick up toys on the floor and put them in the toy box. Or on my way to the laundry room, I place a few dishes in the dishwasher from the sink. It doesn't make logical order of operation sense really, but I suppose it works and is a subconscious knee jerk reaction to a mom who likes order! But, not everyone possesses this ability, my husband may have it a bit...but not like I do. My family often just walk over it and continue with whatever they were doing, which I think is pretty normal behavior for a husband and kids.

My crazy clean germaphobic friend and I have decided it takes approximately 2 hours a day to maintain a home that is presentable to an unexpected guest. Now this time is not included in normal routine weekly cleaning such as dusting, vacuuming and the cleaning of bathrooms; this 2 hours is in addition to that delightful toilet scrubbing, vacuum sweating fun!

In other words, just the day in day out pick up, straighten up, put away Momma detail is vital to a families home tidiness; and when Momma gets sick, it often takes days after her illness goes away to help the house recover too! And if you are like me, as I lay in bed, I sit and think of all I could/should be doing and can't. But I don't worry, it will surely be there when I'm back to my old self again. Besides, all I can really do in this situation is smile and just move on :)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

A Good Friend Will Stay, When Others Walk Away!

It was a funny little greeting exercise this morning during church, tell the person beside you a wise saying you were told by your parents.  I said, "If you don't have anything to say, don't say anything at all!" My husbands was, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."  But the beautifully dressed and manicured woman behind me said, "A good friend stays, when others walk away..." Those words struck me square in between the eyes, as I have seen hardship in my forty years, and have had some friends stick around...and others fall by the wayside.  Some maybe were on purpose, some just because life got in the way, some because I couldn't keep up with the "Jones'" anymore...I will never really know, and to be honest, it really doesn't matter.  What does matter, is what or who I should say is left when all else has fallen around you.

My hope is that you haven't seen the hardship and heartache I have in my life, but one thing I know for sure...If my friends are still with me, then they are friends forever.  I often see others who have so many friends it's hard to keep up with them all.  I see people who have friends that, well, bring them down or hold them back.  I have even seen friends that have no earthly idea how to be a good friend to save their lives.  But the true friends are the ones you can share your soul with, call and cry when the words can't even be made sense of, the ones that hurt when you hurt, are elated when you are beyond happy, and feel sorrow when you are in the depths of despair.  They are the ones that you rely on most, even if you haven't spoken in days, or even weeks on end.  They may be next door, or many miles may separate you, but they are there the second you need them, whatever the reason.  I am fortunate to have several of these amazing people in my lives.  You know who you are because you know everything about me, the good, the bad, and the ugly, yet you still love me all the same.

If you have friends bogging you down, you can be friendly...just make sure you have the ones that will stay, because they are priceless!!! And for those that walked away, smile and just move on!

Friday, October 5, 2012

It's Fabulous Friday!!! Hats off to working Mommy's!

I say fabulous Friday, however when I sprung out of bed this morning thinking we had overslept for school, I shouted, "is today Saturday?"  Which my husband thought was quite funny, and laughed at me.  Reason being, I'm a stay at home mom and often have little idea what day it is, especially the date.  I remember when  Friday was the fabulous day because it was the end of a long work week, and the beginning of the much deserved weekend.  Now, for me Friday is just another day in a world of 24/7 work week as a Mommy.

But, I will say, Mommy's that work...I take my hat off to you!!! I truly and honestly don't know how you get it all done.  Maybe you are more efficient than me, more organized, need less sleep, and you get the point.  It is hard enough being a Mommy, doing all the things we have to do on a daily basis.  But adding in a 40 hour work week, that makes my head spin just at the thought!  Having school-aged kids would take some of the pressure off, other than if your kids are in tons of extra-curricular activities and you switch to Taxi Mom!  However, having a baby, toddler, or preschooler...holy shamolly!!!  It is a daily uphill battle to keep those little ones in clean clothes, fed, diapered, bathed, and sleeping...adding in packing for childcare, actually being presentable to the world before noon, doing laundry late at night, grocery shopping when everyone else is at the store, and WOW! I am exhausted just thinking about it.  So, on this most fabulous Friday, I say, WAY TO GO WORKING MOMMA'S! YOU ROCK!!! Enjoy your weekend to the nth degree!  And as for me, who didn't even know what day it was this morning...I will Smile and just move on...

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Recipe Wednesday on Thursday

Well, yesterday was to be RECIPE WEDNESDAY, but since I had to let my emotions flood out over the loss of my sweet old Buddy dog, recipe Wednesday will have to be on Thursday this week.  The recipe I chose for today is a family recipe from my Grandma  called "Sausage Casserole."

My Grandma Richeson has always been one to cook some of my favorite recipes of all time, and I will be sharing them with you.  Not to sound sad two days in a row, but my Grandma is having a rough go lately too!  She is suffering from Alzheimer's, is in assisted living, and knows where she is and wants to go home...but obviously can't, or else she could walk off and get lost, or burn the house down.  Talk about heartbreaking, she was the grandma who used to climb up in a deer stand and hunt with a bow and arrow.  Now she wears diapers, can't even remember to take her meds, or recognize me and my kids in a photo I mailed to her in a card :(

Anyway, here is the recipe and I hope you enjoy it as much as my family does.  I have also taken a picture of it as I just made this for my own family a few days ago.  Trying today to Smile and just move on...but still not there yet.

1/2 lb pk whole package breakfast sausage (mild or spicy depending on preference)
1/2 cup Green or Red pepper chopped finely
1/2 cup diced sweet onion
1 cup diced celery
2 pkg of Lipton Chicken noodle soup mix add dry (which is a box with both pkgs used)
2 1/2 cups boiling water
1 cup  rice of your choice (I used white rice, but you could use your favorite, just not instant or 5 minute)\
1/4 tsp sea salt

Brown sausage, pepper, onion and celery in skillet until sausage is thoroughly cooked and other ingredients are soft.  In separate large pot combine soup mix, rice, and water.  Simmer on low heat for about 20 minutes or as rice specifies per directions. Check rice mixture occasionally to make sure rice is not sticking to the bottom of the pot.  Once rice is cooked, add in sausage mixture and stir thoroughly adding salt in as you stir. Place in a Pam sprayed shallow baking dish, I used a 9 x 9 glass dish with a lid for storing leftovers without having to transfer once the family was finished with dinner and second servings :)  Bake at 350 degrees F for about 20 minutes uncovered.  Can be served with a simply salad or veggie of your choice.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

no smiling here...not today, just can't

As some of you may have seen from my personal FB comment, I had to put my black Lab who was 13 1/2 yrs old down this morning.  I am typing this looking through very red, burning eyes, and my head is pounding from the amount of crying I have done since I knew it was time.  I think that is the hardest part, when is it time?  I am awful for second guessing myself, and God love my husband's heart, he is absolutely no help in this department.  I actually prayed before I went to bed last night that he would just pass in the night so I didn't have to face the inevitable this morning, but that didn't work.  I knew in my heart it was best for him, but so hard for me to make myself load him into the car and drive him to the vet.

Pets are a part of the family, and always show love and affection unconditionally.  We have had at least two Labs for the last 16 1/2 of the 18 yrs of marriage, and puppies were my solution when we had a long run of infertility.  That's how we ended up with three Labs, one of each color, sleeping in our bed with us before Lily was even born.  Buddy was the last of the original three, and although he surely lived a long, happy life; it still doesn't take away the pain felt every time I look at where he used to lay next to my bedside.  It will take time to mend my broken heart, and he will always be known as our crazy fetching Buddy to anyone who knew him in his younger days.

I will not go on and on, as I really don't have it in me today for sure.  I will love on my dog Buster and my kitty, try to help my daughter work through the loss of Buddy, and spend time with my family; but today I must say, I simply can't Smile and just move on...not yet :(

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

There could never be a more beautiful YOU!!!

I recently was introduced to a singer who has Christian lyrics and sounds like a country star!  Well, needless to say, that for me is the match made in heaven.  He was a guest worship leader at our church a few weeks back as he is friends with some of the other worship leaders.  I had never heard of him, and although I saw they had a little table out front selling CD's and such, I didn't know I was about to hear my new favorite artist!  He sang a song that morning that struck a chord with me, and it has become mine and Lily's fav.  I will attach a YouTube video that is officially from Jonny Diaz for you to watch and listen.  I can't imagine how any one single person alive hasn't felt conscientious of their weight, hair, skin, clothes, and a whole host of other physical attributes at some point or other.  I admittedly still struggle with self-image myself, and I'm 40 years old for goodness sake!

Unfortunately we live in a society where perfect is difficult to achieve, and we compare ourselves to those in magazines who are airbrushed, manipulated, and photo-shopped.  And we wonder why our younger generations are filled with eating disorders, boys and girls. It makes me want to cry thinking of the pressure now, and I still vividly remember how tough the pressure was when I was young.  Or what the pressure, for that matter, still is for a 40 yr old Momma who drives a minivan, needs a tummy tuck, and varicose vein work :(  What have we become that how God made us isn't good enough?  And if you have legitimate complaints about your figure, then go for a walk, eat a salad, and make healthier choices. You owe it to yourself to be the best you that you can possibly be.  Make the effort to create a healthy lifestyle, but don't change who you are because of social pressure.  God made you perfect, and well...He doesn't make mistakes, it simply isn't possible!!!

So here is my advice for the two cents it is worth. When thoughts of comparing yourself to magazine covers, or your neighbor who is 1/2 your age and runs 50 miles a week; watch this video, listen to the words, then SMILE and just move on!

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Candy Corn Diet

Why oh why do I do it to myself year after year?  I go on a candy corn diet, and the results are never positive.  It would just seem so wrong to not indulge in these sweet, colorful, yummy fall treats!  And worst of all, I now have my daughter and son hooked.  My little guy will stand at the counter, pointing to the pumpkin shaped glass container holding these little nuggets of deliciousness, and chant corns, corns, corns!  Now the child won't even think about touching a real kernel of corn, but he is all about the yellow, orange, and white ones.  When I was small I remember for some strange reason loving the white tips best; what it the world? There are not different flavors for each color like that of a multicolored popsicle, but in my mind I suppose there was :)  Then of course there is the candy pumpkins made of the same goodness as candy corns, yet with more volume per bite.  There is just something about the feeling of pulling on your favorite jeans, digging out your old, faded sweatshirt from back in the day, and a mouth full of candy corns.  Fall is surely in the air, and after the hot summer we just endured...I am more than ready.  Besides, fall is my most favoritest season!  But be careful, don't let the candy corn diet overcome you, or else your favorite jeans may not stay your favorites for long, if ya know what I mean.  And if by chance the temptation becomes too great...well,  then smile and just move on...